
Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

Now most car owners have safety awareness, after buying a car will be installed in the car will be installed in the car driving recorder. The dashcam can record the picture of the driving down, in case of traffic accident or encounter a person who touches porcelain, the driving recorder is the most important evidence.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

The types and functions of the driving recorder are different, the price is not the same, the ordinary driving recorder is about 500 yuan, and the full-featured driving recorder is more than 1000 yuan. The driving recorder is a function installed in the later stage, so after buying a car, the owner can only install the driving recorder at his own expense, and many car owners think that the driving recorder is too expensive.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

In 2022, China will implement a new regulation, and all cars leaving the factory after January 1 will be equipped with a driving recorder. The function of the dashcam is similar to that of the dashcam, which can record the picture of driving. After the implementation of this new regulation, car owners no longer have to spend money to install driving recorders.

After the introduction of the new regulations, the evaluation of car owners is mixed, and some people think that the driving recorder function attached to the car is relatively single, and it is better for the owner to spend money to install it himself. Some people think that the popularity of the driving recorder can save the owner a sum of money, which is a good news.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

Advantages and disadvantages of driving recorder:

There are many advantages of the driving recorder, you can shoot the picture of the vehicle driving process, you can also record the sound in the car, after encountering a traffic accident, the driving recorder will be used as first-hand evidence, and the traffic police will judge the penalty according to the driving recorder.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

Driving recorders also have several disadvantages

First, the size is too large to obscure the view.

Second, the size of the driving recorder produced by some manufacturers is relatively large, and the owner installs the driving recorder in the middle of the windshield, and the line of sight will be blocked.

Second, the quality of the product is uneven.

Some small manufacturers produce driving recorders of poor quality, product quality control can not be guaranteed, the use of driving recorders is likely to appear in the line short circuit, serious situation will also lead to spontaneous combustion of vehicles.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

Third, memory is limited.

Most dashcams require a memory card to store video content, and due to the limited capacity of the memory card, the owner needs to clear the picture in the memory card after a few months of driving. Some car owners have not cleaned up the pictures in the memory card for a long time, and the dashcam is no longer working.

Fourth, the function is single.

Most dashcams can only record the picture of the vehicle when it is driving, and if there is damage during the parking of the vehicle, the dashcam does not work and will have no effect. Although there are some driving recorders on the market that can still provide shooting after the engine is turned off, such driving recorders are more expensive and less popular.

Since January 1, the car has been compulsorily installed with this accessory, and there is no money earned by buying a car

Editor's Comments:

Since the new rules have been in place since January 1, owners who have already bought a car will not enjoy this benefit, and those who have not yet bought a car will earn it. If you have recently planned to buy a car, you can wait until January 1 to buy a car, so that the car will come with a driving recorder to avoid the owner from installing it at his own expense.

I think that from January 1, the mandatory installation of vehicles driving recorder This provision has more advantages than disadvantages, driving recorder has almost become the standard of the vehicle, after the implementation of the new regulations will save the owner a sum of money, if the owner suspects that the manufacturer's own driving recorder function is single, you can spend money to install a more advanced driving recorder. Do you think this new rule has a big advantage or a big disadvantage?

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