
Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

The years are twilight, and the style is elegant and welcome. On the evening of December 30th, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, sponsored by Xinhua Newspaper Media Group and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, and hosted by Intersection News, the "Poetic China Youth with Me - Listening to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival" was held in the auditorium of Building 2, Xinhua Newspaper Media Plaza. Jiang Dingzhi, deputy director of the Proposal Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and president of the Jiangsu Poetry Association, attended the poetry meeting.

Outstanding sons and daughters of Jiangsu and poetry lovers from all walks of life gathered together in the name of poetry, feeling that "a hundred years is just the most prosperous style", praising "the motherland where the heart is attached and the love belongs", keeping in mind that "the jiangshan is the people, the people are the jiangshan", drawing upward strength in the poem, igniting the silence of the winter night, and knocking on the door of spring.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

Original intention: praise the great power of the times, pay tribute to the ordinary power

The moment you step into the theater, everyone is infected by the fiery red hue here. The New Year's poetry party not only has the warm atmosphere of the night talk of the hearth and the praise of winter sui, but also pays tribute to the original heart and the vigorous and upward strength.

Shuang Chuanxue, secretary of the party committee and president of Xinhua Daily and chairman of Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, said in his speech that on this occasion of resigning the old and welcoming the new, we held the "Poetic China Youth has me - Listening to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Meeting", in the atmosphere of poetry, listening to the clarion call of the times, feeling poetic China, sharing touching stories, passing on upward warmth, paying tribute to the hard-working 2021, and jointly opening a hopeful 2022, in order to "shoulder the ' strive to be an example, strive to be a model, Walking in the forefront of the glorious mission, striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of the new Jiangsu "strong, rich and high" gathers magnificent strength.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the people continue to struggle and draw a lot of paintings. The first chapter of the poetry club selects a number of historical nodes and moving moments to review the struggle process of the CPC in the past hundred years of founding; the second chapter praises the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland with classic poems; the third chapter pays tribute to laborers and praises ordinary people.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

"I am a boat, I am a boat that flickers on the blue waves of the South Lake, I hear the firm vows spoken by those low voices, I see the pattern of the hammer and sickle simple and dazzling..." A song "Red Boat" is sonorous and powerful, "Chinese Red", at this moment expressing the richest language and the strongest emotions, a large area of hot color blocks like oil paint splashed on the background screen, a poem of the popular people reverberates here.

Singing praises of the great power of the times and paying tribute to the ordinary forces, Wang Jicai, wife of "model of the times", Wang Shihua, honorary director of the militia post on Kaishan Island, and Zhou Weizhong, the eighth national moral model, all came as guests of the poetry meeting, with sincere emotions and simple wishes.

"Iron horse west wind battle waves, Shihua Jicai guarded the border defense", the poem expresses a strong sense of home and country, but also gives Wang Shihua unlimited strength. "In 2021, the environment of Kaishan Island has become better again." Wang Shihua said that with electricity, the Internet, and the establishment of an auditorium, a reception room, and a sea soul bookstore, Kaishan Island is already a more poetic island. Island keepers and practitioners flock to the island, and Wang Jicai's spirit of keeping the island is endless.

"Life is limited, and serving the people is unlimited." As an ordinary grassroots party member, Zhou Weizhong lamented that he has gained unlimited trust and supreme honor in 2021. As a national moral model, Zhou Weizhong also chased the "star" at the Beijing award ceremony site, and listened to the award words like poetry, which made him unforgettable for a long time, "The days to come, continue to inspire me to move forward." The people trust me, and I want to do more for the revitalization of the countryside."

They may not be able to create professional literary poetry with words, but they have used their lives and enthusiasm to create the most magnificent soul poetry in this country.

Poetry: Feel the charm of poetry and strengthen cultural self-confidence

For thousands of years, the culture of poetry and chanting has never been absent from Chinese civilization. In the crevices of this magnificent era, a vast and finely stitched horizontal scroll is poetically embroidered.

This night and night, this lamp candlelight. "Poetry Classic, Guan Ju", "See and Not See", "To the Oak Tree"... Calmly and suddenly intertwined with aesthetic love, elegant ancient rhymes are stranded; "Ballad of the Great Wall", "I Love This Land", "Qinyuan Spring Snow"... Heroic ambition surged in affectionate confessions, and delicate hearts were within reach. In the frost of the stars, feel the charm of poetry and regain the emotion in poetry.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

The nearly three-hour poem will use various methods such as chanting, chanting, speaking, reading, singing, and acting to spread out poetic China and express it in a picture-scroll style. In order to mobilize the audience's resonance and emotions and enhance the viewability, the poetry club widely uses a variety of artistic expressions such as situational performances, videos, music, and choreography, and reconstructs a group of poems through scientific and technological innovation methods such as 5G and holograms in the form of element reorganization, so as to make the classics more colorful.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

"Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon", at the scene of the poetry meeting, a poem by Li Bai", "Will Enter the Wine" expressed the poet's abundant emotions to the fullest. In the view of Xu Hongfei, chairman of Jiangsu Hanshangfang Brewing Co., Ltd., "poetry and wine are a good carrier and inheritance of China's 5,000-year culture, and they are a very wonderful match."

