
Draw the strength of the Long March from the Battle of the Xiang River

author:Seeking truth

Draw the strength of the Long March from the Battle of the Xiang River

Liu Ning

  The Battle of the Xiangjiang River, which took place in the northern Guibei region of Guangxi in 1934, was a heroic battle of the Red Army's Long March and an important historical event that determined the life and death of the Chinese revolution. In this mighty and earth-shattering battle, tens of thousands of Red Army officers and men braved their lives and followed their predecessors, regarded death as if they were returning home, fought with blood, and at a heavy price of more than half of their losses, covered the main force of the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army from crossing the Xiang River, preserved the backbone strength and precious spark for the Red Army, and wrote a rich and extremely tragic stroke in the history of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese revolution. In April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the first stop in Guangxi and came to the Memorial Park of the Xiangjiang Campaign of the Red Army's Long March. The general secretary said with great affection: "It is my wish to come to Guangxi and come to Jeonju to see the Battle of the Xiangjiang River. This battle is the most impressive in my mind, and I talk about it the most. ”

  In the study and education of party history, the guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region party committee has paid attention to making good use of red resources such as the Xiangjiang Campaign, guiding the vast number of party members and cadres throughout the region to fully understand the brilliant achievements, arduous course, and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle, so as to make the study of history clear and reasonable, the study of history to increase credibility, the study of history to revere virtue, and the study of history to practice. December 1, 2021, is the 87th anniversary of the victorious breakthrough of the Xiangjiang River by the Central Red Army. At such a special time node, the standing committee of the new party committee in Guangxi followed the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping to the site of the Red Army's Long March on the Xiangjiang River. A grass and a tree, a loyal soul, a mountain, a stone and a monument. Here, we carry out on-site party history study and education, deeply study the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and revisit the series of important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on guangxi's work. We have once again profoundly realized the political nature of the Red Army officers and men who are loyal to the party, their unswerving ideals and convictions, their spirit of sacrifice with courage to dedicate themselves to their lives, their overriding heroism, and their high fighting spirit of not fearing hardships and dangers, and we have also deeply realized that to take the long march in the new era, we must enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," achieve the "two safeguards," keep firmly in mind the "great power of the country," and concentrate our efforts on building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and magnificent Guangxi.

  I. The Battle of the Xiangjiang River profoundly enlightens us: The core is the soul of victory, and we must adhere to the "two establishments" and achieve "two safeguards."

  In a country and a political party, the core of leadership is crucial. The century-old party history has repeatedly proved that when the party has a core of leadership and the whole party maintains the core, the party's cause will flourish and be invincible; on the contrary, the party's cause may suffer setbacks and stagnate.

  At the beginning of the founding of our party, because it did not form a mature central leading collective and did not form a strong leadership core, the party's cause suffered repeated setbacks, repeatedly fell into passivity, and even faced the danger of failure. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, our Party summed up the lessons and lessons of the Failure of the Great Revolution and the Armed Uprising, established the Central Revolutionary Base Area and the Chinese Soviet Republic, established red army units and revolutionary base areas throughout the country, smashed the Kuomintang's many military "encirclement and suppression", and the revolutionary fire re-ignited in the vast areas. However, due to the erroneous leadership of "Left" dogmatism within the Party and the failure of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign in the Central Revolutionary Base Areas, the Red Army had to carry out a strategic shift and an arduous Long March.

Draw the strength of the Long March from the Battle of the Xiang River
  The Battle of the Xiangjiang River was a magnificent battle of the Red Army's Long March and an important historical event that determined the life and death of the Chinese revolution. The picture shows the memorial hall of the Red Army's Long March xiangjiang campaign in Quanzhou County, Guilin City, Guangxi Province. Courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee

  During the Long March, the officers and men of the Red Army fought more than 600 battles against the enemy, and the Xiangjiang Campaign was one of the most tragic, tragic, and crucial of them. After this battle, the Red Army paid a heavy price, and the Central Red Army fell from more than 86,000 people at the beginning of the Long March to more than 30,000 people. The bitter lessons also completely exposed the errors of the "Left" line, prompting a change in the strategy of the Red Army and the convening of the Zunyi Conference. The Zunyi Conference held in January 1935 actually established Comrade Mao Zedong's leading position in the Party Central Committee and the Red Army, began to establish the leading position of the correct Marxist line with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative in the Party Central Committee, began to form the first generation of the Party's central leading collective with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core, and saved the Party, the Red Army, and the Chinese revolution at the most critical juncture.

