
Video | 20 years ago, he changed his liver and was reborn, and he became a volunteer in the hospital

Video | 20 years ago, he changed his liver and was reborn, and he became a volunteer in the hospital

Helping patients

Yangzi Evening News Network, January 1 (correspondent Youxuan reporter Chen Yong) "I am very grateful to the people who have helped me, and I enjoy the current state of life. On the first day of the new year, I was able to help a group of patients as much as I could, and I really felt happy and fulfilled! On the 1st, Yangzhou Friendship Hospital (Oilfield General Hospital), 56-year-old Yao Dehai, as usual, rushed from home to the hospital more than ten kilometers away early in the morning, receiving, guiding, guiding, carrying up and down, helping patients to seek medical treatment, and starting a day of "volunteer life".

The reporter learned that Yao Dehai is a native of Zhaoguan, Jiangdu. Since 2017, he has volunteered at the Friendship Hospital, which gave him a second life, and this year is already in his sixth year. Hearing the sound of the ambulance, he will skillfully pick up the patient. People who don't know him well don't think he's a person who has undergone a liver transplant. "My life was 'picked up'." After 20 years of resurgence, when I think of this, I will be grateful to all the people who have helped me. Old Yao told reporters.

October 20, 2002, was the day of Yao Dehai's "rebirth". At that time, Old Yao was 37 years old. While working in Beijing, he was diagnosed with viral hepatitis B, and since then the situation has become more and more serious, and it has progressed to the advanced stage of liver cirrhosis. According to Jia Yuqing, president of Yangzhou Friendship Hospital, who underwent surgery at that time, at that time, the patient had repeatedly experienced a lot of ascites, and also underwent splenectomy surgery, and at the same time had serious symptoms such as coma. Through the joint efforts of medical staff, the patient's transplant was successful and a second life was obtained. It is reported that this is also the first case of liver transplantation in the hospital.

Video | 20 years ago, he changed his liver and was reborn, and he became a volunteer in the hospital

Old Yao was busy

Yao Dehai told reporters that after the operation, his physical condition is getting better and better, after a period of recuperation and recovery, gradually return to the track of normal people's lives, "Since then, I have thought that I must use my body in the future to repay the medical staff who have cared for me and all the relatives and friends who have cared about me." Therefore, I do not smoke and drink, under the guidance of the doctor, exercise every day, exercise a good physique, so that I can do more beneficial things in the future. ”

After the body recovered in place, from 2017, Yao Dehai began to volunteer, just like the medical staff who went to work, rain or shine, only two days of rest per week, 24 kilometers round trip every day, arrived at work at 7:15, and left at 5:30 pm. "I want to wear the red vest of the volunteer all the time, to be able to help patients, to do something for the medical staff, I think even if I suffer, I don't feel bitter and tired at all, but feel particularly happy!" 」 Yao Dehai said.

Proofread by Li Haihui

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