
The "Urban Image" of Foreigners: Taste the "Taste of Hangzhou" of Digital Life

The "Urban Image" of Foreigners: Taste the "Taste of Hangzhou" of Digital Life

Millais (second from right) volunteers. Photo by Wang Gang

Hangzhou, China, December 31 (Chai Yanfei, Huang Lingyi) Hangzhou, Zhejiang, is famous for its "numbers". From the first launch of e-commerce and mobile payment many years ago, to the initiative of the city brain and health code, to the gathering of cutting-edge industries such as artificial intelligence, there is no lack of bright colors in the digital development of Chinese cities.

In the digital era, Hangzhou, which is at the forefront of development speed, has also become a city that embodies the "digital temperature".

This year, in the context of Zhejiang's comprehensive promotion of digital reform, Hangzhou has clearly defined the goal of building a "digital wisdom Hangzhou" and proposed to "make the city truly become a sentient, thinking and temperature intelligent life body" in the construction of "digital society". In the past year, the "Hangzhou landing" of digital reform concepts, paths and innovations has accelerated the penetration of digital into the food, clothing, housing and transportation of local people, and has become a real and visible sense of public gain. And this kind of digital life, in the eyes of many city "visitors", has also become one of the most memorable labels of a city.

"Taiwanese cousin": The digital infrastructure is a surprise

Li Qiaoxin has been coming to the mainland from Taiwan for more than a year. Engaged in short video shooting, she entered the public eye as a "Taiwanese cousin face", and now she has also become an Internet celebrity on the short video social platform.

In October this year, after traveling to many places in the mainland, Li Qiaoxin moved to Hangzhou and took root in the city. "I came to Hangzhou in July, and I left a good impression at that time, thinking that the climate and food here are very suitable for me. Later, I also experienced the digital charm of Hangzhou, which made me like it even more. ”

She said bluntly that Hangzhou is different from other cities in that there are many digital life applications here, which often surprise people. "Not long ago, I went to a supermarket in Fuyang, Hangzhou, where the shopping cart was actually smart. Clicking on the screen on the shopping cart to search for items will automatically plan the in-venue route and navigate to the corresponding shelves. In addition, the shopping cart can also self-check out, face recognition, accurate push coupons and other functions, as a consumer, the sense of shopping experience is really rising. ”

In the days of Hangzhou, Li Qiaoxin was impressed by a 5G public toilet. "I once went to 'punch in', that was the first time I saw such a high-tech toilet, the whole process does not need to touch: open and close the door, flush, faucet and hand sanitizer, hand dryer are automatic induction, face recognition automatically out of the toilet paper, the toilet glass can also automatically 'atomize' to ensure privacy."

Every time a new experience and "punch card", Li Qiaoxin will record it in the form of a video and post it to the network platform to share the beauty of digital life with everyone. And because she often travels to other cities for business, she is particularly looking forward to returning to Hangzhou every time. "The digitization of many infrastructures represents a trendy lifestyle and, more importantly, makes life more convenient for citizens. Presumably, there are many more digital applications that are so lifelike, and I will continue to explore them. ”

"From a Taiwanese point of view, there are not so many digital applications in Taiwan. I also hope that through my videos, more Taiwan compatriots can understand the real Hangzhou and the real mainland. Li Qiaoxin said.

The "Urban Image" of Foreigners: Taste the "Taste of Hangzhou" of Digital Life

Guashan Future Community. Photo by Liu Baozhuo

"Yang Lei Feng" Millais: The way of governance is eye-opening

Eric (Chinese: Millais), an international student from Zimbabwe, has been living in Hangzhou for 4 years. Because of his good Chinese proficiency and his fondness for public welfare, he is often called "Yang Lei Feng" by people around him.

Usually, when he is fine, Millais likes to use his mobile phone to board the "Rongxi Lake" platform and browse the volunteer activities posted on the platform. The platform is the official online service station established by Hangzhou's West Lake District for overseas people, and it is also the first thing Millais thought of when talking about Hangzhou's digital life. "This platform can be switched between China and the UK, policies and information related to foreigners can be found on the platform, laws and regulations that are not understood can also be queried on the top, and we foreigners can also seek help on the platform when they encounter problems."

Some time ago, a foreign friend of Millais wanted to hold a public welfare activity for popularizing the law and needed to apply for a venue. So Millais helped book the venue through "Rongxi Lake", and invited a police officer to give a speech on the law through the platform.

Today, Millais is studying for a master's degree in international affairs and global governance at Zhejiang University. He likes to help others and participates in various public welfare activities every holiday.

This year's National Day holiday, Millais wore a red vest to provide volunteer services in Hangzhou Hubin Pedestrian Street, or to guide tourists, maintain order, or provide foreign language translation services.

"While doing public welfare, I also saw the digitalization of the business district." Millais said that the business district has a "Lakeside Online" governance system, and he saw on the electronic screen that the block governance channel can display the traffic numbers and changes in the business district in real time. "The platform will also trigger different levels of emergency response and adjust the duty intensity of relevant positions according to the real-time changes in the flow of people, which also opens my eyes."

Millais told reporters that he now often shares what he sees and hears in Hangzhou through social platforms to his family, friends and friends in Zimbabwe. "Having lived in Hangzhou for a long time, I have regarded this place as my second hometown, and I am very proud to see it become more and more 'magical' because of the numbers."

New Hangzhou people: Digital "running errands" is worrying

White walls, colorful lines interspersed with geometric shapes of windows and balconies, rows of designed houses using walls and corridors to become groups or blocks... Guashan "Urban Village" in Hangzhou's Gongshu District was once noisy and chaotic, but now it has become a future community.

As one of the first batch of 24 future community pilots in Zhejiang Province, Guashan Future Community is the only project of original building preservation, renovation and renovation, and is also the first future community pilot project in Zhejiang. Shi Jianwei, a native of Heilongjiang, has been working in Hangzhou for two years, engaged in architectural design, and is now a "new Hangzhouian" living in the future community of Guashan.

Similar to Li Qiaoxin, Shi Jianwei said that what made him decide to stay in Hangzhou to work hard was the efficiency and convenience of Hangzhou in the context of digitalization.

"For example, in the community, living here can feel a lot of different digital details." Shi Jianwei introduced that his community APP has a number of life service functions such as online repair and appointment cleaning. "There is furniture in the home that is broken and needs to be repaired, so register on the APP, and soon there will be staff coming to the door."

It is understood that the Guashan Future Community has created the "Guashan Future Vision" digital governance platform by opening up the three application ports of the street digital cockpit, the enterprise operation background, and the future community youth service exclusive APP, which can achieve full coverage of basic life service functions such as information activities, policy inquiries, online repair reports, and appointment cleaning.

What also made him feel at ease was the city's sense of government service. "A very obvious example is that I applied for a birth certificate for the second child, and a few years ago I ran three or four times in another place to stamp the four seals to be stamped, compared to running in Hangzhou and completing all the formalities, which can make people clearly feel the intentions of the city." Shi Jianwei said.

Shi Jianwei, Millais, Li Qiaoxin... From an ordinary perspective, you can see the most real story of change around you. One by one, such "digital" changes are superimposed, forming a higher quality urban form, allowing Hangzhou to move towards a more mature "happiness paradigm". (End)

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