  Looking back at the party's centennial journey, the Communist Party of China has united and led the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all nationalities throughout the country to wage an arduous and extremely arduous struggle to win national independence, the liberation of the people, and to realize the prosperity and strength of the country and the happiness of the people. Especially since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, with the great spirit of historical initiative, great political courage, and strong responsibility, has taken charge of great struggles, great projects, great causes, and great dreams, issued a series of major principles and policies, launched a series of major measures, promoted a series of major work, overcome a series of major risks and challenges, solved many difficult problems that have long been wanted to be solved but have not been solved, and accomplished many major things that were wanted to be done but failed to be done in the past. Promote the cause of the party and the state to achieve historic achievements and historic changes.

  The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China profoundly pointed out that the party's establishment of comrade Xi Jinping's core position as the core of the party central committee and the core position of the whole party, and the establishment of the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era reflect the common aspirations of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and are of decisive significance to the development of the cause of the party and the country in the new era and to the historical process of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Now, the party has united and led the Chinese people to embark on a new road to achieve the second centenary goal, opened a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has shown an unprecedented bright future. However, as General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means easy and can be achieved by beating a gong and a drum, and we are facing many risks and challenges that can be predicted and unpredictable. On the road of the Long March in the new era, only by unswervingly adhering to the "two establishments" and achieving the "two safeguards" can we firmly unite the will of the whole party, closely unite the people of all nationalities throughout the country, and form a mighty force of unity of purpose, indomitable progress, and indestructible strength. It is necessary to profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments," resolutely regard the "two safeguards" as the highest political criterion and fundamental political rule, earnestly enhance political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and at all times and under any circumstances always fully trust the core ideologically, resolutely safeguard the core politically, consciously obey the core organizationally, deeply identify with the core emotionally, always follow the core in action, and always follow the core in political stance, political direction, political principles, and The political road is highly consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core.

  Second, the Xiangjiang Campaign has profoundly enlightened us: Revolutionary ideals are higher than heaven, and we must earnestly strengthen our faith, conviction, and confidence

  "Revolutionary ideals are higher than heaven. It is precisely because the Red Army is a revolutionary army with ideals and convictions that it can regard death as a homecoming, live toward death, forge ahead, be reborn in a desperate situation, and burst out of the heroic spirit of not being overwhelmed by all enemies but overwhelming all enemies. Why did the Chinese revolution succeed when others thought it was impossible to succeed? The secret of success lies here. When visiting the memorial hall of the Xiangjiang Campaign of the Long March of the Red Army, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly explained the great significance of the Xiangjiang Campaign. The general secretary also earnestly taught us: No matter how great the difficulties, think of the Long March of the Red Army and the bloody battle on the XiangJiang River. To increase our credibility in the study and education of party history, we must strengthen our faith, conviction, and confidence; this is a powerful spiritual force for us to defeat all strong enemies, overcome all difficulties, and win all victories. In the unprecedentedly tragic Battle of the Xiangjiang River, countless red army officers and men, with firm conviction and persistent pursuit of Marxism and communism, stubbornly blocked the Kuomintang army, which had absolute superiority in strength and firepower, with their flesh and blood.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that there is faith in the heart and strength under the feet. Whether in the past, at present or in the future, faith in Marxism and communism, faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and confidence in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are all powerful spiritual forces that guide and support the people of Chinese to stand up, get rich, and become strong. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that ideals and beliefs are the spiritual "calcium" of communists, and if communists do not have ideals and beliefs, they will be "deficient in calcium" in spirit and will suffer from "hypochondriasis", which will inevitably lead to political deterioration, economic greed, moral degeneration, and corruption in life. Looking back at the glorious history of the party over the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has sparked fire and grown stronger because it has adhered to the truth and adhered to the ideal, has endured hardships and become more and more courageous because it has adhered to the truth and adhered to the ideal, and won the people and won victories because it has adhered to the truth and adhered to the ideal. On the road to realizing the new goal of the second centenary struggle, only by always taking upholding the truth and adhering to ideals as the foundation for communists to settle down and establish their lives can we continue to achieve good results in the examination and show a new atmosphere and new deeds in the new era and new journey.

