
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Authorized from: Highway Shop (ID: zailushangzazhi)

Author: Potato Bear

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

In people's cognition, the so-called devotional party is nothing more than burning some sandalwood, putting some pytrance, as long as you dress yourself up like a glowing jellyfish, and then make sure to jump like a jellyfish spasm, and occasionally adding a little Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong gestures is enough to look very sophisticated at the party.

However, when you come to the scene of this party, you find that there is no psytrance and no jellyfish people.

Whether it was a social animal or a human wife, whether it was Cyber or Showa Wind, all of them lay upright on the ground, calm and relaxed like a body left by the afterlife at a party, only a charming dancer swaying like a water weed in the crowd.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Dancer Irene at the Full Moon Party of "Playing wild mountains and seas"

I remember very clearly that when I first went to such a party, I didn't even know how to carefully step over the bodies on the ground where my head and feet were touching.

Because I was too much moving, I woke up a few people at that time. They opened their eyes and looked me from head to toe, then smiled and exchanged glances with each other, as if to say, "It's the new guy, right." ”

It took me a while to find a vacant spot in the "meat pile", and then I was relieved to close my eyes like everyone else.

There was a female musician on the scene who was closing her eyes and beating a shaman's drum, a foreigner was scraping a pile of chants in front of her, and Bu Yun was holding a huge Digiridu pipe and moving between the horizontal and vertical human bodies.

The vibrations coming out of the tube were like a circle of transverse shock waves that circled around people's celestial covers, mixed with the sound of breathing around them, and I swear that at some moment I heard a snoring sound from the right.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Anna (Bu Yun) playing the Digiridu pipe

When you realize that this is a mutual aid treatment session for people with sleep disorders, you can reopen your eyes because everything in front of you will destroy the understanding you have just established.

All the participants began to "move their hands up and down" to the people next to them, they touched each other, hugged each other, and the flesh on the ground twisted into a ball, like countless sea intestines that were squirming and entangled.

If you still have a bit of physical cleanliness, sorry, there's not much time left for you to digest and calm down, because soon there will be a few pairs of hands reaching out to the stunned you from all directions.

The immersive collision of spirit and flesh will make you dream back to the feast of group sex in the movie "Perfume".

But your panic doesn't last long, because then the musicians begin to chant incantations in unison, which are probably encouraging sentences such as obsidian, energy transfer, and everyone's flesh is beautiful, so that these strange and offensive movements of the moment suddenly have the purest reason.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Even touching and hugging is limited to the action itself, there is no second base and three bases, everyone is each other's comforting machine, the whole picture looks outrageous but seems to be very beautiful, the riveted punk has also been pulled out of the soft paste, and even Yaqing, who usually looks like a vendetta, has ripples of forgiveness in his eyes.

Honestly, I've never hugged so many people in a day when I was so old, and I doubt that even Andy Lau's handshake meeting will not be caught by the hands of so many strangers.

(Because everyone's hands are busy, no photos were taken here.)

However, while I was still immersed in a gentle interaction and could not extricate myself, the music on the scene suddenly turned into a violent and rapid drum & bass, and Bu Yun manipulated the rhythm of 160,180 beats on the DJ set.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

"Dancing like this, how to talk to people."

"I don't know, every time I dance like this, I can't even tell if it's a man or a woman next to me."

After a party fan answered me, he rushed into the crazy crowd.

The organizer of the party, Bu Yun, later explained to me that dancing itself is a kind of communication and energy transmission, and words are pale and hypocritical at this time.

Some people get a good thrill in jungle dance, some people feel that they are just trying to get a good night's sleep in a group of strangers, and some people just rush to the spiritual gimmick.

But the "Urban Mountain People" group believes that what they are planning is a music sharing meeting, at least for Bu Yun.

This bizarre concert, which is full of eerie atmosphere from beginning to end, is called the "Full Moon Party" by the "City Mountain People".

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

During the performance, Anna and Gong Master Dragon One

This is not the kind of full moon party that hustles around with barreled cocktails in Thailand's Koh Phangan, but for the urban mountain people, it is more like achieving energy displacement and soul purification from static to dynamic through music and rhythm.

Every full moon night, when the people in Guangzhou are dancing Techno or Afro in the club, there is a group of people dancing by the campfire on the mountain.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

However, judging from Buyun's recent activity trajectory, the full moon party is no longer limited to a small circle of acquaintances to take friends up the mountain, and this party has begun to go down the mountain and enter different cultural festivals, music festivals, and even livehouses.

