
Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

author:Fighting Chronicles

tuna? It sounds strange, it actually refers to tuna, and there are also direct transliterations from the English tuna to Tuna. Yellowfin tuna and bluefin tuna are commonly seen in sushi restaurants. Tuna is a migratory fish, a swimmer in fish, with a fusiform body that travels freely through the sea, with an average speed of more than 35 km/h, and even 160 km/h at full speed – at which speed it takes only 18 hours to swim from Shanghai to Tokyo!

"Tuna is not guilty, huaibi (meat) is guilty", the bluefin tuna in the picture is already on the verge of extinction under the human mouth. So even if it's delicious, foodies have to keep their mouths shut and don't let themselves be the last straw to crush endangered animals!

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Left: Thunnus albacares are a separate species; "bluefin tuna" is an umbrella term for three species: the northern bluefin tuna of the Atlantic Ocean. thynnus), T. Southern Bluefin Tuna (T. maccoyii), as well as the Pacific bluefin tuna (T. Orientalis); right: Bluefin tuna in the endangered Atlantic Ocean.

Shī: Precious limited quantity?

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

In sushi restaurants, amberjack often appears on the sashimi counter as a limited edition "platinum gunfish", and the meat is smooth and tender, white as jade, and it is a good product coveted by foodies.

Amberjack is a collective name for the amberjack fish of the family Shēn. Commonly used in Japanese cuisine, such as Seriola quinqueradiata, also known as green sweet fish. It is a migratory fish that lives in the waters of East Asia, spawning in the East China Sea every winter and traveling north to Japan in the spring and summer with the Kuroshio. Yellowtail is a favorite fish in Japanese people.

Because the diet is similar to tuna, amberjack is also a type of "platinum tuna" that is used by some stores as a limited quantity. It tastes delicious, but don't eat more, it is rich in oil, eating too much diarrhea is not good! That's why it's often available in limited quantities – but not only because it's precious!

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

What Seriola quinqueradiata looked like when he was young.

Cod (xuě): Beware of counterfeits!

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Cod is very tender and everyone loves it, and a casual search on the Internet is a big one.

Delicious cod is supposed to be a favorite, but a few years ago, the "fake cod" made people panic and no one dared to buy it. To know the ins and outs, you have to start with real cod.

Cod is the "polar bear" of fish, which can live freely in ice water, and the world's most hardy fish belongs to the order Cod. Cod in the narrow sense refers to The Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Greenland Cod (G. Cod). ogac) and Pacific cod (G. macrocephalus)。 Only these three can be called pure cod, and they are not valuable fish. The Mingtai fish, which is often heard in Korean cuisine, is actually a cod in a broad sense, a yellow-lined cod produced between the Bering Sea and the Sea of Japan.

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Figure 1: Pacific cod, also known as bighead cod; Figures 2, 3, 4: The cod forts of Chinese fast food restaurants are mostly made of yellow line cod, so the cod in the cod fort and the mingtai in the spicy grilled dried mingtai are a kind of fish.

Cod is delicious, and naturally there will be fakes, and supermarkets often sell silver cod (or bare-covered fish, Anoplopoma fimbria) as cod. When encountering unscrupulous merchants, they will even use oil fish that is not suitable for consumption to cheat money. Oil fish is rich in wax and can cause severe diarrhea, so it is no wonder that after the "false cod" incident in previous years, people hated the house and the black, and avoided the cod together.

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Spiny snake mackerel (Ruvettus pretiosus). Eating too much oil fish will be very embarrassing. The so-called fart collapse out of the shit, or oil flowers...

FÙ: Moray carp is not a crucian carp?

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

The sea bream is cut into transparent thin slices, and the dense fish meat is sublimated with the dipping sauce.

The crucian carp that everyone eats is a freshwater fish that we are all too familiar with. Today we will not talk about crucian carp in fresh water, but about sea carp. Sea bream often refers to the black seabream (diāo), because its size is very similar to crucian carp, so it fell into the nickname of "sea crucian carp".

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

The most common species of black seabream, the black spiny seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii).

The black seabream is a collective term for the blue-gray fish of the seabream family, which lives in the coastal area, away from the coast during the day, and at night takes advantage of the rising tide to find food in the reefs on the shore. Such habits have made it the best target for sea fishing, and coupled with its delicious flesh, it has become one of the favorite fishes on the coast of East Asia.

Píng: Flounder?

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Duobao fish belongs to the turbot class, the fragrance is overflowing, and the steaming is the most suitable. But why did the ancients use it as a symbol of love?

Turbot refers to some species of flounder (dié) order, for example: polypod, also known as turbot, belongs to the flounder family Turbot family. Flounders are actually "flounders", with both eyes on the side of the face. The ancients had never seen flounders in the sea, and assumed that flounders had eyes on only one side and needed two or two "combinations" to swim freely, so they regarded them as model couples. However, in fact, flounders are not paired, and people swim horizontally! Flounders are good at camouflage, and most of the time they bury themselves in the sand and wait for the small fish and shrimp with bad eyes to come to the door.

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Flounder desperately disguised as sand.

The name of the flounder is interesting: among the species that are large and wide and have a pronounced tail, the one with the eye on the left is called the turbot, and if it grows on the right, it is called the flounder; for those species with a long tongue and an inconspicuous tail, the one with the eye on the left is called the tongue ray (tǎ), and vice versa. When foodies eat treasure fish, they may wish to see if its eyes are really on the left.

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Turbot, flounder, tongue fish and fish, can you tell the difference this time?

Bonito (jiān): Natural MSG!

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Look at the light brown flakes on the octopus balls – this is the wooden fish flower made of bonito.

In the warm seas, there is a huge school of fish. They are the bait for large fish and birds, as well as companions for whales and sharks. They are always a hundred thousand moving together to hunt together, like well-trained soldiers, none of them will make trouble or leave behind, this fish is bonito. Bonito is a collective name for the genus Bonito in the family Mackerelidae, known for its fresh taste, and is often used in Japanese cuisine as grilled fish and sashimi.

Tuna, amberjacks, cod, bass, fish,, many fish, eat and eat

Bonito is not bad, but it is not plump. If you really want to sublimate its taste, you have to make it into a wooden dried fish!

When it comes to Japanese food, you can't avoid the wooden fish, but don't think that the wooden fish is a special species, and don't think that it is related to the monk's magic weapon. Wooden fish is made of bonito: the bonito is skinned and bone steamed, and then smoked until it is dried, before making a "wooden fish" as hard as wood. By using a small planer to cut the wooden fish into finely chopped and transparent wooden fish flowers, you get the most commonly used umami condiment in Japanese cuisine, which can be called natural MSG.