
After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

Kaifeng has a bag Qingtian, the iron face selflessly distinguishes between loyalty and adultery!

After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

Bao Zheng was a famous Qing official in Chinese history, who was honest and selfless in his life, selfless in his face, and deeply loved by the people, and people respected him as "Bao Qingtian".

In the film and television drama, Bao Zheng is full of black face and has a crescent on his forehead, and people call him "Bao Sunzi". Film and television drama is a work of art, higher than life, from life, the character portrayal in artistic creation is very obvious, is a good person is a good person, is a bad person is a bad person, so people will portray Bao Zheng into a black image, meaning that he is selfless, distinguish between right and wrong, distinguish between black and white.

After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

However, the historical Bao Zheng is a white-faced student, sunny, clean and elegant, like the big brother of the neighbor. In the fifth year of Song Tiansheng (1027 AD), Bao Zheng passed the examination for the middle of the jinshi and began his career.

During his time as an official, he was just and honest, dared to accept advice, and was deeply respected by Song Renzong. Bao Zheng was devoted to the country and the people, the emperor valued him, the people supported him, and his reputation was well known far and wide.

In the seventh year of Song Jiayou (1062 AD), Bao Zheng suddenly fell ill and died shortly after. On the day of Bao Zheng's funeral, a total of 21 coffins came out of the seven city gates, and the scene was very grand.

After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

Usually, after a person dies, it is a coffin, why is Bao Zheng 21 coffins? Because Bao Zheng has his grievances. During Bao Zheng's tenure as an official, he did not admire the magnates and often impeached the magnates, so he was hated by the magnates.

Bao Zheng was worried that after his death, his tomb would be destroyed by the magnates, so he set up a lot of suspicious tombs, so that they did not know where the real Bao Zheng was buried, so that they would not destroy Bao Zheng's tomb.

After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

After Bao Zheng's death, there was also an unwritten rule in the tomb robbery circle, that is, the tomb robbers could not steal Bao Zheng's tomb. Bao Zheng was a great Qing official, asking for the people's lives, and the tomb robbers admired Bao Zheng very much, so they could not bear to steal Bao Zheng's tomb.

Although the tomb of Bao Zheng was not stolen by tomb thieves, it was destroyed by Jin Bing. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Jin Bing began to excavate the tomb of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, and Bao Zheng's tomb was naturally destroyed!

There is a Bao Zheng tomb in Kaifeng, and there is also a Bao Zheng tomb in Hefei, so which is the real tomb of Bao Zheng? Most people say that Hefei is true, because after people die, they must fall leaves and return to their roots, and Bao Zheng is a Hefei person, so naturally he must be buried in Hefei!

After Bao Zheng's death, 21 coffins came out of the 7 city gates, and there was one more unwritten rule in the tomb robbery world

References: "History of the Song Dynasty", "Bao Gong Case", etc

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