
Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

Zhang Zongchang was a great warlord in the Republic of China period, and his reputation was extremely poor, nicknamed "Mixed World Demon King", "Three Unknown Generals", "Five Poisonous Generals", "Dog Meat General", "Long-legged General", "Zhang Sanduo", etc. In that era when there was a gun was a master, he naturally did evil and fell into the fate of death.

Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

Zhang Zongchang has countless wives and concubines, which may have something to do with his young age and many difficulties, so easy to fly Huang Tengda, Zhang Zongchang also has no culture, and he is still mouthless, leaving many laughing stocks.

In the Republic of China, it is normal for people with heads and faces to have three wives and four concubines, but people like Zhang Zongchang are also strange, he is called "General of the Three Unknowns", one of which is that he does not know how many wives he has, and he carries many wives with him, it is said that it is the "Eight-Nation Alliance", there are several countries such as Japan, South Korea, Russia, etc., and where to go. And every time he goes to a place, he likes to go to the kiln, and when he meets a favorite, he will bring it back to be his wife, so he himself does not know how many wives there are. The nickname "Three Unknown Generals" is probably related to the oil poems written by Zhang Zongchang, who was vassal and elegant:

Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

According to Lu Xun, Zhang Zongchang did not know how many soldiers he had, how much money he had, and how many women he had, so he called him a general who did not know the three. Bing and Qian aside, Zhang Zongchang alone was an aunt and wife who had held a marriage ceremony, including Japanese, Korean, and five White Russians.

Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

The five White Russian sisters are indeed beautiful.

Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

In addition to these anecdotes, Zhang Zongchang is also a full-fledged scribbler, the first strange man of the Republic of China. He was originally a warlord leader from a bandit background, and he couldn't read a few characters, but then Zhang Zongchang thought that he was a general who came out of Confucius's hometown, and naturally had a bit of a cultural atmosphere. After that, Zhang Zongchang invited several teachers to teach him to read and write, and after a few years of study, Zhang Zongchang thought that he was already a great literary hero and began to recite poems.

Old photo of Mrs. Zhang Zongchang of the Republic of China: The five sisters of Belarus are indeed beautiful, and the poems written are unprecedented

Zhang Zongchang left a lot of poems, which are definitely unprecedented in the history of Chinese poetry, such as the poems written after coming to Daming Lake: Daming Lake Ming Lake is large, there are lotus flowers in Daming Lake, there are toads on the lotus flowers, poking and jumping. To penglai pavilion wrote the verse: good Penglai pavilion, is really good. If the gods can get there, they can also sit down. And there are hundreds of poems like this.

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