
The Red Army was exiled to Tibetan areas for 70 years, and only three members of the family were left after the Long March, and their identity was recognized in their later years

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

In the Red Army, many people joined the revolution with their families. There was one person in his family of 9 people who joined the Red Army, after the end of the Long March, there were 3 people left, he himself was exiled to Tibetan areas due to his young age, and finally lived in Tibetan areas for more than 70 years, and in his later years he was confirmed to be the identity of the red army scattered and found his relatives.

The Red Army was exiled to Tibetan areas for 70 years, and only three members of the family were left after the Long March, and their identity was recognized in their later years

His name was Hou Deming, a native of Dayong County, Hunan Province, and he was a poor family who made a living working for landlords and bullies. In 1935, the Second and Sixth Armies of the Red Army liberated Dayong and other places, and Hou Deming's whole family joined the Red Army and followed He Long on the Long March.

At that time, Hou Deming was 2 years old, and his father Hou Qingzhi, his mother Liu Damei, his grandfather Hou Changqian, his grandmother Yin Chengfu, his grandfather Hou Changgui, his aunt Hou Yimei, the fourth uncle Hou Qingping, and his uncle Jiusheng joined the Red Army, a total of nine people.

After arduous battles, under the test of harsh natural conditions such as snowy mountains and grasslands, Hou Deming's family continued to reduce their personnel. Hou Deming's mother was a literary and art propagandist, and Hou Deming usually followed them to sing and encourage the Red Army. The troops advanced in the midst of hunger and cold, and one day his mother fell into the swamp and died.

The Red Army was exiled to Tibetan areas for 70 years, and only three members of the family were left after the Long March, and their identity was recognized in their later years

Hou Deming's father was a company commander in the Red Army at the time, and it was difficult to meet his family in the combat team. Later, because Hou Deming fell ill, his feet were festering, and he could not walk, so the organization placed him in a Tibetan family called Geshe Agu.

After the end of the Long March, Hou Deming's 6 relatives died or disappeared one after another, and the Hou family was actually left with only 3 people left, Hou Deming, his father Hou Qingzhi and his grandfather Hou Changgui.

Geshe Agu was kind-hearted, and after adopting Hou Deming, he taught him to learn Tibetan and Tibetan. Hou Deming grew up to be very industrious, and soon won the favor of local Tibetan compatriots, married Qu Mei ram, the niece of Geshe Agu, and gave birth to two sons and a daughter.

The Red Army was exiled to Tibetan areas for 70 years, and only three members of the family were left after the Long March, and their identity was recognized in their later years

After the founding of New China, Hou Deming's father, Hou Qingzhi, returned to his hometown in Hunan to work in the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, got married and had children, and left Hugh to be the deputy chief of staff of the Hunan Provincial Military Region. Hou Qingzhi inquired about Hou Deming's whereabouts in many ways, but because Hou Deming had already taken the Tibetan name, his living customs were completely Tibetan, and he never found it.

In 1984, the state issued a preferential care policy on the scattered and displaced Red Army, and all the local Tibetan compatriots testified that Hou Deming was the real Red Army, and the civil affairs department verified and recognized it.

The Red Army was exiled to Tibetan areas for 70 years, and only three members of the family were left after the Long March, and their identity was recognized in their later years

In 1987, the elderly Hou Qingzhi passed away with regrets. On his deathbed, he instructed his children to find the whereabouts of his half-brother. In 2004, with the help of CCTV, the Hou family in Hunan finally found "Hou Deming, who was scattered and displaced by the old Red Army." The elderly Hou Deming returned to the homeland where his soul had been haunted for 70 years, and the family had been searching for more than half a century, and finally reunited, and the scene was full of tears and cries.

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