
The most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other

author:YY shares the movie

Guide: You are like the night, with silence and stars. Your silence is the silence of the stars, distant and bright. I like you as if you had disappeared, distant and sad, as if you were dead. At that time, one word, one smile, was enough. And I feel happy, happy because it's not real.

1, always too far, we can not afford to promise. Time has changed, and after a few years, it is probably not just the appearance that has changed.

2, what tomorrow will be, no one knows, life is a crazy journey, nothing is certain.

3, the heart is amorphous, naturally confused, the mind is uncertain, naturally lonely.

4, life is bad to a certain extent will get better, because it can not be worse. After hard work, I learned many things, insisted on persevering, and came over.

5, in life, there is wind, there is rain, but don't forget that there will also be sunshine.

6, if nothing happens, it turns out to be the best revenge. Why prove anything to someone who doesn't deserve it, live better, for yourself.

7, not every dream will be realized, not everyone will never change.

8, time is a very good thing, forgive the unforgivable, the past has not been able to pass. Maybe you occasionally want to go back to the old days, but you know that people always have to learn to look forward.

9, we are all like children, fooling around because we rely on you; knowing politeness, because you are an outsider.

10, she was too young at that time, did not know all the gifts given by fate, and had already secretly marked the price.

The most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other

11, you insist on taking simple things seriously, and you will be very miserable.

12) Acceptance is better than complaining, and there is no better way for you to accept the immutable facts than to accept them.

13 All troubles are only caused by the inability to put down in the heart.

14 Most people only do three things in their lifetime; they deceive themselves, they deceive others, and they are deceived.

15, because they dare not face the reality, people can always recall some tragic old things.

16, just want to prove themselves right guys, will not think for others, especially love.

17. If you want to have the best construction, you must have the most intense destruction.

18. When things are difficult, no one comes to you. It is precisely because you live with this idea that you have this result.

19, injury or not to be injured is your own choice, you decide not to be injured, then no one can hurt you.

20, should not be others to tell you what to do, should be their own ideas.

21, round things are not high, always have to be square to pile high.

22. Someone once asked Duchamp what was the best work in his life? Duchamp said: "It was a wonderful time for me. ”

The most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other

23 If the beauty of youth is expressed by the skin, by touching and perceiving; then the mature and even withered beauty seeps out of the bones and becomes a charm that makes us feel nostalgic and makes us ache. In addition to missing, or missing.

24, I found that after giving up the burden of making a good impression on others, the original heart will be so solid. One does not have to please anyone to stop suffering, as I am doing at this moment. --- Yan Geling

25, everyone will be angry. But you must absolutely understand that tantrums are like nails, and nails will leave traces. The price of pursuing a momentary pleasure is to spend a lot of time cleaning up the remaining side effects, and the gain is not worth the loss. If you want to be open in the face of big things, you must know the technique of not getting angry in small things.

26, you say you are a limited edition, then I tell you, I am out of print.

27 I will never shed tears when others trample on my dignity. Tears are the most precious thing and can only be reserved for this deep sorrow, which has nothing to do with your humiliation, nothing to do with grievances, nothing to do with pain. You rely on this grief to make a deeper connection with the world. You and this sorrow warm each other in the vast loneliness of the smoke, and depend on each other.

28, wait until the end of this period... Not on... Busy for a while...

29 While I am still young, I can give for love without reservation; when I am still ignorant, I can give myself completely; while I am still naïve, I can believe that loving you is a lifelong thing. Please love the youth, love my madness, love my persistence, let us talk about a childish love in the youth of the youth who have not yet learned to calculate love!

30, people like to play an enduring game, called "you lose as soon as you are serious".

The most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other

31、 What kind of people are the most ruthless? Those who seem good to everyone are actually the most ruthless. What kind of attitude hurts the most? That kind of hot and cold attitude hurts the most.

32, in fact, everyone encountered has such and such a problem, very tall but too fat, very thin but too short, beautiful but smelly feet, handsome but talkative, more money but lustful, good temper but flirtatious, good cooking but bald, gentle but cowardly, considerate but stingy, bold but violent... Each has its own imperfections, and no one is perfect. The key is what you value most, if you are satisfied, you don't have to ask for complete blame, otherwise you are doomed to end up alone.

33, do things, lovers or not, stability should be much more important than explosiveness, habitual persistence is better than three days of enthusiasm, eternal blandness is better than instant romance.

34, I heard that the most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, the most beautiful vow is to lie, the most beautiful love is yesterday, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other.

35, behind every natural is the effort to change but can not, behind every free is hidden reluctance, every before letting go is a struggle, everyone has unspeakable secrets in their hearts.

36, soft heart is an unfair kindness, to complete others wronged themselves, but to be regarded as a fool. Along the way, we have fed a lot of people without conscience with our kindness, life is short, we just want to be nice to everyone around us, maybe others think they are smart, but we are not stupid. We can pretend to be stupid, but don't think we're stupid, why puncture.

37, do not care about face, do not worry about winning or losing, do not trust promises.

38, others are secretly working hard in places you can't see, where you can see, they are just as suspenseful as you, and they will complain like you, and only you believe that these are true, and finally you are the only one who continues to think of making progress.

39, I hope you can see me now, the wind and frost have not yet eroded, the autumn rain has not fallen, and the green season has left me. I have stood tall, neither worried nor afraid.

The most beautiful encounter in the world is to rub shoulders, and the most beautiful thought is to never see each other

40 People who come from the dust can understand the bitterness behind laughter, and they also know that humor is the best way to face an imperfect life.

Editor's Note: Years from now, will you be in tears when you pick up those photos by chance like me; will you still be touched by the obsession with which you once had a strong wisp of ink? That thin shadow, that melancholy clear eye, that unforgettable smile, is destined to make me miss it for the rest of my life like a needle hidden in cotton.

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