
The most shameless female traitor in the Soviet Union in World War II committed a heinous crime for her life, and before being shot, she made a shameful demand

In the summer of 1978, the Ministry of the Interior of the USSR and the National Security Council of the USSR captured a Soviet woman who helped Nazi Germany shoot Soviet partisans and their families, Antonina. Makarova. Upon review, Antonina admitted to having personally executed 1,500 Soviets.

Antonina. Makarova joined volunteers on the front lines after the outbreak of World War II. In the autumn of 1941, the Germans launched an offensive against Moscow. During the Battle of Viazima, Antonina woke up to find herself lying in a pile of dead people, but she had to go through a long and difficult journey to return to the Soviet army. Later, Antonina entered Locott, occupied by the Germans, where she met a German policeman. The German police promised to get her a job, get paid, and provide housing. But what Antonina did not expect was that she played the role of executioner, whose daily job was to execute captured Soviet guerrillas and their relatives.

The most shameless female traitor in the Soviet Union in World War II committed a heinous crime for her life, and before being shot, she made a shameful demand

In order to cover up the truth, the German police never let Antonina know who she killed, and the slain guerrillas never knew who the executioner was. It is said that by the time of her first execution, Antonina was so drunk that she didn't realize what she was doing. If the people she killed were wearing good clothes, she would leave them behind. At the end of her work, Antonina would often dress up and dance with German officers. At dawn, she often came to the prison to gaze up close at those who were about to be executed in the early morning. Some of her executions were family members of guerrillas, including women, the elderly and teenage children.

In 1943 the Germans hanged traitors who worked for the Nazis, but Antonina escaped punishment from the Soviets. She suffered from a venereal disease and was sent by German officers to a remote hospital for treatment. Conservative estimates put anthropohecy to death some 1,500 partisans and their relatives.

The most shameless female traitor in the Soviet Union in World War II committed a heinous crime for her life, and before being shot, she made a shameful demand

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union began to track down those Soviets who acted as Nazi accomplices, Antonina. Makarova is among them. Investigators later counted 250 women named Antonina. Makarova, and about the same age as the terrible executioner, but the last one was ruled out. Even so, KGB officials were convinced that Antonina was alive and that she had committed an appalling crime that must be punished.

It is understood that Antonina was born in a small village in pavnova's family, she was the eldest in the family, and her teacher who went to school wrote down her last name as Makarova according to his father's name Maka. In 1976, a Moscow official surnamed Pavnova wrote down the names of all his close relatives while applying for a travel visa abroad. Everyone in the family was surnamed Pavnova, and only one woman was named Antonina. Makarova.

The most shameless female traitor in the Soviet Union in World War II committed a heinous crime for her life, and before being shot, she made a shameful demand

On the basis of this clue, KGB officials found an important clue: Antonina. Makarova changed her husband's surname to Ginsburg after she married in 1945. The KGB continued its investigation and found that fifty-five-year-old Antonina? Ginsburg is a woman who lives in the Belarusian town of Lip. In 1945, Antonina. Makarova met veteran Victor at a military hospital. Ginsburg, and married him. After the war, Antonina followed her husband to his hometown of Lip, where they had two daughters. The couple is well-known in the town because veterans and their families enjoy various government benefits.

KGB officials immediately took the survivors and the client to the Belarusian town of Lip, and as a result, all witnesses identified her as the executioner of the year. KGB officials immediately arrested Antonina. Later, Antonina also confessed the fact that she served the Nazis and recounted every detail of that terrible day.

The most shameless female traitor in the Soviet Union in World War II committed a heinous crime for her life, and before being shot, she made a shameful demand

In the detention center, Antonina looked as if she was all right, unaware that she had committed a crime. She told investigators she still remembered every execution without feeling guilty. According to her, she killed herself to survive.

During the court trial, Antonina offered that she hoped the court would sentence her to a suspended sentence of up to three years and said she could leave Lip and start a new life elsewhere, but the court angrily refused her request on the spot. After the trial, the court finally sentenced Antonina to death, and Moscow also rejected Antonina's request for forgiveness. On August 11, 1978, Antonina was executed.

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