
Jiangnan's most beautiful and talented woman, after being favored by Zhu Yuanzhang for one night, ordered: push out, behead!

Zhu Yuanzhang is one of the few emperors in history who came from the grassroots, he was a beggar and an emperor in order to survive, he tasted all the sufferings of the world, and after Zhu Yuanzhang, who was oppressed and bullied by the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty from childhood, participated in the uprising, he attached great importance to the people's hearts and resolutely refused to oppress the people, when he led the rebel army to Jiangnan, he began to visit the literati and celebrities, hoping to win the hearts of the people, but his adopted son and Hu Deji began to bully people.

Jiangnan's most beautiful and talented woman, after being favored by Zhu Yuanzhang for one night, ordered: push out, behead!

Su Tanmei is a famous talented girl in Jiangnan, not only that, her flower appearance is unforgettable, Zhu Yuanzhang's adopted son and Hu Deji forcibly brought her back to the camp after seeing Su Tanmei on the street, in order to please Zhu Yuanzhang, the two took Su Tanmei into Zhu Yuanzhang's tent, although Zhu Yuanzhang was very tired of the two people's approach, but seeing the talented Su Tanmei was still moved, so they left her behind.

Jiangnan's most beautiful and talented woman, after being favored by Zhu Yuanzhang for one night, ordered: push out, behead!

Hu Deji saw that Zhu Yuanzhang had accepted Su Tanmei, so his heart was even more proud, so he went everywhere to bully people, often lingering in the fireworks field in Jiangnan, not only that, he also robbed the people's women and caused the local people's resentment to boil, Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely angry after knowing it, because he attached great importance to the people's hearts, so he immediately took Hu Deji into custody, but he did not expect the other party to disobey, and said that Zhu Yuanzhang only allowed the governors to set fires, and did not allow the people to light lamps.

Jiangnan's most beautiful and talented woman, after being favored by Zhu Yuanzhang for one night, ordered: push out, behead!

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that Hu Deji meant that he had accepted Su Tanmei, so Hu Deji had a kind of learning, in order to be able to serve the public, Zhu Yuanzhang had no choice but to push Su Tanmei out of the place, and then sentence Hu Deji to death, he had nothing to say, the local people saw Zhu Yuanzhang clapping his hands and praising for the people, but Zhu Yuanzhang was very guilty in his heart, and after he became emperor, he deliberately set up a monument to himself in front of Su Tanmei's tomb.

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