
After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

As the saying goes: "A soldier dies for a confidant, and a woman is tolerant of those who please herself." Whether a general is good enough depends on how many soldiers are willing to serve faithfully and sacrifice their precious lives for him.

The chairman of the great leaders of modern China is the one who led many revolutionary predecessors to seek a new life for many people, to create a miracle in China's modern history, and to lead compatriots living in the depths of the waters to the road of peace and well-off. Without the Communist Party and without the Chairman, there would be no happy life today.

Such a great chairman naturally has a strong appeal, and many people around him love him very much and are willing to follow him, and the person we want to introduce today is a person who is very much looking forward to the chairman.

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

His name was Long Kaifu, and he was the chairman's guard, who had always admired him very much and was awarded the rank of major general after the founding of the country. All his life, he has been constantly striving and dedicating himself to the people.

Long Kaifu was born in 1908 in Baila, Huotian, Chaling County, Hunan Province. Only 18 years old, he had already participated in the Hunan peasant uprising, and at a young age, he was very brave, killing a large landlord who had been oppressing the local peasants, although he was hunted down by the Nationalist government, but the surrounding people were grateful to this brave teenager from the bottom of their hearts.

The following year, Long Kaifu was cornered, and in order to realize his pursuit, he found and joined the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, and began to devote himself to the revolution. It was here that he met our Chairman, who was then the leader of the Red Army. Both of them were from Hunan, and the chairman was very happy to learn that he had such a deed at a young age during his exchanges with Long Kaifu, and thought that there were people after the revolution.

Therefore, he said to Long Kaifu: "At the age of 18, he dared to kill the landlord, there must be a chance, follow me" The chairman decided to stay with him, and Long Kaifu was very excited by the praise, and he immediately agreed when he was encouraged.

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

Long Kaifu is not only very brave, but also particularly loyal and honest. He never complained about the hardships of the revolution. During the Jinggangshan Revolution, the chairman needed to be transferred, and Long Kaifu's task was to protect the chairman and the chairman's many materials and works. He did not know a few words, he picked up these documents every day, although he was a little aggrieved, but after understanding these things, he knew that these things were extremely important, And Long Kaifu was more active, the war was raging, and the soldiers were killed and injured countless times, and he still insisted on completing the task.

Long Kaifu successfully completed the task, but these simple papers are the treasures of human literature, so he has always been proud of them, and later joked with others: "The chairman's book was written by him, and I also picked it out." ”

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

Long Kaifu knew that the chairman loved to read, and whenever he went to a place, he had to read under the lamp even if he was busy with the work at hand. So Long Kaifu tried to find some newspapers or books everywhere, and the chairman was very excited after receiving them, often seeing them in the middle of the night under the oil lamp, and he often praised these newspapers collected by Long Kaifu, which were very useful for understanding the political situation in Xianggan and Gansu provinces.

In addition, Long Kaifu also has one of the biggest advantages: it is very motivated. The year after joining the Revolutionary Army, he applied to join the Party, and in 1939, he came to yan'an to study at the Marxist-Leninist Academy, and made great progress. During the period of the agrarian revolution, Long Kaifu successively served as the commander of the communications platoon of the General Political Department of the Red Army, the political commissar of the artillery battalion of the Red 1Stour Army, the chief of the 4th Section of the Headquarters of the Red 1st Army, and other important positions, and also participated in the anti-encirclement and suppression struggles and the Long March of the Red Army. After the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Long Kaifu not only served as the commander of the guard battalion of the Central Military Commission, but also served as the director of the Commercial Management Department of the Central Military Commission.

One day, the staff around the Chairman asked to take a picture with him as a souvenir, and the Chairman agreed. However, when he was ready to take pictures, he found that Long Kaifu was not there, and the chairman had to wait for Long Kaifu to come and take a photo.

During his time in Yan'an, Once Long Kaifu suffered from tuberculosis and his life was in danger. After hearing this, the chairman instructed: "With the best medicine, we must also keep Long Kaifu at any cost." ”

Therefore, after Long Kaifu recovered from his illness, everyone said: "Only loyalty in this life can repay the chairman!" "The feelings between the two are mutual, the chairman values him, and he also strives to repay the chairman."

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

After staying together for such a long time, Long Kaifu and the chairman had a very deep affection, and when he went to the front-line battlefield during the Liberation War, he participated in several major battles, made great achievements, and held higher and higher offices.

However, he has expressed more than once that he wants to give up his important position and return to the chairman to continue to work as a guard, which shows that he is very loyal to the chairman.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Long Kaifu received the rank of major general, and also won the Order of August 1 of the Second Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Second Class, and the Liberation Medal of the Second Class, and continued to serve as the director of the Logistics Department of the Military Region.

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

The chairman always remembered him, and in a letter to Long Kaifu in 1950, he instructed: "Now that you are a leading cadre, you must pay attention to being modest and cautious, study well, and serve the people more." To be leading cadres, we must go deeper into reality, conduct investigations and studies, and maintain close ties with the masses. ”

In 1956, Long Kaifu traveled to Beijing on a business trip and went to Zhongnanhai to meet the chairman. The Chair asked with interest about his progress in learning. Long Kaifu's answer was as simple as many army generals from workers and peasants: "There is no problem in reading the chairman's book!" His words also made the chairman laugh.

In September 1976, Long Kaifu, who had been struggling in the front line, suddenly fell seriously ill, his brain was confused, he was delirious, and even directly comatose several times. Until September 9, 1976, the news of the president's death came out, the whole country mourned, and the family was worried that he did not tell him the truth. At the beginning of the second year, Long Kaifu, who had been unconscious, actually woke up and muttered to himself: "The chairman has called me, I am leaving, I am going to follow his old man's home" As soon as the words came out, the family instantly burst into tears.

In February 1977, Long Kaifu died. Marshal Ye knew that and asked people to place his ashes in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery, fulfilling his wish to be closer to the chairman after his death.

After the president's death, the founding major general, who had been unconscious for several months, suddenly woke up and said: I am going to find the chairman!

Long Kaifu's lover Gao Yuqing was also a female soldier of the Red Army, and after both of them died, their children opened the small tin cabinet that the two of them had always treasured, only to find that it was an old military uniform, a bad watch, and a photo of the chairman.

The people around the chairman have such respect for the chairman, we can not only see the revolutionary friendship between them, but also feel the great personality charm of the chairman, and it is in this way that he can lead us to finally win the victory of the War of Resistance.

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