
Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

Some netizens asked whether the Ottoman Empire could defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing Dynasty? I think it was impossible for the Ottoman Empire to defeat China at the same time for the following reasons:

First, the Ottoman Empire originated from an exiled small Turkic tribe, with a small population and small area, and more importantly, its culture was not advanced.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

The green place in the picture is the earliest Ottoman state in 1299

1. The Ottoman Empire was founded by Ottoman I in 1299 and collapsed in 1923 after World War I.

The Ottoman Turks were originally a small tribe among the Turkic peoples of northern China. In 745 (the 4th year of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang's Tianbao), the Turkic clan Bone Force Pei Luo killed the Later Turkic Baimei Khan and sent the head to Chang'an; the later Turkic Vijaya Khan's wife Bone Rulu Po Ku kedun led the people to return to Tang, and Tang Xuanzong made her the Lady of Binguo, after which the Turkic state died and gradually merged into the Han and other ethnic groups, and the Turks disappeared from Chinese history.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

The once powerful Turks, under the continuous blows of the Sui and Tang, eventually disappeared from northern China

However, a small tribe of less than tens of thousands of people left China and went west into Central Asia, where it took more than 600 years to travel to the region of Asia Minor and evolve into the Ottoman Turks.

Eventually the Ottoman Turks established their own state under ottoman I. At this time, the Ottoman area was no more than 100,000 square kilometers at most, and the population would not exceed 800,000.

Therefore, the Ottoman Turks had been working hard for survival before the founding of the country; in the early days of the founding of the country, they were constantly fighting to the surrounding areas to consolidate the living environment, and they did not have the strength to attack China thousands of miles away.

The Ottoman Turks of this period were essentially nomadic people, ignorant and admiring force and cultural backwardness.

2. China at the same time was at the height of the Yuan Dynasty.

In 1299, the year of the founding of the Ottoman State, China was the third year of Yuan Dade.

"Dade" is the era name of Emperor Yuanchengzong's son, Timur, who was the grandson of Kublai Khan and the second emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty in this period was in a period of rise, the national strength was strong, and the Ottoman State could only look up.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

In 1299, the Yuan Empire was something the Ottomans could not look up to

Note: Genghis Khan established the Mongol regime in 1206, and Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, which was destroyed by Zhu Yuanzhang in 1368 after 98 years. The Northern Yuan regime after withdrawing from the Central Plains lasted 34 years until 1402, when it was destroyed by the Tatars.

The rise of the Ottoman Empire coincided with the middle of the Ming Dynasty in China.

1. Mehmed II defeated the Eastern Roman Empire and ushered in the glory days of the Ottoman Empire.

After more than 150 years of conquest, in 1453, Mehmed II of the Ottoman Empire destroyed the Byzantine Empire and established the capital at Constantinople.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

In 1453, the Ottomans destroyed Eastern Rome (Byzantium)

The so-called Byzantine Empire is the Eastern Roman Empire. In 395 AD, the Roman Empire split into two major empires, the Eastern Roman Empire, which collapsed more than 100 years later, and the Eastern Roman Empire lasted for more than 1,000 years, and finally was destroyed by the Ottoman Empire, which was only about 150 years old.

The Ottoman Turks inherited the Eastern Roman Empire, integrating their culture with their own Islamic culture, resulting in a new Turkish civilization.

By the time of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire had grown stronger; in the 17th century its territory had reached its peak, and under Barbarossa, the Ottoman navy controlled almost the entire Mediterranean.

At its peak, the Ottoman Empire encompassed most of the Balkan Peninsula, the Middle East and North Africa, reaching the Strait of Gibraltar in the west, the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf in the east, Austria and Slovenia in the north, Sudan and Yemen in the south, with an area of 5.5 million square kilometers and a population of 33.8 million people.

2. China in 1453 was reigned by the Ming Emperor Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qizhen, emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was captured by Wa La, and Zhu Qiyu, the King of Qi, was made emperor.

This period was the middle of China's Ming Dynasty, and the national strength was strong.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

Although the Ming Dynasty map at that time did not control much, it could influence the Jurchen and Mongol ministries in the northeast

The most interesting thing is that the Ottoman Empire in its heyday not only did not attack China, but during the ming jiajing emperor, a total of 5 times sent a huge delegation to China to pay tribute to the ming emperor.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

The Ming Dynasty's Zheng He fleet had no opponents on the ocean

It can be said that except for the years of the Chongzhen Emperor at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ottoman Empire had no chance of winning against the Ming Dynasty. Because Daming's navy and firearms were the most advanced in the world at that time, there was no one.

Then in 1644, shunzhi led the Qing army into the pass, and the Ottoman Empire basically had no hope.

The signing of the Treaty of Kalovic in 1699 marked the stagnation and decline of the Ottoman Empire's expansion.

1. During the ottoman Empire's long conquests, it concentrated its heavy forces to defeat weak countries and small countries (except for the self-destructive Eastern Roman Empire), and once it encountered Great Powers such as Russia, Britain, France, and Germany, it began to show its original form.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

The most powerful Ottoman empire

Although the Ottoman Empire had a strong military force, it was a multi-ethnic state, the core ethnic Turks accounted for only a small part of the total population of the empire, and its occupation of other small countries was suppressed by force, which was similar to the expansion of the Yuan and Mongolia, and their rule over the occupied areas was not stable.

So when confronted with a strong enemy, its beach-based dominance quickly collapsed.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire was in decline, and finally lost to the Allies in World War I, and the Ottoman Empire was divided, and in the area it originally ruled, more than 40 modern states (of course, all of which were weak and small) were born at once.

In 1923, the modern Turkish hero Mustafa Kemal repelled the European powers to keep Turkey from being completely divided, the Republic of Turkey was established, and the Ottoman Empire collapsed, which lasted a total of 624 years.

2. 1699 was the 38th year of the Kangxi Dynasty of China, and the Qing Dynasty of China began to enter the most powerful period of nearly 130 years of The Kangqian Dynasty 1671~1799). By this time, the Ottoman Empire had begun to decline. If the two countries go to war, they still have no chance of winning

After that, even if China entered a semi-colonial society and became a fish, the Ottoman Empire had no ability and opportunities at this time, and more importantly, it did not even have ambitions.

Because, it has become a fish of its own.

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

Modern Turkey still harbors an imperial ambition

Could the Ottoman Empire defeat its contemporaries, the Ming Dynasty or the Manchu Qing? Even if it is a hypothesis, it is necessary to answer

Istanbul, the capital of Turkey

Conclusion: Historically, the Ottoman Empire was far away from China, and there were regional large empires such as Persia and Khwarazm in the middle, so the Ottoman Empire could not and could not attack China; one step back is to attack, its strength is not comparable with China, and there is no possibility of defeating China. Because the time of its rise and fall is basically synchronized with China's strength and weakness.

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