
Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra Big Exposure: More to look forward to than the 12 Pro

At last night's press conference, the Xiaomi Mi 12 series released three new machines, but the "super cup" Xiaomi 12 Ultra mobile phone was absent, and it was reported that the machine would be officially released in March next year.

At present, the design drawing of the aircraft has been exposed.

Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra Big Exposure: More to look forward to than the 12 Pro

As can be seen in the exposed Xiaomi Mi 12 Ultra photo, the camera module is basically the same as the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro, but the small screen of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra on the side of the camera module is retained.

And Xiaomi 12 Ultra may bring the industry's top configuration in terms of imaging, fast charging, etc., especially in terms of imaging, which may compete for the first place in the DXO ranking.

The new generation of "Android light", are you looking forward to it?


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