
Commemorate 2021! The beginning of the sinking of wealth...

author:Yang Guoying observes
Commemorate 2021! The beginning of the sinking of wealth...

Text/Yang Guoying

Fireworks in the world,

The vicissitudes have changed dramatically.

Today, say goodbye to solar calendar 2021.

Early in the morning, for a morning meeting, I shared with my colleagues, "In this era of great change, the only thing we should do is to become better selves." ”

Yes, be a better version of yourself, more single-minded, more focused, warmer.

In 2021, as in every past year, there are too many events worth noting.

The slight relaxation of Sino-US relations, the repeated changes in the new crown epidemic, the tragic blow of education and training capital, the crazy influx of foreign capital, the sinking of Evergrande, the richest man in Xu, and the tax evasion and evasion of the top Internet celebrities...

But if I only give 2021 a key word, my answer is: wealth sinks.

Please don't misinterpret the sinking of wealth, this is a positive word at the sociological level.

Of course, this word was coined by myself, because I really can't find a better word to accurately freeze the great change of 2021.

The "sinking of wealth" I am talking about has a twofold meaning:

1, social trends: wealth has entered the stage of de-enchantment.

Society's recognition of individual value, the single dimension of wealth is decreasing, and the whole is declining.

In the past, wealth was supreme, the only synonym for success, and it had nothing to do with whether wealth was justified or not, or even whether wealth was legal or illegal.

However, in 2021, a new social trend of thought is emerging, which is the existentialist trend of the individual.

In contrast to this social trend, society's blind worship of wealth is decreasing, and the moral self-discipline of wealth is being questioned – at the same time, the policy is also increasing the punishment of wealth violations.

This is the sinking of wealth at the level of social thought.

Wealth is no longer supreme, and the current social trend has reduced it to a neutral word.

The wealth elite is no longer attractive, and like the best people in the scientific and technological world, the humanities, and all specific fields, they have begun to enter an era of equal rights.

Such wealth sinks, and wealth goes to charm, which is actually the progress of the times.

2, social distribution: wealth (capital) distribution decreased, manpower distribution rose.

In the incremental wealth of social development, the direct and indirect distribution of wealth capital is declining, and the distribution of human capital is rising.

In the past few years, based on the model of economic development and the scarcity of phased elements of China's economy, in the distribution of social incremental wealth, the distribution of capital enjoyment is too much relative to the necessary social commitment.

For example, some polluting industries, such as petrochemicals, steel, textiles, etc., once made great profits from capital, but they dumped environmental governance on society.

For example, in some highly leveraged industries, such as real estate, non-standard finance, etc., capital frantically pursues high profits, but leaves huge risks to society.

For another example, some Internet platforms once tried to harvest the bottom business through monopoly, which led to the withering of the bottom business and aggravated social contradictions.

In addition, some education and training capital, in order to infinitely amplify their own interests, deliberately create social anxiety, hurt the growth of the next generation, and even more frantically suck up the savings of ordinary families.

Of course, what is worse is that no matter which industry, there is always a part of the so-called wealth elite, driven by desire, illegal operations and illegal tax evasion.

All of this, without exception, has resulted in society bearing too many costs that should have been borne by capital.

Therefore, the severe punishment of all economic fields now forces capital to return to order, and the essence is the redistribution of social wealth.

Let wealth (capital) bear what it should bear, and let wealth (capital) double its illegal gains to society, which is the sinking of wealth (capital) at the level of social distribution.

Such a sinking of wealth is beneficial to the general public, which is also the progress of the times.

2021 in the solar calendar is about to say goodbye.

The era label of the sinking wealth in 2021 will be recorded in the annals of history and left in people's hearts.

A grain of sand in the times is not a mountain that falls on everyone's head, the key is to see what kind of sand falls.

What falls is the sand of the sinking wealth, and on the head of disorderly and illegal wealth (capital), it is undoubtedly a big mountain, and it falls on the heads of the general public, but it is a hard hat that permeates warmth.

That's where 2021 is worth remembering.

This has only just begun, and in the years to come, the sinking of wealth will only accelerate, never slow down.

The great changes of the times began with the sinking of wealth.

The sinking of wealth flattens the jungle of desire.

Therefore, as the solar calendar 2022 is approaching, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are middle-aged after 60s and 70s, or young people after 90s and 00s, we should respond to the great changes in the era of sinking wealth and ask ourselves.

If you are rich, please do not be proud of the rich, the rich have less arrogance, and society will have less prejudice.

If you are poor, do not have to be inferior to yourself and self-pity, do not be full of anger, cultivate yourself and improve yourself, the era of great changes under the sinking wealth, there will definitely be more respect for you than for the rich and immoral.

If you are a middle-aged person with a worry-free life, please give young people more tolerance and warmth, please cross the jungle of desire for your own growth, do not have to be too chicken, and have less utilitarian and more humanistic care for your children's education.

If you are a young man with a confused future, you don't have to lament, every middle-aged person today, every elderly person, has been a young man, has had your mental journey, and you don't have to wander, the road is under your feet, step by step to step.

Wealth sinks, society's obsession with wealth changes, and this is the beginning of a benign society.

Wealth sinks, social distribution is more inclined to the middle and lower levels, which is the beginning of a benign society.

Fireworks in the world, eating and wearing, and the moderate pursuit of wealth are indispensable.

However, excessive attachment is not necessary, otherwise it will only be eaten by desire.

Asking about history, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign thousands of years:

Is there a family style of farming and reading, a kind family style, and a family style of desire?

Is there a nobleman with knowledge, a nobleman with a spirit, a nobleman with wealth?

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