
This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

author:Three small hairs

Introduction: This fish has its own "sesame flavor", known as the "king of fresh water", because it looks like catfish and is disliked

Wen/Farmer is also crazy

China's freshwater fish resources are quite abundant, especially in the past rivers, lakes in a variety of fish people are countless, some of these fish are farmers to relieve the delicacy. In recent years, some fish have become more and more rare, but some new fish have also emerged, such as Egyptian silver carp and scavengers that invaded our country.

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

There is a kind of fish, known as the "king of fresh water" in China, it is also born with sesame flavor, the meat is very delicious, but because it looks like catfish, it is disliked. Some people also mistake it for an invasive species and are afraid to eat it. Do you know each other?

Popular science of sesame swordfish

Fish generally have a fishy smell on the body, which makes people a little disgusted. However, some fish not only do not have a fishy smell, but also have a fragrance, such as the ayu introduced by the author before, it has its own cucumber flavor. Another kind of fish that I introduce to you today, sesame swordfish, also has the same sesame flavor!

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

Sesame swordfish is also called steamed fish, sesame steamed fish, white whiskers, also known as swordfish in Guangdong region. Its scientific name is the spotted catfish, is a species of the genus Offinder in the family Cruciferaceae, sesame swordfish is also very distinctive, it is also a scaleless fish similar to catfish, and also has several long whiskers. But its body color is mainly gray and white, and there are many sesame-like spots on the body, plus the body is very slender like a sword, so it is called the sesame sword, I have to say that the ancients are really good at naming.

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

Sesame swordfish is a relatively large ferocious fish, or carnivorous fish, its size can generally grow to about ten pounds, some large can grow to more than 30 pounds, which should be considered the bulk of freshwater fish. And it mainly lives in some of the underground dark river and the Ming River junction below, is a cold water nature of the fish, the growth environment requirements are extremely high.

The value of sesame swordfish

In the past, there were more sesame swordfish, like many rivers in the south. But now this fish is rare, and many places have disappeared.

It is also because many people have never seen this fish, some people mistake it for catfish, and some people even think of it as an invasive species, after all, it is large, fierce, and in line with the characteristics of invasive species.

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

But do not know that the sesame swordfish in the folk evaluation is very high, its meat is very delicious, tender, and high nutritional value, is one of the "four famous fish" in China's Pearl River region, but also known as the "king of fresh water".

Sesame swordfish does not have the fishy taste of fish, there is a little sesame flavor, the most important thing is that its meat is tender and delicious, high fat content, nutrition is also very rich, not only delicious but also tonic fatigue, spleen and stomach effect, is a very precious economic fish.

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

However, this fish is now very rare in the wild, but because of its high requirements for the growth environment, it cannot be artificially farmed at present, so if you see sesame swordfish on the market, it should be wild and expensive. Not long ago, I heard an angler say that he caught a sesame swordfish of more than eight kilograms, which was sold by people for more than 1,000 yuan, and it was calculated that it was more than 100 yuan a pound, and it was really a local tycoon who could afford to eat.

This fish has its own "sesame flavor", the meat is tender and smooth and high in nutritional value, but it is mistaken for an invasive species

Sesame swordfish have been precious fish since ancient times, but because they are rare now, many places have disappeared, and because they are rare, they look like catfish. In most people's impression, catfish is a garbage fish, eating feces can survive, so they mistakenly think of sesame swordfish as catfish, or invasive species, and hate it and dare not eat it. But I don't know how lucky it is to catch a sesame swordfish, which may not be bought with money. In addition, I would like to say that catfish is actually a good freshwater fish, but some forced to live in sewage.

Friends, do you know sesame swordfish? Are there any more in your local area? Welcome to leave a message!

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