
What was the German "Source of Life" program during World War II? What a disaster for people

Helge Kärau was born in World War II Germany in 1940. Her mother was an extremely fanatical Nazi, but her father's identity was unknown, and only heard that he was a burly and handsome German officer. The mother approached the officer and had a one-night stand with him, and 9 months later, Heigl was born.

Still in his infancy, Heigel was ruthlessly abandoned by his mother and raised by a leading Nazi figure, while he returned to Berlin impatiently to continue to work for Nazi Germany. After that, Heigl never saw his mother again. Her adoptive father, also a Nazi, was in charge of Jewish administration at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp.

What was the German "Source of Life" program during World War II? What a disaster for people

(Victims in "Source of Life")

As a child, Hegel witnessed the persecution of Jews by the Nazis, where thousands of Jews were shot, poisoned, buried alive, used for experimentation, etc., and the grease of these Jews was made into soap, and their ashes were used as fertilizer. The tragic memories of childhood made Heigl live a lifelong life of self-blame and fear.

When she grew up, Heigl was in a difficult situation, she was ridiculed as a Nazi descendant, and even scolded as a "Nazi pig" without parents, it was difficult to integrate into the lives of the people around her, and no one even wanted to provide her with a job. Heigl also tried to find her parents, but because the SS destroyed all the information about her, the long search was fruitless.

After that, Heigl spent most of his life in this repression and shame, until his twilight years.

All of Heigl's encounters were due to Nazi Germany's "Source of Life" program, in which she was one of the thousands of victims.

So, what exactly is the Source of Life project?

It is well known that Hitler had a deformed idea of racial worship, and he believed that the Germans were the best people in the world, that they had good genes, and that they were the best race on earth. And the Aryans and the German nation should be the rulers of the whole world, qualified to be the masters of the civilized world. Other peoples, without exception, are "inferior peoples" and should be eliminated and exterminated.

In 1933, Hitler became the Fuehrer of Germany and began to put his racial ideas into action with great fanfare.

He first spread among the German populace the theory of the "superior nation": pure-bred Germans of Aryan blood were noble peoples. They were descendants of medieval aristocratic knights, from outer space, living in an unpolluted green forest that created the Atlantean civilization. Second, Hitler did everything in his power to encourage Aryans to procreate and to make abortion illegal for Aryan women.

What was the German "Source of Life" program during World War II? What a disaster for people

(The chosen Aryan maiden, trying to take her meaning)

In August 1933, Hitler presided over a "racial optimization" program, selecting blonde, blue-eyed, non-Jewish, Aryan character across the country to create purebred Aryan babies, and named the program "Source of Life." He entrusted the plan to his right-hand man, SS chief Heinrich Himmler.

In August 1936, Hilheim built the first "Source of Life" nursery on the outskirts of Munich and invited eligible women there to begin their "baby-making" campaign. Hilem and others plan to create 100 million "super Aryan babies" in a step-by-step manner over the next 50 years.

The "Source of Life" nursery is almost harsh on women. In addition to being purely blooded, they must also provide aryan proof of less than 3 generations. At the same time, undergo a strict physical examination to ensure good health, absolutely can not have genetic diseases, even ordinary diseases will be excluded.

Despite the high barriers to entry to nurseries, there are many women who flock to the programme to volunteer for the programme.

Because this was seen as an allegiance to Hitler, a "choice of the Führer". Once in a nursery, these women were frequently visited by German officers or dignitaries and reduced to tools of fertility. Of course, they will also be taken care of, not only will they have no worries about food and clothing, they will be paid regularly, and they will also have the opportunity to receive a cordial reception from Hitler's Führer. At the same time, women receive a generous bonus once they give birth to a child.

A total of 10 such nurseries were built in Germany. In 1940, after the German occupation of Norway, Hiram believed that the Norwegians were very close to the characteristics of the Aryans, and built 10 more nurseries here, forcibly imprisoning Norwegian women and breeding offspring for Nazi Germany.

What was the German "Source of Life" program during World War II? What a disaster for people

(The little girl who was received by the Fuehrer)

Subsequently, Hilém also built a number of "source of life" nursery houses in the occupied areas of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and other occupied areas.

In the last decade, more than 20,000 "super Aryan babies" have been born in nurseries throughout Germany and other parts of Europe. These babies were indoctrinated with Nazi ideology from birth, giving them the task of "dominating the world."

Of course, for the sake of secrecy, the identity materials of these women and children are uniformly managed by the SS, and the information about the children's biological parents is known only to the SS. After babies were born, the SS quickly sent them to the Nazi elite for adoption, and was completely cut off from their parents. If babies are born with disabilities or incurable diseases, the SS brutally kills them immediately.

In 1945, with the fall of Nazi Germany, these "source of life" nurseries were closed by the SS and the materials they kept were almost destroyed. The children who were still in the nursery were scattered by the SS in different areas and were all adopted.

Although the smoke of World War II has long since dissipated, these children, who were born with unidentified children, have been saddled with unidentified pain all their lives, and they are deeply ashamed that they are nazi descendants. However, there are also some brave people who stand up and try to find their own parents, but due to the destruction of the data, these people are in vain even for the rest of their lives.

There is no doubt that Nazi Germany's "source of life" program left these innocent people with a lifetime of debt.

(Reference: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany)

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