Last year, it also held a tour, running to Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other cities, if it were not for the epidemic, it is said that Beijing would have had one.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Many people know Bu Yun, not because of this devotional party tour.

Before he dabbled in the field of occultism, he was also a DJ, a musician of the world experimental music group "Dariff's Poetry", we are members of the one music group, and more well known as the lead singer of two veteran Guangdong bands Drift Street and Flag.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Plant a flag in front of your door At the scene of the performance

Today, he is no longer the nuclear guy he used to be ready to swallow and roar, but the hypnotist who blows a digiridu pipe with a fairy breath.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

In the band circle of Guangzhou, everyone usually has only one sentence to meet and greet: "Hey guy, what about the row you tight?" (What have you been busy with lately?) Most of the answers received were as wasteful as the greeting.

In addition to Bu Yun's body, because as long as he doesn't see him for a while, he will have a new label on him, which is more exaggerated than the Mother of Dragons, and is the son of metal, The World Folk Music Cary Xi · The Liberator of the DJ Station, the leader of the devotional party...

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

World Experimental Music Group "Darev's Poetry"

But he thinks that whether it's a devotional party or world music or a lead singer, despite the very different styles, over the years, he has always been doing the same thing, that is, communication, trying to communicate with people in different musical languages.

Sometimes, though, he has encountered "special" communication barriers.

Once, when he was blowing the Digiridu pipe at the full moon party, a lady in the middle of the dance floor suddenly rolled and moaned on the ground, and under the influence of the sound, the people around the lady also began to moan wildly on the ground, and the stage was full of orgasms.

He had never seen such a position, and later found a relatively reasonable explanation, that is, the vibration of the Digiridu pipe is the resonance of the next three rounds of the human body, so it is probably the meaning of his inexplicable transformation into a humanoid vibrator with his instrument during the performance, right?

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

He said it felt like a new person at a party, speaking a different language, and at this time, you could choose to try to communicate, or just simply express yourself.

They may receive different messages, but this is an energy displacement in itself, communication is not rigid, music is my language.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

But if you leave the stage and dj set, he's the least likely person I've ever met to express his opinion, and every time he drinks and gets together, he doesn't speak, smiling at each other, as if to encourage you to keep talking until you can't move.

There is only one exception, and that is the topic of spirituality, and whenever the words spirit and soul are mentioned, he gushes like a dam without a.

In order to bring his music and occult culture closer, he even arranged various classes and lectures for himself.

From the human chart to the New Wave Mayan Calendar, he never missed a sharing session, and I suspect that if he had the chance, he would be kicked out of a biology class at a university where he was explaining brain nerves.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Bu Yun listened to the explanation of the tutor Miaoyin Tiannu in the "Human Diagram" class

If you ask him why he is so obsessed with spiritual and mystical powers, he will have a whole bunch of personal experience trying to convince you.

One of the most commonly said was that one time during a performance, he suddenly had a toe cramp, and then a female musician who studied Maya next to him came up to him, paused his hand in the air and told him, "Okay, it's all right." "It turned out to be really good.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Digiridu pipe blows Ana Gong Master Dragon One Shaman Drum Peach Accordion Sara

He has since decided that there are all kinds of inexplicable energies in this world, and he is like a translator of mysterious powers, thus opening a new door to perception.

The fear of the unknown will lead to rough speculation, and for some people who have not been to the party, they can't help but suspect that he is nervous and pretending to be a ghost, thinking that these eyeball-catching parties are just a game of hunting for numb urbanites to adjust the boring life.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep
I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

The proponents of the Full Moon Party were aggrieved and incomprehensible because they said they had a great experience at the party, which was not a curiosity, but a solid musical healing.

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

But Bu Yun said: "Honestly, I am quite disgusted with the saying of healing, I am not a healer, I think I am just doing a transmission of sound vibrations, that is, using beats and energy instead of words to socialize."

But at the end of the day, it's just a party. ”

I went to a devotional party and everyone inside was asleep

Images and sources

Courtesy of Crazy Chan/Anna

Photographers City Mountain, Hei Li, Nong Seed, CATS Sheng, Sargy Xiaoxu

Highway Shop Introduction: We explore the wildest and most spontaneous subculture of all young people that have not yet been fully polluted by commercial forces and those beautiful and fucking things.

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