  On the great journey of marching together with the whole country toward the second centenary goal and cohesively building a magnificent Guangxi of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we will still encounter many "Loushan Pass, Lazikou, and Xiangjiang Crossings" and will still face various difficulties and severe challenges. We must regard the history of the party over the past hundred years and the history of the Xiangjiang Campaign as vivid teaching materials for strengthening our ideals and convictions, more profoundly understand the hard-won red regime, the hard-won new China, and the hard-won socialism with Chinese characteristics; more profoundly understand the scientific and truthfulness, the people's nature, the practical nature, the openness, and the epochal nature of Marxism; and more profoundly understand that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the inevitable result of historical development, the only way to develop China, and the scientific truth that has been tested through practice. The belief in communism strengthens the belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthens the confidence in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, consciously becomes a firm believer and faithful practitioner of the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and strives to create historical merits that belong to our generation and are worthy of the new era.

  Third, the Xiangjiang Campaign has profoundly enlightened us: only with correct ideological guidance can we usher in a great victory, and we must unswervingly advance in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee

  Direction determines the road, and the road determines destiny. The party's brilliant achievements over the past century have fully proved that correct ideological guidance is of the utmost importance; no matter how tortuous the road of the revolution is, as long as there is correct ideological guidance, it will certainly be able to win the final victory. After the Battle of xiangjiang, the Central Red Army gradually unified its thinking through the Passage Conference, the Liping Conference, and the Monkey Farm Conference, laying an ideological foundation and cadre foundation for the Zunyi Conference and for the Central Red Army to find a correct line politically, ideologically, organizationally, and militarily.

Draw the strength of the Long March from the Battle of the Xiang River
  The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry is the top priority of the high-quality development of China's As a landmark equipment manufacturing enterprise in China, Guangxi Liugong Group Co., Ltd. has developed into an international enterprise with total assets of more than 45 billion yuan and 32 kinds of complete machine product lines in 13 categories, such as excavation machinery, scraping machinery and agricultural machinery. The picture shows LiuGong's large excavator assembly workshop. Courtesy of Guangxi Liugong Group Co., Ltd

  Political orientation is the first issue of the party's survival and development, and it has a bearing on the party's future and destiny and the success or failure of its cause. If there is a deviation from the question of direction, a subversive mistake will be made. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly told a story in the Long March: "When the Red Army crossed the meadow, comrade Brother-in-Law went to bed together, not asking whether there was rice to cook today, but first asking whether to go south or north. This shows that in the ranks of the Red Army, even a cooker understands that the question of direction is more important than what to eat. "This story vividly and profoundly illustrates the extreme importance of direction. It is precisely in the lessons of bloodshed and under the guidance of correct thinking that the COMMUNIST Party of China has found a bright direction and finally explored and formed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics that conforms to China's actual conditions.

  Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to and cared for guangxi's work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has affection for the people of all ethnic groups in Zhuangxiang, and has made important instructions and instructions on many occasions, and specially inscribed a plaque on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the autonomous region, "Building a Magnificent Guangxi and Realizing the Dream of Rejuvenation". The general secretary visited Guangxi twice, and when he inspected Guangxi in 2021, he asked us to follow the general requirements of the "four new" to highlight the important work in four aspects and unite our efforts to build socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. This further points out the direction of progress and provides fundamental guidelines for Guangxi's high-quality economic and social development. We must always be grateful to the party, listen to the party, follow the party, bear in mind the "two overall situations" and care for the "great power of the country", transform the care and love of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee into a powerful force that encourages the people of all ethnic groups in the region to unite and forge ahead and move forward courageously, break new ground in promoting the high-quality development of border ethnic areas, show new deeds in service and integration into the new development pattern, take new steps in promoting green development, show new responsibilities in consolidating and developing national unity, social stability, and border tranquility, and strive to build more prosperous and prosperous. The magnificent Guangxi, which is more united and harmonious, more open and inclusive, more civilized and rule of law, and more livable and healthy, has contributed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Fourth, the Xiangjiang Campaign has profoundly enlightened us: Only by having the courage to win, the courage to make breakthroughs, and the courage to make sacrifices can we defeat the enemy and win victory, and we must carry forward the spirit of struggle, strengthen the will to struggle, and enhance the ability to struggle

