
Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

The culture of the Tang Dynasty is the most brilliant dynasty in Chinese history, the territory of the Tang Dynasty is vast, including many ethnic minorities, there are historical records: "East to Andong (Goguryeo), west to Anxi, north from Danyufu, south to Nichinan." In the 28th year of the new century, there were 328 county capitals and 1,573 counties in the country. ”

Coupled with the open cultural policy of the Tang Dynasty, the frequent exchanges between various ethnic groups have made the culture of various ethnic minorities and the Culture of the Han Nationality integrated, the most famous of which is the wine culture of the Tang Dynasty, which contains many western elements, which are also one of the most important characteristics of the Tang Dynasty wine culture.

The wine of the Western Regions and the Wine of the Three Les, as well as the wine glasses of the Western Regions, the Orchids in the WineRies of the Western Regions, and so on, were all introduced to the Tang Dynasty. These western elements in the wine culture of the Tang Dynasty not only promoted the economic and political exchanges between Hu and Han, but also enriched the wine culture of the Tang Dynasty.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

First, the reasons for the introduction of western elements

The tang dynasty's national stability, economic development, and the ruler's implementation of an open ethnic policy were the main reasons why the Tang Dynasty's western culture could enter the Central Plains and be widely absorbed and integrated.

1. Stable society is the premise of the introduction of western elements

The Tang Dynasty was unified, the society was stable, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, coupled with the tang Dynasty's strong national strength, the neighboring countries did not dare to offend the Tang Dynasty, on the contrary, they all actively established friendly relations with the Tang Dynasty, the people were not threatened, and naturally they were willing to accept foreign cultures, so the Tang Dynasty and neighboring countries exchanged more and more closely, and the two countries exchanged their own characteristic products with each other, prompting a large number of Hu people to flow into the Central Plains.

2. Economic development is the material basis for the introduction of western culture

The economic prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, coupled with the vast wealth of the Tang Dynasty, has a historical record: "All goods and bribes are extravagant to the user, and they are invincible." Silk cloth for clothing, linen cloth for sac ,......, Duanxi purple stone stone, the world is not noble and lowly. "It can be seen that the economy of the Tang Dynasty was prosperous.

Therefore, many merchants from the Western Regions came to Tang to do business, bringing the materials of the Central Plains to the Western Regions while bringing their unique cultural elements to the Central Plains, and the Tang Dynasty loved wine, so Hu wine was produced in large quantities in the Tang Dynasty.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

3. Enlightened ethnic policies are an important reason for their introduction

The rulers of the Tang Dynasty and many important ministers had ethnic minority blood in their bodies, and there are historical records: Li Shimin's mother Dou was a Xianbei, Li Shimin's empress Dowager Changsun was also a Xianbei, and even the chancellor's eldest son, Di Renjie, was also of Hu descent. Therefore, the rulers of the Tang Dynasty pursued a policy of "Huayi is one family".

Tang Taizong Li Shimin even said: "Since ancient times, all chinese are noble, and they are lowly and love alone." Therefore, the Tang Dynasty did not allow foreign merchants to enter China to trade goods with the Han people, and the rulers even provided policy preferences for The Hu merchants, issued summons orders to support the Trade between the Hu and Han Dynasties, and the history recorded: "Those who are subordinate to outsiders, the prefectures and towns where they are located give food and clothing", and there is a record in the General Code: "The foreign people surrender to the people for ten years." ”

Second, the Western Elements Introduced in the Wine Culture of the Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty was stable, the rise of the two Silk Roads made the Tang Dynasty develop foreign transportation, Hu merchants also gradually increased, the Tang Dynasty's Hu-Han trade was more frequent in the Chinese dynasties, there are historical records: "At the end of the Tang Dynasty, foreigners engaged in trade activities in Guangzhou reached 120,000 people in a period. ”

The large increase in Hu merchants also prompted Hu Feng to flourish in the Tang Dynasty, and Hu people's things abounded in the homes and markets of The Tang Dynasty.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

1. Wine and Sanle pulp wine introduced along the Silk Road

Wine is the longest-lived and most famous fruit wine in the Tang Dynasty, in fact, grapes and wine were introduced to the Central Plains during the Western Han Dynasty, and history records: "Dawan uses grapes as wine." The rich man hid wine to more than 10,000 stones, and the long-term undefeated were dozens of years old. "But in the Tang Dynasty, grape cultivation and winemaking became more and more prosperous.

In the early Tang Dynasty, grapes and wine were also very rare, precious, until the middle of the Tang Dynasty wine in the Tang Dynasty was common, from the officials and nobles, down to the common people like and drink wine, wine began to be popular, no longer just the patent of the nobility, followed by wine-related poems in the Tang Dynasty also gradually increased, even the poetry Xian Li Bai also wrote poems about wine, such as Li Bai's "Three Qingping Tune Words": "Tai Zhen holds a pear Seven Treasure Cup, drinking Western Liangzhou wine." ”

Sanle berry wine is from Persia, with the introduction of the Silk Road, there are records that Sanle is a combination of An mole, Bi Li Le, Ha Li Le, San Le grew in the Central Plains, but in the Central Plains is not used to brew, there are historical records: "Bi Li Le taste bitter cold and non-toxic, the function and the same as the Pine Mole, out of the Western Regions and Lingnan Jiao'ai and other states, Rong people called the three fruits." ”

It can be seen that before the Tang Dynasty, Sanle had been used as a medicinal material and was not used to make wine. In the Tang Dynasty, because the Persians introduced Sanle pulp wine and its brewing methods to the Central Plains through the Silk Road, Sanle pulp wine spread in the Tang Dynasty. And because Sanle pulp wine is different from ordinary wine, it has more medicinal effects of relieving summer fever and strengthening spleen and digestion, so the people like it, and also promote Sanle pulp wine to become a famous wine in the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

2. The Western Elements in the Tang Dynasty Wine Vessel

The Tang Dynasty likes to drink, but the drinking utensils are only the wine bottles handed down from the Han Dynasty, since the introduction of wine vessels in the Western Regions, the variety of Tang Dynasty wine vessels has increased, in addition to the original wine bottles, wine glasses and wine notes have also been added, and there is also a wine vessel represented by the most Hu people - Hu bottle.

