
Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

author:Zou Bajie food

Introduction: Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft and fresh

Now pork is cheaper, my family eats meat more and more frequently, often change the pattern of eating, such as tamales, back to the pot meat, fried meat shredded meat, braised meat, etc., so many methods of braised meat is the most popular, every time you make a plate always feel not enough to eat, it is too fragrant, the color is bright, soft and rotten, fat and not greasy, how many times to eat will not make people bored. I believe you also love to eat braised meat, see the braised meat in the restaurant total point a taste, but the price is too high, and the meat nuggets are very few, not cost-effective at all, then want to eat may wish to learn to do it yourself, when you want to eat when to do, a pound of pork belly more than a dozen dollars, you can make a large plate of braised meat, especially affordable.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

When it comes to making braised pork, it has a lot of methods, of which the method of boiling water is very common, some people first blanch water cut into pieces, some people first cut a piece of boiled water, no matter how to do it is to go fishy, to make a strong flavor of braised meat without fishy taste. However, to make braised pork, you can't just understand the boiling water, so it's easy to do it and be unpalatable, and there are exquisite braised meats, and some small details are also very important, don't ignore it.

Before I made braised pork, used to cut the meat into pieces and then blanch the water, and then poured it back into the pot to stew, the result was not good to taste bad, friends told me: do braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is done chai and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant!

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

Later, I mastered the trick and practiced many times, and now the braised meat is getting better and better, and I can easily make a portion for the guests at home, and the guests have eaten straight praise.

Do braised pork, do not only boil water, teach you a good method, the taste is soft and rotten taste delicious, the following I will share how to do braised pork, take a look at the specific steps and tips, follow the method to do, firmly remember the tips, ensure that you can also do very well, in the future want to eat no longer need to go outside to buy.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

Procedure steps:

First of all, prepare a very good piece of pork belly, how a good method, when choosing to choose that layer by layer of fat and thin is very clear, the pig skin on the pig hair is very clean, but also very fresh, press a rebound, smell no peculiar smell, the color looks bright red can be, buy the right meat to make the best taste of braised meat, if you use too much fat meat, very few layers of pork belly, it is not delicious to make.

Rinse the pork belly, cut it into larger plots with a knife, make it look good when the block is large, and it also tastes good to eat, don't cut too small or too thin in order to save time, it is best to cut into cubes of equal size.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

Heat the wok and pour a little oil into the pot, pour the pork belly into the pot, reduce the heat and stir-fry, fry until the oil is slightly out, the extra oil can be poured into the bowl, and the future stir-fry will be reused.

The wok is clean and clean, it is better to use a non-stick pan if possible, add rock sugar and water after boiling dry, boil and stir-fry over medium heat, and constantly stir-fry until the liquid in the pan becomes caramel color.

Pour the pork belly into the pot and stir-fry, fry until it is colored, immediately add a bottle of beer, or over the pork belly, add ginger slices, green onion, star anise, fragrant leaves, like to eat spicy can put a few dried peppers.

Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer until the meat is soft and rotten, then add salt and continue to simmer for ten minutes, and finally collect the juice on high heat, so that the braised meat is ready.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

To make braised pork, remember 3 tips:

First, after cutting the pork belly into pieces, you should first sauté, so that you can not only force out some grease, so that the meat pieces are not so greasy to eat, and after sautéing can make the meat pieces more fragrant, fishy, better than the effect of boiling water, no boiling water meat pieces will be more tender, but sauté pay attention to a little, do not sauté over-fry, otherwise the meat shrinkage is too small, and the taste is poor, should be sautéed to slightly yellow, a small amount of oil is good.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

Second, braised pork is not good or not, not only the taste is fragrant, but also depends on whether the color is good or not, so to make braised pork to fry sugar color, with sugar color color is better than the old soy sauce, red bright and beautiful, and the old soy sauce colored then the meat will be somewhat black. In addition, the sugar color stewed braised pork tastes more fragrant, and the soy sauce of stewed braised pork with old soy sauce is too heavy and less umami, and the comprehensive contrast with sugar color is much better.

Third, the taste of braised pork is very important, want to achieve fat and not greasy entrance that is, stewing time should be in place, can not be cooked out of the pot, to stew to the chopsticks a clip to rot the state, when eating gently clipped up, put into the mouth will feel the entrance that melts, very beautiful.

Making braised pork will only blanch water, no wonder it is made of wood and fishy, keep in mind the 3 tips, soft rotten and fragrant

Have you learned anything about braised pork? Remember this good practice, remember 3 tips, do it seriously, you can also do it well, have time to try it. Sharing is here, like me, please pay attention to me.

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