
Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

author:Yuanyuan's delicious Xuan
Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > dog meat</h1>

"Dog meat rolls three times, and the gods are unstable", which refers to the aroma of dog meat and the taste of dog meat. There is a dog meat festival every year in Yulin, Guangxi, which shows that Chinese love dog meat.

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", dog meat can nourish blood and qi, and it specializes in the spleen and kidneys and instantaneously warms the stomach and dispels the cold 'kidney and aphrodisiac'. Dog meat not only has a high protein content, but also has a high protein quality, which has a significant effect on enhancing the body's disease resistance and cell vitality and organ function; Eating dog meat can enhance people's physical fitness, improve digestion ability, often eat dog meat in winter, and the elderly can enhance their ability to resist cold.

Eating dogs is a common phenomenon in the history of all countries in the world, but now the concept of eating dog meat has changed, some dog lovers believe that dogs are people's companions, spiritual sustenance, so they oppose eating dog meat, Zhejiang Jinhua banned the "dog meat festival" that is said to have a history of more than 600 years, and it is unknown whether the dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi will be canceled.

I don't argue about eating dog meat here, I'll be honest, sometimes, eating dog meat is not necessarily a fierce person, and dog lovers are not all Buddha, I like dogs, their dogs are very spiritual, of course, they are reluctant to eat, but the dog meat on the slaughter table, sometimes also buy once or twice, the following food practices about dog meat, dog lovers please ignore.

Dog meat is made with stewed dog meat, braised dog meat, dog meat hot pot and so on.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

How to make dog meat delicious?

Many places have the custom of eating dog meat in winter, and dog meat is not only nourishing but also protected from wind and cold. So, how to make dog meat delicious? Why is dog meat so delicious at a dog meat restaurant? How? Today I will reveal the answers for you.

Ingredients: 3-5 kg of fresh dog meat

Excipients: ginger,

Preparation steps:

The first step: the dog meat is generally the skin is burned, we scrape the dog meat skin with a knife, and then wash it with warm water, and then wash it with clean water several times to clean the dog meat. Some people don't like to eat dog meat skin, in fact, dog meat is delicious to eat with skin.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

The first step is to remove the fishy, we put the dog meat in cold water, add ginger slices, add a little high liquor, and blanch the dog meat again

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Bring to a boil over high heat, boil for 2 minutes, after 2 minutes, fish out the dog meat with controlled water, wash it with warm water, rinse it and drain it for later

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Step 2: Cut some ginger slices,

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Cut a small piece of sugarcane, cut open from the middle, in fact, sugarcane can not only be eaten raw, but also boiled soup, sugarcane is rich in sugar, water, but also contains a variety of vitamins, calcium and iron that are very beneficial to human metabolism, which can be flavored to remove fishiness and increase nutrition.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Prepare some spices:

Gansong, gansong has an appetizing and fishy effect

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

2-3 star anise, a little cinnamon

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Grass fruit

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

A little clove

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Sand ginger

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

2-3 capsules of whitecomb

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

A little vanilla

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

A little orange peel

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

A few incense leaves

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Cut several dried chili peppers into sections

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Cut the green onion into segments

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Step 2: Heat the pot to burn the oil, put the dog meat in after the oil is hot, cook a little white wine along the edge of the pot, fry the water of the dog meat dry, and then fry the water to dry

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Heat the oil in another pot, put the prepared star anise, sugar cane, sugar pine, grass fruit, cloves, sand ginger, white nutmeg, vanilla, orange peel, fragrant leaves, dried peppers, green onions into, stir-fry the aroma, sauté the aroma and put the dog meat in, add soy sauce, the right amount of salt, stir-fry together evenly

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

After stir-frying for a few minutes, turn the dog meat into a casserole, add a bowl of rice wine, a piece of curd milk, and then add water over the dog meat, if there is more rice wine at home, it will all be boiled with rice wine, so that the taste of dog meat will be more fragrant.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

Cover and bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat after bringing water to a boil and simmer for 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, open the lid, flip it with a spoon and turn on high heat to collect the juice.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

After the soup is thickened, you can turn off the heat, sprinkle some coriander to garnish it, and our delicious dog meat pot is ready, delicious and nourishing, and it is not afraid of cold when eaten in winter. If you like to eat dog meat, you must try oh, it is delicious in the world.

Immortal gourmet dog meat pot, delicious authentic method, winter tonic good, warm stomach cold tonic blood dog meat

To summarize:

1. Winter is the best season to eat dog meat, summer and autumn is not recommended to eat dog meat, eat more to have nosebleeds.

2. Dog meat is delicious, but eat dog meat to pay attention to some things: patients with cerebrovascular disease, hyperthyroidism, gastritis, dysentery, ulcer disease, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis and other diseases should not eat dog meat. Do not eat unguarded dog meat. You must eat fresh and healthy dog meat, never eat rabies meat, otherwise you will be infected with rabies.

3. When eating dog meat, it is not advisable to eat with soy products such as diamond horn and mung beans, so as not to cause adverse reactions such as bloating. Garlic is not eaten with dog meat.


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