The shape of the bottle is different from the original large-mouthed wine bottle in the Tang Dynasty, the mouth of the bottle is groove-shaped, the arc in the abdomen of the bottle is larger than other places, and the whole is trumpet-shaped and has a high foot. The original wine vessel of the Tang Dynasty was a large-mouth wine bottle handed down from the Han Dynasty, which made the warm wine easy to cool and easily cause the drinker to get sick, but the small sip of the bottle could keep the wine warm.

Moreover, the Hu bottle is particularly precious, and the Old Book of Tang records: "The book under Emperor Taizong said: ... People mean a lot of words,...... Deep enough to be expensive. Now give Qing Hu a bottle, although it does not have the weight of a thousand yokes, it is a thing for its own use. It can be seen that the bottle was particularly precious at that time, and was mostly used by nobles and used by the emperor to reward his courtiers. In addition to the Hu bottle, there is also a special luminous cup for wine, and the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Han's "Liangzhou Words" once said: "Grape wine luminous cup, want to drink pipa immediately urge." ”

3. Orchid in the liquor store

Han women all advocate that "the door does not go out of the second door and does not move", but in the Hu merchant liquor store in the Tang Dynasty, there are hu women, who are called Hu Ji. They were all sold by Hu merchants and eventually became a special symbol of Hu culture in the liquor store.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

Hu Ji in the Hu Shang Liquor Store can sell wine, there are also escorts, Hu Ji is not like the Central Plains women, their characteristic looks have also become a unique element of Tang Dynasty wine culture. "The Second Song of the Youth's Journey" once described it: "The Five Tombs are young in the east of the golden city, and the silver saddle and the white horse are in the spring wind." Fallen flowers swim everywhere and laugh into the orchid liquor store. "It can be seen that the popularity of Orchid at that time. Because Hu Ji can sing and dance, it has become a unique and beautiful landscape of the Tang Dynasty.

Third, the impact of the introduction of western elements

The western elements in the tang dynasty wine culture not only enriched the variety of wine and wine vessels, but also had ineffable significance for wine, the culture and economy of the Tang Dynasty.

1. Enrich the types of tang wine

Before the introduction of the Western Regions winemaking method, the wine of the Tang Dynasty has always been a rice wine made with grain as the main raw material, and when the western region's brewing method was introduced, the Central Plains began to use fruits, plants, etc. as the raw materials for brewing to brew fruit wine, and there are historical records that even Tang Taizong personally brewed wine, which shows the popularity of western fruit wine in the Tang Dynasty. The types of wine in the Tang Dynasty were also more and more abundant, such as more wine and Sanle pulp wine.

2. Influence on culture

The introduction of western wine culture enriched the wine culture of the Tang Dynasty, the ideas and folk customs of the Hu people are more open than those of the Central Plains, the most typical of which is that Hu Ji pleases the guests when they drink, there is a poem: "Hu Ji Lang Head Persuades the King to Drink", which is the scene described.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

Because Hu Ji can sing and dance, the most famous of which is the Hu Xuan Dance that prevailed in the Tang Dynasty, in addition, the introduction of Hu Ji also enriched the objects of Tang poetry, prompting the Tang Dynasty to increase the number of poems describing Hu Ji and related wine. Under the influence of Hu Ji, Tang Dynasty women mostly took it as the object of worship, and they began to emulate Hu Ji and began to pursue fashion, and the emergence of this phenomenon also indirectly affected the open ideology and culture of the Tang Dynasty.

3. Influence on politics

Tang Dynasty people both men and women like to drink, before there is no Hu liquor import can only drink traditional rice wine, since the introduction of Western Cider, cider has occupied a place in the Tang Dynasty market, Hu Shang saw profitable, the number also increased significantly, and with Hu liquor accompanied by Hu Ji.

Hu Ji was generous and exotic, and more attractive to the Central Plains people, who used themselves as gifts to the tang dynasty officials and nobles, making the Tang Dynasty and the Western Regions alliance, establishing friendly relations, and promoting peace between the two countries. There is a historical record, "During the tang taizong period, Gao Liguo at that time gave tang taizong two hu ji as a gift to express his sincerity. ”

4. Summary

The Tang Dynasty is the richest in Chinese history, the country's most enlightened policy dynasty, unlike other dynasties women must be three from four virtues, not allowed to go out, not allowed to drink, the Tang Dynasty did not set a prohibition on alcohol, so the Tang Dynasty men and women of all ages generally like to drink, the Tang Dynasty demand for wine is extremely large, and thus Hu Shang will be a large number of Hu liquor through the Silk Road into the Tang Dynasty, in order to obtain benefits.

Wine, Sanle pulp wine, wine glass, orchid, on the Western elements of Tang Dynasty wine culture

The enlightened national policy, economic development and the opening up of the tang dynasty's folk customs provided conditions for the large number of Hu people to be introduced, and these western elements had a major impact on the tang dynasty wine culture, prompting the western region elements and the tang dynasty wine culture to blend with each other to form a unique wine culture of the Tang Dynasty. In addition, it also had a positive impact on the culture and politics of the Tang Dynasty, and enriched the types of wine in the Tang Dynasty.

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