
The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

As the old saying goes: playthings lose their minds.

The gist is that if a person is too addicted to something or things, it is easy to lose morale, such as some people like to play with sound and indulge in it; some people like to have pets, and they are not tired, etc. In the end, it is "playthings lose their minds", that is, they lose the motivation and fighting spirit to do other things.

The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

For example, Li Yu, the monarch of the Southern Tang Dynasty, because of his indulgence in poetry, not only often exchanged words with the chancellor Feng Yan, but also often filled in the lyrics and composed music with the Great Zhou Hou, living a life of singing and dancing, drunken and gold fans, so that he did not think of making progress, and was almost not interested in military and state governance, which eventually led to the fall of the country, leaving only the elegant title of "Emperor of Ancient Words".

And this is actually the main reason why the ancients taught people to be wary of "playthings losing their minds"!

So, if "playthings lose their minds", what will "playing people" lose?

In fact, "playthings" and "playing people" are both derived from the Book of Shang, that is:

"Playing with people is lost, playthings are lost." Zhi Dao Ning, Words with Dao"

The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

To the effect that taking pleasure in teasing others is a manifestation of moral corruption; if you are too obsessed with something or something, you can easily lose your fighting spirit.

It can be seen from this that "playing with people" will make people lose morality, and "losing morality" will lose the basis of settling down and establishing a life.


We will explore the following three aspects, namely:

First, "playing with people" will cause others to resent and even retaliate

The so-called "playing with people" actually refers to those who take pleasure in teasing others.

And teasing others, of course, will cause others to resent, and even retaliation - no one likes to be played with, so that it will bring disaster to themselves, and the gain is not worth the loss.

The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

This is actually the consequence of "loss of morality".

Second, "playing with people" will make yourself morally corrupt

The old saying has clouds: thick virtue carriers.

On the other hand, people who have "lost morality" are of course difficult to settle down.

The implication is that "playing with people" is easy to make themselves morally corrupt, so that they are disliked by people - people with moral corruption will eventually find it difficult to survive in the world, not to mention that the ancients said that "virtue is matched with position", and people without morality naturally have no "seat".

Therefore, "playing with people" will make people lose the foundation of their lives.

The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

Third, "playing with people" will make yourself lost, and even you will no longer respect yourself

Some people say that you are teasing others and at the same time being teased by others.

I deeply believe that the so-called "playing with others" means playing with oneself, which is the truth.

Further, a person who likes to play with others can easily indulge in momentary pleasure and thus lose himself - when a person does not know how to respect the personality of others, he naturally does not respect himself.

And how can a person who does not know how to respect himself be able to love himself and love others?

Therefore, from this point of view, "playing people" will actually make yourself lost.

The ancients said that "playthings lose their minds", so what will "playing people" lose?

Therefore, in summary, these contents are actually exactly what those who are used to "playing people" will lose.

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The materials in this article are mainly quoted from the Analects, Zhuangzi, Tanjing, Tao Te Ching, Temporary Sitting, Dream of the Red Chamber, Wasted Capital, Walking Alone, Philosophical Thoughts on Life, Plato So To Say, History, The Complete Works of Wang Yangming, Huayan Jing, University, Li Ji, Tiandao, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Wang Biji's Interpretation, Zhou Yi, And The Book of Poetry

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