
He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

At the end of the 19th century, 3 baby girls fell to the ground in Shanghai, and their parents named them "Song Xialing, Song Qingling, Song Meiling", yes, they are the most prominent "Song Three Sisters" combination in China in the 20th century, one became the mother of the country, one became Mrs. Jiang, and one married the president of the Bank of China, rich in the world, attracting the attention of the people of the whole country and even the world.

He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

However, no one expected that after the Song family was almost broken, Song Qingling and Song Meiling were actually pregnant, but due to successive twists and turns, both of them miscarried, and they have not had children since then. Although the sister Song Xialing gave birth to 2 children and 2 daughters, but the eldest son did not have children after marriage, the eldest daughter did not get pregnant after giving birth, the second daughter said that she would not marry for life (and later did not marry for life), seeing that the youngest son was more than 30 years old and not married, saying that the Song family was not in a hurry was all deceitful.

The second son Kong Lingjie did not care, as the youngest child in the family, Kong Lingjie was loved by the family since he was a child, he went to study in the United Kingdom at a young age, and he was not interested in the so-called "being a high official and inheriting the family property", and even hid in the United Kingdom to live a "secluded" life, away from his big family.

He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

At the same time, Old Jiang felt very sorry for his mistaken belief in others' slander against Kong Xiangxi, and felt that he had to make some compensation, but he did not know where to start. At this time, his assistant told him that Kong Xiangxi also had a young son, who was far overseas, shrewd and capable, but particularly honest, and could be reused, so the old Jiang immediately asked him to return to China and let Kong Lingjie become the director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In this regard, Kong Lingjie was actually not very happy, he originally lived quietly abroad well, and did not want to be an official at all, because he thought that to be an official was to "be a high-ranking slave", and everywhere he had to look at the eyes of the "master" to act, but he could not do it, this work, that is, 10 years, these 10 years Kong Lingjie personally did everything, hoping that old Jiang would let him go as soon as possible.

He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

Later, he finally waited for the opportunity to leave and immediately went to the United States, because he had always regarded john Rockefeller, the "oil king" of the United States, as his idol, and it was better to work for people than to be his own boss, and Kong Lingjie hoped to show his fists in the United States.

Although kong Lingjie was very unhappy to give old Jiang 10 years, these 10 years laid a solid foundation for his future success. After coming to the United States, Kong Lingjie aimed at a piece of land in Texas, USA, buried with rich oil resources, once he successfully exploited oil, he could become the next "oil king".

He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

Because his father Kong Xiangxi still has a bit of face, Kong Lingjie got the help of many people in the United States, set up a "Western Oil Development Company" in a very short period of time, vigorously developed Texas oil, and when the Americans reacted, Kong Lingjie had already made a lot of money, bought 4 planes, 1 armored car, as for how much money he had, even his father did not know, but a gossip magazine in the United States said that Kong Lingjie's property was at least 100 million US dollars.

Kong Lingjie not only shocked the Americans with "oil", but also shocked them with "marriage", when Kong Lingjie ran to act in a movie with Hollywood actress Debra Paget, and finally got into love because of the drama, got married, and soon after gave birth to a son named Kong Deji, Kong Deji is the only descendant of the three granddaughters of the Song family.

He is the only descendant of the three grandchildren of the Song sisters, his father is a tycoon, and his mother is a household star

His father is an oil tycoon, his mother is a Hollywood actress, Kong Deji has a golden spoon since he was a child, but Kong Deji is a very low-key person, usually rarely appears in the public eye, only in 1995 with his aunt Kong Lingyi accompanied Song Meiling to attend the event.

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