
Fengxing Yacht: Reshape users' travel life and strive to be the leading benchmark in the industry

At present, the automobile market has entered the 3.0 era, and the consumption structure of the family car buyers has been upgraded, which has put forward higher requirements for all aspects of automobile models. This not only reflects the improvement of users' travel methods, but also reflects the transformation of lifestyles. In response to this phenomenon, Dongfeng Fengxing keenly followed the consumer trend and unveiled a new 7-seat family car "Fengxing Yacht" at the Guangzhou Auto Show in November. The practice of naming a new car after a "yacht" successfully broke the circle and quickly sparked widespread discussion. Dongfeng Fengxing said that the name "yacht" is not only to create a new model, but also to create a way of life.

Fengxing Yacht: Reshape users' travel life and strive to be the leading benchmark in the industry

Behind the innovative naming responds to the comprehensive innovation of the market

With the stimulation of the two-child and three-child policies and the surge in travel demand of large Chinese families, the "cake" of the 7-seat family car market of Chinese brands, especially the compact market, will continue to grow. In addition, the overall upgrading of automobile consumption and the change of family population have made the family car market undergo structural adjustments, showing a trend of youthfulness and fashion personalization, coupled with the fact that cars have become more and more the second space of the user's family, they also pay more attention to the sense of experience and interaction in the car, and have higher requirements for products. However, the current market lacks a real 7-seat family car with a stylish shape and a wide space, and "Fengxing Yacht" is aimed at this market.

"Fengxing Yacht" puts forward a new proposition of "quality home life" and adheres to the three concepts of "light luxury, quality and vitality" to create a new family model. Pulling aside the yacht-style style on the surface and exploring its depths, the author found that "Fengxing Yacht" conveys the attitude and concept of cherishing the company of family and enjoying the true meaning of life.

Fengxing Yacht: Reshape users' travel life and strive to be the leading benchmark in the industry

Although the yacht gives people a sense of comfort and high-class, but in essence, it is still the companionship of the family that is more precious, and only when the family has the same expectations, riding the wind and waves together, setting sail, the existence of the "yacht" is more meaningful. At the same time, Fengxing will inject "light luxury, quality and vitality" into the creation of "yacht", provide high-quality travel mode for families, let the comfort and luxury of yacht accompany the user's travel life, and make leisurely and self-reliant, calm and exquisite become the normal life of users. Therefore, the emergence of "popular yachts" is an upgrade of travel mode, but also a sublimation of travel life.

Internal and external subversion of the past Qualitative changes have impressed the market

Dongfeng Fengxing put forward new expectations and commitments for people's travel life, and Fengxing is definitely not an empty slogan, but adheres to the user-centered concept, relying on advanced technology, to achieve qualitative changes inside and outside the new car, subvert the past, create a subversive appearance, subversive comfort, subversive driving and intelligent experience, and successfully advanced to the 7-seat family car "subversive".

Incorporate "yacht" elements to create a subversive look. Bidding farewell to the modest appearance of the traditional 7-seat family car, guided by the design concept of "front dynamics", the body lines and vehicle shape are integrated into the design elements of "yacht", and a new experience of light luxury aesthetics is built for users.

Fengxing Yacht: Reshape users' travel life and strive to be the leading benchmark in the industry

Transcend spatial performance for subversive comfort. Relying on the malleability of the "Super Cube EMA Platform Architecture" and the design concept of "people-oriented", it creates a super space performance of the same level, and the space of the conventional 7-seat family car "will be" changed into "exquisite", with an infinite sense of space and a broad field of vision, so that the owner and his family can truly experience physical and mental pleasure and freely release the body and mind.

Efficient gold power for a disruptive driving experience. Breaking through the limitations of conventional 7-seater power and fuel consumption, with a golden power combination, it brings efficient power and excellent fuel economy, so that you can drive at your own pace.

Changeable human-vehicle interaction to create a disruptive intelligent experience. Say goodbye to the immutable human-vehicle interaction mode, with advanced intelligent network solutions and L2+ intelligent assisted driving technology, improve the intelligent safety level of vehicles, so that car owners can drive more freely and more at ease.

Fengxing actively responds to market changes, responds to user needs at a high level, and achieves internal and external all-round upgrades, and it is precisely because of the excellent and subversive breakthrough of "Fengxing Yacht" that transcends category restrictions and the subversive breakthrough of conventions, which makes the vision of high-quality travel life in the future become clearer.

Years of deep ploughing advantages continue to break through the field of passenger cars

The previous author mentioned that "Fengxing Yacht" has given the market and users a resounding answer with excellent performance and subversive presentation. Behind the excellent performance of "Fengxing Yacht" is the long-term cultivation and precipitation of Dongfeng Fengxing in the field of seven-seat family cars.

Dongfeng Fengxing brand is known as "7-seat family car manufacturing experts", the biggest advantage is to focus on the 7-seat family car field market, with 21 years of 7-seat family car manufacturing experts technology accumulation, millions of user reputation testimony and advanced research and development platform.

In the 20 years since its establishment, Dongfeng Fengxing has brought four MPV popularizations, including the launch of the first independent MPV Lingzhi in 2001, breaking the pattern of joint venture brands dominating the MPV market and becoming the pioneer of China's independent MPV. Today, Dongfeng Fengxing has developed from the former pioneer of MPV to the popularizer of 7-seater family cars today, and gradually leaps to the leader of 7-seater family cars.

Fengxing Yacht: Reshape users' travel life and strive to be the leading benchmark in the industry

Since its listing in 2001, in order to meet the constantly updated needs of users and the market in the new era, Dongfeng Fengxing has launched 7-seater car products such as Lingzhi, Fengxing M7, Lingzhi PLUS, Lingzhi M5, etc., to create a Dongfeng Fengxing business family, and with high reliability, high durability, low fuel consumption, long warranty, high cost performance and other product advantages, it is deeply loved by entrepreneurial consumers. "All-round business", "money-making machine", "reliable and durable" and other good reputation continues, so far has led more than one million car owners to a better life.

Relying on Dongfeng Fengxing's new super cubic EMA architecture platform, its highly malleable, high generalization rate, and more efficient development advantages can realize the improvement of vehicle space performance, comfort performance, safety performance, power performance, intelligent level, etc., and bring users a higher quality driving experience, as evidenced by "Fengxing Yacht". The follow-up Dongfeng Fengxing will continue to exert efforts to bring consumers a new experience of different family travel.

Starting from the Guangzhou Auto Show, Fengxing Yacht has begun to show users "exquisite + comfortable" family travel life. In the New Year of dongfeng Fengxing brand, as the first 7-seat family car of Jinshibiao, Fengxing Yacht aims to create a new "lifestyle" for users, and is a veritable "7-seater family car subversive" in terms of design and quality. This is Dongfeng Fengxing's response to market upgrading, and it is also the practice of the brand mission of "intentions, let users enjoy travel".


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