
OnePlus 10 Pro will be 80W fast charge + Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 + E5 2K screen

Not long after the release of the Motorola Edge X30, the flagship Xiaomi Mi 12 series, which is also equipped with the Snapdragon 8Gen 1 chip, was also officially announced, and then officially released on December 28, but the snapdragon 8Gen 1 flagship new machine that will be released before the Spring Festival is far more than these two, for consumers to choose or a lot, if you are not in a hurry, you can wait, such as the realmeGT2 series and the OnePlus 10 series.

At present, the OnePlus 10 series has opened the reservation mode and will be officially unveiled on January 4. As we all know, this is the debut after one plus returns to OPPO, and Liu Zuohu will definitely put a lot of thought into it.

OnePlus 10 Pro will be 80W fast charge + Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 + E5 2K screen

In terms of screen, one plus 10 Pro is even more unusual, Liu Zuohu said that one plus 10 Pro has opened reservations, it will use the second generation of LTPO screen technology, will be equipped with 2K resolution, picture quality is impeccable. Compared with the traditional 60hz screen, the high brush screen brings a smooth experience visible to the naked eye, which can display more pictures per unit of time, which greatly improves the game operation experience. Unfortunately, although the 2K+120hz screen quality is good, the power consumption is too large, resulting in the aggravation of mobile phone power consumption, at this time a new technology was born, it is LTPO screen technology.

OnePlus 10 Pro will be 80W fast charge + Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 + E5 2K screen

In addition to the screen parameter exposure, there is also a design drawing of the OnePlus 10 Pro. From the appearance point of view, one plus 10 Pro and one plus 9 Pro are in the same vein, the front will be equipped with a single opening curved display in the upper left corner, or a curved screen design, support screen fingerprint recognition technology, one plus 10 Pro's lens module modeling is very different, the design of the lens module and the metal frame integration is bold and innovative, very eye-catching.

OnePlus 10 Pro will be 80W fast charge + Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 + E5 2K screen

In terms of imaging, the OnePlus 10 Pro is also outstanding, with a 48-megapixel outsole seated main camera + 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens + 8-megapixel 3x telephoto lens, while the front has a 32-megapixel selfie lens, plus the optimization and tuning of Hasselblad images, which can't help but make people eager to try. Unfortunately, the OnePlus 10 Pro does not use 120w fast charging technology, but is equipped with 80w wired + 50w wireless charging technology, but it is more than enough to use in daily life.

OnePlus 10 Pro will be 80W fast charge + Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 + E5 2K screen

At present, in addition to the price, the various configurations of the OnePlus 10 series have basically come to fruition, which can be described as a real 10 in terms of strength, and will adhere to the "no will" to the end. What do you think of such a OnePlus 10 Pro, welcome to the comment area to leave a comment and say your opinion.

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