
The 8th Most Beautiful Qingyuan People Commendation Ceremony Was Launched 30 Warm Neighbors "Debut"

author:Jintai information

They always look at what others need, they always ask themselves what more they can do, every time they persevere, they exchange every corner of peace... They are the most beautiful Qingyuan people. On the afternoon of December 30, Qingyuan Street held the 8th Most Beautiful Qingyuan People Selection and Commendation Activity of "New Era of Source Dreams, Model Blooming Fanghua", commending the 10 "Most Beautiful Qingyuan People" and 20 "Most Beautiful Qingyuan People Nomination" winners in 2021, and the activities were simultaneously broadcast live on WeChat cloud.

The "Most Beautiful Story" audio and video drama is broadcast from multiple angles

"What is the 'most beautiful' in your heart?" "Loving and actionable!" At the beginning of the event, a "Most Beautiful" neighborhood video told qingyuan people's first impression of "the most beautiful", and more than 20 passers-by praised "the most beautiful Qingyuan people". Among these praises, the eighth most beautiful Qingyuan people commendation ceremony was officially launched.

The 8th Most Beautiful Qingyuan People Commendation Ceremony Was Launched 30 Warm Neighbors "Debut"

It is understood that the selection activity was launched from the beginning of the year, nearly 300 warm-hearted neighbors registered, through multiple rounds of selection, and finally 30 people were shortlisted, of which 10 were rated as "the most beautiful Qingyuan people" and 20 were rated as "the most beautiful Qingyuan people nominated". The 30 "most beautiful" characters were commended in groups in the 4 "most beautiful documentaries" exhibition, and through the video, many residents had a profound understanding of the "most beautiful Qingyuan people" - there is Li Maohui, the community secretary who goes day and night only to protect the people's security; Liu Changjing, who uses trust to enter the dingda property of thousands of honest merchants; Liu Changjing, who uses skillful hands to turn waste into treasure; Huang Shufen, a home watchman who goes wherever there is a need; and Jia Weilin, a small volunteer who is not old enough but has participated in volunteer service for more than 2,000 hours... The commended figures are all typical and benchmarking from all walks of life, and their vivid practice of loving the motherland and dedicating themselves to their neighbors has set up a moral benchmark that is amiable, respectable, credible and learnable for 140,000 Qingyuan people. It is worth mentioning that the award ceremony invited Song Xueli, the winner of the "Beijing Model" and "The First Most Beautiful Qingyuan Person", and a number of previous "Most Beautiful Qingyuan People" as award guests, reflecting the inheritance of the spirit of role model.

In addition, a sitcom "My Community and Me" directed and performed by residents made the residents frequently cry, and the sitcom took the Zaoyuan community as the prototype and told the heart-warming story of community workers and volunteers working together to fight together in the community epidemic prevention and the transformation of old communities. "Every scene in the video is around us, I didn't expect that in daily life, there are so many people silently guarding everyone, very touched", Zhao Hai of Binhe Xili North District watched the whole process through the live link, and shared the viewing experience in real time in the resident group.

"The most beautiful oath" was recited by 100 people

"One is the most beautiful, one banner, with the spirit of dedication to everything, adhere to the sense of dedication to doing practical things for the masses and doing good things", under the leadership of 10 "most beautiful Qingyuan people", hundreds of people read the "most beautiful oath" and recited the "most beautiful spirit". The "most beautiful Qingyuan people" who participated in the oath at the scene said that in the future work, they will definitely practice the "most beautiful oath" with high morale, enterprising mentality and the spirit of creating the first and striving for excellence, based on their own duties, strive to be pioneers, and do their best to provide services for residents and send warmth to the neighborhood.

It is understood that Qingyuan Street has carried out eight consecutive sessions of "the most beautiful Qingyuan people" selection and commendation activities, a total of nearly 3,000 warm-hearted neighbors have selected 80 "most beautiful", 160 "most beautiful nominations", at present, many of the previous "most beautiful Qingyuan people" are not only still active in the front line of serving neighbors, but also incubating professional volunteer organizations with the help of the street, creating a "professional team" through "a warm-hearted person", and continuing to warm the homeland and society with the beautiful quality of strength, perseverance and great love. It shows the good style and temperament of Qingyuan.

The "Most Beautiful Home" will be set off again

The 8th Most Beautiful Qingyuan People Commendation Ceremony Was Launched 30 Warm Neighbors "Debut"

"I am particularly excited to see the books I participated in compiling on the spot", this year coincided with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Qingyuan Street, and the book "Qingchun Is just in time" written by residents was officially released. In addition, the ninth "Most Beautiful Qingyuan People" selection activity was also released, and the "most beautiful" submission channel was opened on the spot.

"Every 'most beautiful Qingyuan person' is a banner, we are moved, we have a heart, and we should take action." As Chen Zibing, secretary of the Street Working Committee, said in his speech at the event, many Qingyuan people have a profound feeling by watching the "most beautiful story" and listening to the "most beautiful oath". "After watching it, I am both excited and moved, if I have the opportunity, I also want to dedicate a strength to my homeland", Zhang Jie, a resident of Qingyuan Xili Community who watched the live video broadcast the whole time, silently turned this touch into a small goal for next year.

The event ended, but the warmth did not stop. In the next step, Qingyuan Street will continue to rely on the "most beautiful" example to carry out a series of activities such as "a most beautiful initiative, a most beautiful action, a most beautiful open class, a most beautiful list, and a most beautiful convention", so that "the most beautiful Qingyuan people" will become the leaders of homeland construction and neighborhood autonomy, and continue to influence and drive the people around them.

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