
The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

Fan Zhongyan had imagined climbing the Yueyang Tower and seeing the mighty rivers and majestic mountains, so he stirred up his heart and wrote down the ancient song of "the world is worried and worried, and the world is happy and happy". And Pan Zhenwu, as the founding general of New China, raised a knife for the country to immediately town mountains and rivers, and his life, bowing down for the country, is also as Fan Zhongyan said, "the world is worried before the world, and the world is happy after the world."

Willing to fight for the country, a lifetime

In 1908, Pan Zhenwu was born into a peasant family in Hunan, formerly known as Pan Ren'an. The times gave birth to heroes, when China's mountains and rivers were broken, warlords were divided, great powers invaded, and various emerging ideas swept in, Pan Zhenwu, who was born in this turbulent era, was infected by emerging ideas since he was a child and joined the Communist Youth League in elementary school.

In 1926, the National Revolution entered a white-hot situation, the Xiang Army infighting made Pan Zhenwu's hometown father and elderly miserable, 18-year-old Pan Zhenwu in the face of this situation deeply powerless and angry, so he resolutely joined the Chinese Communist Youth League, and then participated in the Northern Expedition. Due to his young age and short stature, he was assigned to be a messenger.

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

However, "Yan Que An Zhi Hong Hu Zhi Ya"? Pan Zhenwu did not want to be trapped in a corner, and it happened that at this time his hometown formed a district farmers' association, and Pan Zhenwu volunteered to become a propaganda committee member of the association.

Under the suppression of the reactionary forces, the association was finally dissolved, and the members involved were successively threatened and killed by the reactionary forces. Pan Zhenwu was also included in the arrest list of the reactionary forces, and he had to change his real name, flee to other places, and began the days of hiding in Tibet and hiding his name.

Three years later, by chance, Pan Zhenwu joined our party and joined the Red Army, and his literary and artistic cells were also stimulated to a large extent at this time, and soon became the chief of the cultural and entertainment section, after the end of the Long March, he was appointed as the head of the regiment and political commissar, after the establishment of the revolutionary base area, he was sent to Quyang, Hebei Province, as the county magistrate, after the founding of the country, he was promoted all the way, but no matter what position he held, he never forgot his original intention, single-mindedly for the country and the people.

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

Low-key simplicity, do not forget the original intention

When he was the county magistrate in Quyang, Hebei Province, there was such an interesting thing that happened to Pan Zhenwu: An old peasant had something to look for the county magistrate, and when he stood in front of Pan Zhenwu, he looked him up and down, and said very doubtfully that he was looking for the county magistrate, Pan Zhenwu did not care, haha laughed and said that he was the county magistrate, and the old farmer hesitated: "You are dressed more than I am, how can you be the county magistrate?" ”

In the eyes of most people, the county chief should be neatly dressed and bright, while in Pan Zhenwu's eyes, as a county chief, he should think more about how to do more for the people, rather than having a false appearance. He lives a simple life, his trouser legs often carry the dirt stained with labor, he is low-key and humble, never pursues fame and profit, money and fame are all external things for him, and it is his pursuit to do more things for the people.

Another time, Pan Zhenwu returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, and the local villagers heard that the founding general had returned to his hometown and wanted to go to the street to see the style of the great general, but what everyone could not believe was that this person wearing a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet was actually the famous Pan Zhenwu. In the surprised eyes of the villagers, he just smiled helplessly and explained that he was Pan Zhenwu. The ancients often said: "Gentlemen are in fact, not in their glory, inside, not outside", and this sentence may be the best evaluation of Pan Zhenwu, who has two sleeves of clean wind, hard and simple, low-key and modest.

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

The Founding General's "Iron Man Tenderness"

In the process of joining the revolution, Pan Zhenwu was introduced to his lifelong partner in Yan'an: Feng Guangjin. After marrying Feng Guangjin, the two lived in harmony, and in the turbulent time of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, they gave birth to nine daughters. In the Famous Battles such as the Battle of Pingxingguan and the Battle of Liaoshen, Pan Zhenwu gradually came to the fore and made outstanding meritorious achievements, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Pan Zhenwu was also promoted many times, but despite this, he still had a clean wind in his sleeves and a clean life.

In the years of hand-in-hand with his wife, Pan Zhenwu respected his wife very much, he understood her hard work, thanked her for her dedication to the family, and consulted with her on major matters in the family, and often used "you" to call his wife. When treating his nine daughters, Pan Zhenwu also did a bowl of water, never favoring which daughter, even if the family economy is a little tight, Pan Zhenwu also buys nine copies of everything when buying things, he will buy beautiful clothes and exquisite trinkets for his daughters, but he is never willing to buy himself a new dress, a new pair of shoes.

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

Despite the family's financial constraints, Pan Zhenwu also tried his best to make his daughters spiritually rich, he taught his daughters to read and write, and also encouraged them to learn photography and fabric art, he understood that the real wealth does not need to be piled up with money, spiritual abundance and freedom is a priceless treasure, and under his cultivation, his daughters have a remarkable temperament, and have achieved "poetry and bookish self-glorification in the belly". Pan Zhenwu's usual words and deeds also affect his daughter, he respects and loves his wife, let the children learn to respect the elders, he lives a simple and low-key life, so that the children learn to "not be happy with things, not to be sad with themselves" .

When the daughters grow up to choose a husband, Pan Zhenwu also respects the choice of the daughters, he does not ask the sons' husbands and wives to be right with the family because of his status, he only requires the other party to be good,Patriotic and loving the family, and the daughter is happy with both sides.Pan Zhenwu's daughters have sighed: "We all feel very proud to have such a father. ”

The hero is gone, but the spirit lives on

In 1988, Pan Zhenwu died in Wuhan at the age of 80, and the glorious life of a hero came to an end. The hero has passed away, the spirit is eternal, Pan Zhenwu spent his life to realize his ideal ambitions, and spent his life to guard his country and home.

The founding general returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, dressed in a whitewashed military uniform and wearing cloth shoes on his feet to attract onlookers

During the revolution, Pan Zhenwu was full of enthusiasm and did not hesitate to save the people from water and fire; when he was an official, Pan Zhenwu was low-key and simple, and never dared to forget his original intention of serving the country and the people; when he was a husband and father, Pan Zhenwu respected his wife and son, and was an example among writers. He never despised the pursuit of fame and profit, nor did he want to over-decorate himself, he obeyed his heart, did not get tired of foreign objects, and really lived out the appearance of capital letters. After his death, his wife wrote such a sentence: Changde Zhenwu, Xiaoyi Guangjin, gave birth to nine daughters, taught nine sons-in-law, had no regrets in life, comforted the heroic soul, cleaned the family style and praised people, and carried the honor of the posthumous name.

"Heroes are never on a high mountain, they are in the crowd or choose to run to the crowd", once the teenager who opposed reactionary rule and heroically joined the army, once the young man who threw himself into the revolution for the country, once the founding general who fought in bloody battles and made great achievements, once the county magistrate who was low-key and introverted, and who looked down on the meritorious name, this is Pan Zhenwu's life, and this scene will be engraved in the long corridor of history and will be forever remembered by the world.

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