
"Scalper" steals on behalf of frequent fraud Cervical cancer vaccine market chaos

author:Bright Net

"The HPV vaccine is too hard to book!" Ms. Wang of Hefei, Anhui Province, complained to friends more than once.

The HPV vaccine is the human papillomavirus vaccine, also known as the cervical cancer vaccine. In 2016, the HPV vaccine was launched in mainland China, and many young women actively made appointments for vaccination through community hospitals and official medical platforms.

However, an investigation by a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Network found that HPV vaccines in some areas are difficult to make appointments, and many women can only be vaccinated by relying on relationships or looking for scalpers.

HPV vaccine "landing" is difficult, there are "scalpers" and "scalper seedlings"

HPV vaccines are divided into bivalent, quadrivalent and nine-valent. Bivalent HPV vaccine has a protective effect on two high-risk types, and in China, cervical cancer caused by persistent infection of these two subtypes accounts for 84.5% of the incidence of cervical cancer. Two low-risk types of quadrivalent HPV vaccines are added to this basis, and five higher-risk types are added to the quadrivalent HPV vaccine.

In online parlance, "going ashore" means getting out of a difficult situation and achieving a better goal. Today, "ashore" and "HPV vaccination" are also linked.

"The Internet is complaining about the difficulty of HPV 'landing'!" Ms. Wang told reporters that since last year, she has been grabbing seedlings on major medical platforms. Some sites in Hefei will release a batch of vaccines every once in a while, "Every time I let my friends grab it with me, but it failed, now consider finding a 'scalper' to grab it." ”

The reporter searched for "HPV scalper robbery" in the social platform, and many people posted "seeking ×× the province×× city nine-valent HPV rush". Most of the comment areas have "scalpers" actively leaving messages stating contact information.

The reporter found one of the "scalpers", the other party introduced, the commission for robbing is 2,000 yuan, but there is no guarantee that it can be grabbed in a short period of time. "Look at luck, some can be grabbed a few times, and some can't be grabbed for a year."

But the "scalper" guarantees that the probability of "snatching" the vaccine is much higher than that of ordinary people, "we have professionals, there are professional technical means."

"Rushing" does not guarantee that customers will be vaccinated in time, and "scalpers" strongly recommend nine-valent vaccines purchased from abroad. "Scalper" introduced, these vaccines by their company from abroad in large quantities, "the whole cold chain into the country", the price of 6700 yuan three injections, customers pay and fill in the information, can arrange a week in the local random public hospital vaccination, "the most cost-effective, direct arrangement to fight."

Ms. Chen of Nantong, Jiangsu Province, revealed that in March this year, she spent 6100 yuan on an online store to buy three-needle and nine-priced "scalper seedlings". In November, she received a call from customer service and went to the vaccination clinic of a public second-class hospital in Nantong City, and received the first dose of nine-valent vaccine without going through registration procedures.

The president of a second-class hospital in Nanjing told reporters that each vaccine in a public hospital has strict control of the whole process, and there is monitoring of temperature, trend and other aspects. There may be cases where medical staff take people to the hospital to vaccinate in "scalper seedlings" without permission, but the vaccine itself has nothing to do with public hospitals.

The reporter learned that some "scalpers" also promised: "One month after the second injection, you can go to the hospital to check the antibodies." In this regard, Wang Jinhua, chief physician of the Gynecology Andmatology Department of Jiangsu Provincial Cancer Hospital, believes that only vaccines that have been vaccinated through real names through formal channels can guarantee authenticity, and checking antibodies can only theoretically play a role in verification. Some women have weak physical resistance, and even if they are vaccinated with a real vaccine, they may not be able to produce antibodies.

In addition, the storage and transportation of vaccines have strict regulatory standards, even if the "cattle seedlings" are real, they may lose their effectiveness due to deviations in storage methods and cold chain temperatures.

"I'm not waiting for a vaccine, I'm 'waiting for Godot'"

Seeing that the reporter had many doubts about the vaccine "purchased from abroad", the "scalper" proposed a third way: to go to the designated community health service center within two weeks and vaccinate according to the "normal process", but in addition to the vaccine fee of nearly 4000 yuan to the hospital, the customer also needs to pay a "quota fee" of about 3600 yuan. "Scalper" said cryptically: "We directly buy quotas with the 'people inside', and it is difficult for you to make an appointment yourself." ”

How difficult is it to be on your own, and how long do you have to wait in line? The reporter dialed the telephone numbers of many community hospitals in Yangzhou City and Nanjing City, and most of them got vague answers such as "There is no seedling now, we will talk about it next year" and "when there are seedlings is not easy to say" and so on. According to the staff of a community hospital in Jiangbei New District, Nanjing, residents with community hukou or real estate can bring relevant documents to make an appointment, "at least for more than a year."

Earlier, the staff of the community hospital in Ms. Wang's community in Hefei also revealed to her: "At least 5 years in line." ”

Ms. Yu of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, registered for the nine-valent vaccine at a community hospital a year ago, and the staff told her that "there are seedlings that will notify you to come and fight." In the past 1 year, Ms. Yu has called many times to inquire about the progress, and the staff's reply is always "there is no seedling now" or "I will notify you when the queue arrives". Ms. Yu is very anxious: "When there will be a vaccine, how many people will be in line in front, and when it is expected to be vaccinated, I don't know." I feel like I'm not waiting for a vaccine, I'm 'waiting for Godot'. ”

A person in charge of a department of the Jiangsu Provincial Health Commission said that cervical cancer vaccines belong to the second type of vaccines and are not within the scope of immunization. At present, the production and supply of vaccines is seriously insufficient, and the annual procurement volume of Jiangsu Province is only 300,000 copies, which is far from meeting the market demand, so there is a problem of difficult appointment and supervision, which provides an opportunity for "scalpers".

HPV vaccine scams are frequent Police tips to polish your eyes

Like Ms. Yu, there are still many women with "HPV vaccine anxiety", which makes criminals see "business opportunities".

Not long ago, the Yangzhou Yundong Police Station accepted a fraud case related to hpv vaccine. Netizen Ms. Ma wanted to play the quadrivalent HPV vaccine, and found a blogger nicknamed "Zhimiao - Yiyue" in a Weibo search, whose nickname and avatar were very similar to the official mini program for booking vaccines, falsely claiming that they could provide ready-made quadrivalent vaccines. In the private chat, the other party asked Ms. Ma for 3300 yuan for the vaccine fee, and after completing the transfer, he asked for a new transfer on the grounds that the transfer information was wrong. After the two transfers, Ms. Ma realized that she may have been deceived and immediately called the police.

"There are many fake accounts on Weibo that resemble 'Zhimiao- Yiyue', and they have all been banned." Jia Yinteng, a police officer at the Yundong Police Station in Yangzhou City, who handled the case, said that the case was most likely a gang crime, "there are multiple bank accounts involved in the case, and the routine is similar to common network fraud." Nowadays, more and more women are paying attention to the HPV vaccine, and scammers are also following the hot spots. ”

There are police reminders, I hope that women in the process of making an appointment for vaccination to polish their eyes, do not blindly believe in intermediaries, can not easily transfer money, encounter information that can not be identified or suspected of fraud, please dial 110 in time. (Chen Yuwei Reporter Li Runwen)

Source: China Youth Daily

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