
Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

author:Blue Mirror

Tianshui, the second largest city in Gansu. One of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization, it is known as the "hometown of the Xi Emperor".

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Tianshui Maijishan Grottoes

Croaking, dough, cold powder, loose rice, pulp water, wine dishes, lard boxes, yellow buns, etc., these are the representatives of Tianshui cuisine.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Tianshui Croak

The most famous is Que, "呱呱" is Tianshui dialect, is the meaning of "pot ba", many people are curious about this kind of cuisine, but also from its name, from this food name can see the cuteness and confidence of Tianshui people. You have to ask the Tianshui man what it is, and he will tell you that it is a cry.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Every morning, the streets and alleys of Tianshui City are crowded with people, everyone comes for this bowl of spicy and soft croak, eat a bowl of croak, wake up the body, and the comfortable day can officially begin.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Breakfast for Tianshui people

The first time you see It, a bowl full of red oil peppers may deter you, in fact, this red pepper looks spicy, it is not spicy to eat, not only is it not spicy, but it also has a very strong special flavor. The entrance is very sticky and soft, a little sticky, and a little bit of Q bomb, a little want to chew, and can be swallowed without chewing, which is a very magical taste.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Stir as you cook

It is made with buckwheat and is completely handmade. The buckwheat is refined, filtered, soaked, filtered impurities, warmed water into the pot, slowly cooked over low heat, stirred while cooking, the buckwheat flour is boiled to a thick, and when a thick layer of pot is formed at the bottom of the pot, it is out of the pot, wake up, and make it.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Do a good job

After several generations of exploration, Tianshui people have made a seasoning composed of dozens of flavorful materials, forming a unique flavor of red and bright color, spicy but not dry, mellow aroma and long aftertaste.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Croaky spices

The traditional quack stall seller, after you order a bowl of croak, wear plastic gloves, use your hands to knead the large pieces of the pot into small pieces, load the bowl, and then pour a variety of spices to hand you, this hand kneading process, is also a major feature of the croak, in the eyes of the locals, only the hand pinch of the croak is authentic, only into the taste, there is a sense of ceremony.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Hand pinching

Eating que, the best pairing is the local "yellow bun" and "apricot tea". The yellow of the yellow bun, the white of the apricot tea, the red of the croak, the three colors reflect each other, and they all have an appetite when they look at it. Take a bite of the crispy yellow bun on the outside, eat a bite of spicy and soft croak, and drink a hot and fragrant almond tea.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Tianshui yellow bun

Go to Tianshui to play, local friends will ask you, que eat whether it is eaten, you answer to eat, they will be relieved to nod, which can be seen that the status of this kind of food in Tianshui, really do not eat que is equal to not coming to Tianshui.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Tianshui apricot tea

In the streets and alleys of Tianshui, you can find small stalls selling Croak everywhere. The most famous ones are "Chang Ji Que", "Zhao Ji Que" and "Dong Tuan Zhuang Que". There are also improved creaks on the tables of some large hotels and star hotels, but Tianshui people believe that the taste of the stalls in front of the house is the most authentic.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Quack stalls

For the Tianshui people who go out, it is more of a nostalgia, a kind of concern, back to Tianshui for the first time to eat a bowl of croak, a bowl of red oil to roll the wind and clouds under the belly, eat the head sweat, this feels that the body and soul are really back home.

Tianshui's famous food "Que Que", magical and delicious breakfast, spicy and soft, eat once can not forget

Tianshui, which has the meaning of "water in heaven", has a pleasant climate and sweet water quality. The skin of Tianshui people is particularly white and tender, so there is a saying of "Tianshui white doll". Local friends joked that it is not that the water of Tianshui is good, but that it is necessary to eat more and have good natural skin.

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If you want to know more about Gansu cuisine, please pay attention to me!

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