  Dare to struggle and dare to win is an invincible and powerful spiritual force for the party and the people. All the achievements of the Party and the people have not fallen from the sky or been gifted by others, but have been achieved through continuous struggle. Our party has grown from an organization of more than 50 people to the world's largest ruling party with more than 95 million party members, leading a country with a population of more than 1.4 billion people, and having major global influence.

  In the Battle of the Xiangjiang River, which broke through the fourth blockade line of the Kuomintang army, the officers and men of the Red Army launched a blockade battle against the Kuomintang army in Xinwei, Jiaoshanpu, Guanghuapu and other places, guarding the passage across the river with blood and life. In the Battle of Xinxu, in order to cover the crossing of the river by two columns of the Central Military Commission, the Fifth Division of the Third Red Army resolutely carried out the iron order of "insisting on three to four days at all costs." In this battle, the commanders and fighters of the Red Fourteenth and Red Fifteenth Regiments, under the unfavorable circumstances of the huge disparity between the enemy and our troops, carried forward the revolutionary spirit of being brave and tenacious and not afraid of sacrifice, fought with the enemy one hill at a time, fought bloodily for three days and nights, and suffered more than 2,000 casualties; the chief of staff of the Fifth Red Division, the commander of the Red Fourteenth Regiment, the deputy regimental commander, the chief of staff, and the director of the Political Department all died heroically; the leaders of the Red Fifteenth Regiment, the political commissar, and the political commissar of the Red Fourteenth Regiment were seriously wounded, and most of the cadres below the battalion level were sacrificed. The officers and men of the Red Army broke through the fourth blockade line of the Kuomintang army with their flesh and blood, and in the midst of blood and fire, they forged a revolutionary road towards new life and victory.

  The Xiangjiang Campaign is a microcosm of our party's fearlessness of a strong enemy, a fear of risks, a courage to struggle, and a courage to win. "Between the world and the earth of life, there are dangers in the long road." No party in the world has encountered so many hardships and obstacles, experienced so many life and death tests, and paid so many tragic sacrifices like us. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has grasped the strategic initiative to deal with risks and challenges, united and led the whole Party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to carry out great struggles with many new historical characteristics 3. Resolve major contradictions. History and practice have repeatedly proved that the backbone and quality of not being afraid of a strong enemy, not being afraid of risks, daring to struggle, and daring to win victories are the most distinctive characteristics and characteristics of our party.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that our party has relied on struggle to get to today, and it is inevitable to rely on struggle to win the future. At present, the world's unprecedented major changes in a century have accelerated their evolution, the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is extensive and far-reaching, and the various risks and challenges facing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have increased significantly. Guangxi belongs to an underdeveloped province and autonomous region, and is also an ethnic minority area, an old revolutionary area, and a border area; the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region is at a time when the boat-to-middle wandering is more urgent and the road to the middle of the mountain is steeper, and when it is necessary to retreat if it does not advance, it is necessary to advance, and it is necessary to accurately grasp the historical characteristics of the great struggle in the new era, always maintain the heroic spirit of moving forward the more difficult and dangerous it is, and like the soldiers of the Red Army in the Xiangjiang Campaign, they are brave in victory, courage in making breakthroughs, and courageous in making sacrifices, and resolutely overcome all difficulties, dangers, obstacles, and major risks and challenges on the road ahead. It is necessary to continue to carry forward the stubborn spirit of struggle, sharpen the tenacious will to struggle, cultivate excellent fighting skills, struggle against difficulties, struggle against problems, struggle against laziness in government and slackness, struggle against avoiding difficulties and avoiding difficulties and escaping responsibility, struggle against behaviors that run counter to the requirements of the new era of the party, struggle against all people and things that violate laws and discipline, strive to withstand the wind and rain in major struggles, see the world, grow talents and strengthen their bones in the midst of strong winds and waves, and step by step break new paths, show new deeds, take new steps, and display new responsibilities.

