
33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

Text/Lao Wang

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

The 1938 Congress of the Reich Party of the Third Reich in Munich was a frightening spectacle, and this photograph was also a manifestation of the madness of Nazi Germany under Hitler's rule.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

On March 1, 1933, during a boycott of German Jews, four Nazi troops sang in front of shops calling on Germany to boycott all Jewish businesses.

This surprised many people because they did not expect the Nazis to adopt their anti-Semitic ideas.

This is the beginning of the year of anti-Semitic propaganda.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In August 1936, German SS soldiers rested on the south lawn of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany.

At this time the regiment-sized unit served as Hitler's personal bodyguard and honor guard at public ceremonies.

Later, it developed into Hitler's personal bodyguard, and wherever he went, he was followed by a large number of SS soldiers.

They were also deployed in battle and were one of the most victorious units in history.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1937, a Nazi rally was held in the Cathedral of Light, which consisted of 130 anti-aircraft searchlights, spaced 12 meters apart and aimed into the air, forming a series of vertical strips around the audience.

Whether designed from the inside or from the outside, it's an excellent result.

It was the brainchild of Albert Speer, who commissioned Hitler to design and organize the annual celebration of the Nuremberg Parade.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1938, Hitler's personal bodyguards were inspected in Berlin.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1938, the new German SS candidates held an inauguration ceremony at night to pay a Nazi salute to Hitler and show their loyalty.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

The motto of the SS is "Our honor is loyalty".

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1938, the Reichstag incorporated Austria into Nazi Germany.

One of the Nazi ideologies was to reunite all Germans born or lived in a "All German Empire" outside the Reich.

From the early days of his leadership of the Nazi Party, Hitler publicly stated in his 1924 autobiography Mein Kampf that he would forge an alliance between his country of birth and Germany in every possible way.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1939, Hitler delivered a keynote speech at the Reichstag, on the eve of the Polish-German War, when Poland refused to hand over the Polish Corridor, and Germany launched an invasion war.

In this photograph, Hitler stands on the stage of the Kroll Opera house in Berlin, Germany, and tries to incite the German people to hatred of Poland.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1939, the bodies of frozen Soviet soldiers were propped up by Finnish fighters to intimidate the Soviet army as psychological warfare.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1940, two Soviet infantrymen froze to death in their fox hole.

The Soviets had to bring troops from far away to the Finnish front.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

A facial photo of Joseph Stalin at the age of 33 in 1911.

The information card that accompanied the facial photo read "Looks between 32-34 years old" and said his ear shape was "6.".

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

Felix Dadaev and the real Joseph Stalin of the 1940s.

Rumors circulating in Russia for decades say that Joseph Stalin had a "twin" that could replace him in some cases.

Even Stalin's closest comrades could not spot imposters.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

Stalin's son captured by the Germans in 1941.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1941, a German soldier shared his rations with a Russian mother.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, Russian spies laughed during the execution in Finland.

This is a very amazing photo.

He knew he was going to die in a few seconds in a snowy forest.

Then he would bleed and be forgotten.

His life and experience are over.

What else can he do but smile?

That smile was his last revolt.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, German soldiers shot a woman holding a child.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, a searchlight on the rock of Gibraltar, the searchlight in the picture was not for the use of the people operating the lighting, but to help the AA gunners find the coming bombers.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, these children did not know what kind of hell was going to be released on them.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, brutal hand-to-hand combat took place within Stalingrad.

As the Germans fought from house to house, the Germans found that all the tactical advantages they had in the battle across the steppes had been lost within the city limits.

The mechanized strategy of tanks and blitzkriegs did not help in urban warfare.

This eventually led to the defeat of the Germans.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1942, a soldier wore a badge on his chest, which looked a little terrifying to the man, notice the silver badge on his chest, which represented the infantry assault badge awarded in bronze and silver.

Soldiers who participate in 3 or more melee infantry attacks will receive a silver medal.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1940, German soldiers somewhere on the Eastern Front lit cigarettes with flamethrowers.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1943, two Ukrainian Akasarians peeped at the bodies of Jews killed during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1943, a Red Army soldier captured a German soldier after the Battle of Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare, killing about 2 million casualties.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1944, during the strategic offensive operation in Belarus, 152 mm howitzers fired continuously, resulting in the complete destruction of the German Army Group Center, which is known as the "Death Station".

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1944, during Operation Bagat, Belarus requisitioned 57,000 German prisoners to march to Moscow.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1944, German prisoners of war were squeezed into prisoner-of-war camps, and nearly 30,000 Germans were captured.

Guard soldiers would ride in jeeps, circle around the camp, and every once in a while they would shout "Stop!" And shot into the air.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1944, 18-year-old French Resistance fighter Simone Seguin, a young female fighter, would become a symbol of women's participation in the resistance.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

On March 9, 1945, Goebbels congratulated the young recruits on the Iron Cross.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1945, the Allies mocked Hitler on the balcony of the Reich chancellor and eventually defeated Nazi Germany.

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1945, after the liberation of the camp, the bodies were buried in mass graves.

SS prison guards were forced by British soldiers to load bodies onto trucks.

Notice the British army in the background...

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

In 1945, German soldiers reacted to footage of the concentration camp, and they watched a movie about the concentration camp.

This fierce confrontation left the Germans facing the worst works of the Third Reich.

Another view of the scene was taken from behind the theater:

33 old photos of Germany in World War II, human life is like grass!

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