Citizen Zhou Zifang learned about the holding of this poetry meeting through the intersection news and brought his two-year-old daughter to the scene. "You can not only experience a sense of New Year's Eve ceremony at the end of the year, but also let children immerse themselves in the atmosphere of poetry in advance and feel the charm of Chinese culture." Zhou Zifang said that such moments are ritualistic, and literature and life need rituals.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

"We want to use poetry to spread the most classic things and carry them forward." Let more people feel cultural self-confidence in poetry, and then form a cultural consciousness of protecting the essence of the country and inheriting classics. Liu Huiping, a national-level director and general director of the poetry club, stressed.

There are the urgent strings of the vast era in the poem, and there are heroic dreams in the ordinary world in the poem.

"You and I are 542 kilometers apart, but now, due to a sudden epidemic, we are closely linked together..." White clothes for armor, Dan heart for spears, among the guests participating in the poetry meeting were members of the Wuhan Intensive Care Medical Team from Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, who had completed the arduous task of aiding Wuhan to fight the epidemic and was awarded the honorary title of "Model of the Times" by the Central Propaganda Department. Team member Jin Manli told reporters that the poem called "We Are Together" was written by a colleague, and it was also the first poem broadcast by the hospital's internal live broadcast program "Battlefield Voice" when they rushed to Wuhan, "We also wrote a lot of 'war poetry' at that time, which not only inspired many angels in white, but also made the patients in the hospital bed extremely moved."

Poetic gentleness, more firm strength, so that ordinary people in the face of the waves and waves are not defeated, in the face of the complex world still have the heart of a child.

Youth: Bloom the light of faith and draw upward strength

The whole poem will be full of abundant poetry and upward strength. In the theater, on the stage, the students from Nanjing University, Nanjing Academy of arts, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Nanjing Information Vocational and Technical College are the most charming landscapes, vividly showing the moon breeze of "youth is a good companion, poetry and wine take advantage of the years".

Lin Zihan, a sophomore at Nanjing University of Technology, wore Hanfu and recited "Mo Shang Sang" with his classmates. The charm of poetry, she says, is that a poem can resonate with people's emotions, and poetry provides a stage for concentrated expression for this resonance.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

Youth is not only a time, but also a kind of faith. The average age of the heroes and martyrs of Yuhua was less than 30 years old when they died, and in order to make their works bloom on the stage of the poetry club, the teachers and students of the Jiangsu Provincial Drama School deeply performed the "Book to the Future", which was vowed and touching. "Every time we rehearse, we are deeply touched by the spirit of the martyrs who regard death as a homecoming." Liu Shiyan, a student at the Jiangsu Provincial Drama School, said that using a more youthful and closer way to spread the ideals and beliefs of martyrs allows the audience to feel the great tension and spiritual connotation behind the text and verses in another way.

"If the 'post-90s' and 'post-00s' young people and children can germinate interest in poetry and feel the feelings of home and country from this party, then our purpose will be achieved." Mao Guimin, chief writer and director of the poetry club, sighed.

Poetic China, youth has me! Listen to the 2022 Jiangsu New Year Poetry Festival together

Lide tree people, bacon cast the soul, to the young people's soul to sow the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty, to guide students to buckle the first button of life, the role of the ideological and political class is irreplaceable. The School of Marxism of Nanjing Normal University has a well-known "Teacher Wang Team", and 6 teachers wang in the team also attended the New Year poetry party as guests. Speaking of the poems that are spoken the most in teaching in 2021, Wang Gang, dean of the School of Marxism at Nanjing Normal University, revealed that the "Seven Laws • Long March" is mentioned. "We will apply a lot of poetry to the teaching of ideological and political science, integrate the party's latest theoretical achievements into teaching, and realize the students' teaching materials, students' classrooms, and students' minds."

Youth is not sluggish, and the strong country has me. Absorb every inch of visible sunlight, collect every drop of rain and dew that visits, pull joints and grow, and work hard.

"The first time I attended the New Year's Eve poetry meeting, I felt very good!" Olympic champion and women's volleyball player Zhang Changning said that the poetry meeting has many elements of youth, which makes her feel very kind. "Youth is the most valuable asset of athletes, and every athlete hopes to realize their dreams in the golden age of youth." Zhang Changning said that she is now actively recuperating from her injuries and looks forward to returning to the stadium as soon as possible and continuing to fight for her dream.

Gathering at the "New Year Poetry Festival" and chanting "Poetic China", the poetry meeting held by Xinhua Newspaper Media Group on the occasion of resignation and new year has become a well-known literary event in Jiangsu and even the whole country, and has also made "Welcoming the New Year in Jiangsu Poetry" a new way of life for people.

Source: Xinhua Daily, Intersection Reporter Huang Huan, Hu Jingjing, Fan Jason/Wen Shaodan/Photo

Editor: Yidan Xu

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