
The Chinese island covers an area of 50,000 hectares, and foreign invasions have repeatedly tried to occupy it for themselves, and we have retaken them again and again

In the development of the world, the struggle for land ownership often occurs, especially some borderless lands or military strongholds are even more necessary. And it is also very normal for our country to have a vast territory and an important military strategic territory. The key points in the island area have been attacked a lot. One of the most dangerous islands, because it is an important transportation hub, has been invaded by many countries many times. Fortunately, our country swore to defend its territory to the death, so that the country did not lose this treasure land.

The Chinese island covers an area of 50,000 hectares, and foreign invasions have repeatedly tried to occupy it for themselves, and we have retaken them again and again

This island is called Dongsha Island, which is located in the South China Sea region and is the larger island in the local area. The earliest discovery of this island in China was before the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Zheng He made a mark here when he went to the Western Ocean, so from the perspective of historical development, this island belongs to China is not controversial. What's more, during the Qing Dynasty, many fishermen in China came to live on this island and planted a lot of farmland. In this way, even if other countries want to occupy the island, it is not reasonable.

However, there are so many unreasonable countries in this world that in an accident earlier, the British encountered a typhoon and were washed away to the island. The British saw this place that had never been there, and thought that they had encountered a new continent and gave the island a new name. Naturally, it is impossible for our country to lose its own land because the British changed their name, so they and the British theory. Forced by the national strength of China at that time, the British marked this place on the map as Belonging to China. However, they still called the British name of this island, and they still wanted to covet Dongsha Island.

The Chinese island covers an area of 50,000 hectares, and foreign invasions have repeatedly tried to occupy it for themselves, and we have retaken them again and again

Compared to the British willing to admit that the island belongs to us, then the Japanese approach is really a bit infuriating. They took the same approach as the British, believing that this was the New World they had discovered, and then did a series of work to erase all traces of our country's habitation here, and then in this name to list Dongsha Island as their country's belonging. The most infuriating thing is that in order to erase the mark of the life of the local fishermen, the Japanese actually made a three-foot dig to dig up the graves of the fishermen's ancestors. Such an approach was simply bullying China's head, and the Qing government naturally could not tolerate these people.

The Chinese island covers an area of 50,000 hectares, and foreign invasions have repeatedly tried to occupy it for themselves, and we have retaken them again and again

Of course, in order to determine the ownership of an area, it is not necessary to declare war at the beginning, so the Qing government came to Dongsha Island to appease the local residents for the first time and work with them to find evidence. Because the area of Dongsha Island is too large, the Japanese have tried to destroy it without completely erasing the traces of life here. So the Qing government soon found enough evidence to prove that this place belonged to our country, and thus the Japanese theorized. Seeing that we had a reasonable basis for the Japanese to argue about the island, they returned to their own country in disgrace.

The Chinese island covers an area of 50,000 hectares, and foreign invasions have repeatedly tried to occupy it for themselves, and we have retaken them again and again

Although this time the sovereignty of Dongsha Island was taken back, it is also clear how attractive this important transportation hub is to various countries. Therefore, the Japanese found the right hole and invaded the island. After the fall of the Qing government, another Japanese landed on the island and secretly exploited the resources here. You should know that when Japan first came to Dongsha Island, it was precisely because of the geographical location here and the rich resources of the island, so now that there is a chance to land on the island, it is natural that it will not give up the opportunity. After a large amount of resources were smuggled away, the Nationalist government in charge of China at that time discovered this matter, but it was fooled by the Japanese at that time with real money and silver.

Fortunately, now that our country has fully controlled the entire sovereignty of this important island, and under the current national strength of our country, if the Japanese still come to stir up trouble, then we will certainly not show mercy to these people's subordinates, and it is even more impossible to occupy this place for ourselves, and if it happens, it will face the wrath of our country.

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