  V. The Xiangjiang Campaign has profoundly enlightened us: The people are the source of strength for victory, and we must uphold the supremacy of the people, rely on the people in everything, and do everything for the people

  The century-old history of our party is a history of practicing the party's original mission and mission, and a history of the party and the people connecting hearts, breathing together, and sharing a common destiny. The fundamental purpose of the party uniting and leading the people to carry out revolution, construction, and reform is to enable the people to live a good life, no matter how much challenge and pressure they face, no matter how much sacrifice and price they pay, this point has always been unswerving and unwavering.

  Guibei is an area inhabited by ethnic minorities. The national work and mass work during the Xiangjiang Campaign were the vivid practice of building a new type of people's army. On the occasion of the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River, the General Political Department of the Red Army issued the "Instructions on principles on the work of the Yaomiao nationality," which demanded that "in all work, we must tirelessly" do a good job in national work. On the one hand, the Red Army fought fiercely with the Kuomintang troops, and on the other hand, it widely publicized the party's propositions, purposes, and ethnic policies through slogans and other forms, earnestly respected the customs and habits of all nationalities, and won the sincere support of the masses of the people. The masses of all nationalities sacrificed their lives and forgot their lives to lead the way for the Red Army, build bridges, rescue the wounded and sick, and take in the Red Army, thus becoming a strong backing for the Red Army to successfully break through the Xiang River. To this day, guibei still retains many revolutionary relics such as "Red Army Rock", "Red Army Building", "Red Army Pavilion", "Red Army Bridge", "Red Army Cave", "Red Army Well" and Red Army slogans. "Zhu Mao crossed the Yao Mountain, and the official hated me. In the winter month of Jia Shu Meng, Yao Took home. This poem, carved on a rock in Caixijie, Guilin City, where the Xiangjiang Campaign took place, conveys the touching history of the Deep Love between the Red Army and the people.

  The party's foundation lies in the people, its blood is in the people, and its strength lies in the people, and the people are the greatest confidence of the party in ruling and rejuvenating the country. The Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China profoundly summed up the valuable historical experience accumulated by our party in a hundred years of struggle, stressing that "upholding the supremacy of the people" is the spiritual wealth jointly created by the party and the people, and the whole party must always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, practice the people-centered development thinking, continuously realize, protect, and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, and unite and lead the people of all nationalities throughout the country to continuously strive for a better life.

  During his inspection in Guangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that making people's lives happy is "the greatest of the country", and it is necessary to continue to struggle at a new starting point and promote the common prosperity of all people to make more obvious substantive progress. "Come on, work hard, and march again!" To take the long march road of the new era well, we must bear in mind the general secretary's teachings, always stand firm on the people's stand, align ourselves with the lofty realm of "I will live up to the people without myself," profoundly understand the historical penetrating power and vivid appeal of "jiangshan is the people, and the people are the jiangshan", and always put the people in the highest position in our hearts. It is necessary to maintain close ties with the masses, persist in doing everything for the people and relying on the people in everything, persist in asking questions of the people, asking questions of the people, asking questions of the people, and asking questions of the people, insisting that the will of the people is the greatest politics and benefiting the people is the greatest responsibility, always thinking, standing together, and working together with the masses of the people, and striving to improve the balanced and coordinated inclusiveness of development, expanding the size of the middle-income group, promoting the equalization of basic public services, promoting the common prosperity of the people's spiritual life, and promoting the common prosperity of the peasants' rural areas, and constantly narrowing the gap between regions, urban and rural areas, and income. Accelerate the completion of infrastructure, public services and people's livelihood security shortcomings, seek more benefits for the people's livelihood, solve more people's livelihood worries, let the people of Zhuangxiang live a happy and beautiful life more quality and taste, let the people of Zhuangxiang have a good life, thousands of people sing and live in songs every day.

  Author: Secretary of the CPC Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee

Source: Qiushi 2022/01

Author: Liu Ning

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