
Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

author:Ah Liyan


Today, private cars have become a common phenomenon, I believe that many families have a car of their own, and when we buy a car, the installation of dash cam should be the first thing for all car owners, after all, its importance is self-evident.

However, in many countries in Europe, the dash cam is so resistant that it is banned, why is such a convenient dash cam resisted by them? It's really incomprehensible.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Why European countries are banning

There was such an incident in Germany in Europe, after a young man handed over his dash cam to the relevant police, he was sued by the police in turn, and perhaps even the young man himself did not expect that it was originally a product to prove his innocence, and in turn it became the key evidence to frame himself.

It turned out that the German police checked all the video images that happened in the past two years from the guy's dashcam, which is not checked and I don't know, a check is really shocking, in just two years, this guy has about 50,000 violations.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Here I have to say that the attitude of the Germans to do things, the Germans, who have always been known for their rigor, seem to be really worthy of their reputation, and the influence of two years has been carefully examined in full.

The reason why the German police accused the guy is also very simple, that is, there are other non-violating people's film and television materials in the video, which is an infringement of the privacy and security of others, which seriously violates the Citizen Information Protection Law, and the young man has also been punished accordingly for these reasons.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Hearing this, some friends may be puzzled, after all, they prohibit the use of dash cams, if there is an accident, or encounter the most worried about our countrymen, how to clarify their responsibilities.

In fact, in many countries in Europe, the monitoring on the road is very widely distributed, many cities have almost done the whole city control, every corner can be clearly seen from the monitoring, therefore, if there is a traffic accident, just the monitoring of the city layout is enough to return your innocence.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Secondly, the people of European countries attach great importance to their privacy, and the dash cam undoubtedly violates the privacy of many people, so although it is an unintentional move, it will still infringe on other privacy.

It must be stated that only a small number of countries prohibit the use of dash cams, and many other countries can use them normally, and the main purpose of these prohibited countries is to worry that their own country's films will be made public, and it is easy to leak state secrets.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

On the other hand, in the mainland, there are still many remote areas that have not achieved the full popularization of monitoring, so it is inevitable that there will be some blind spots of monitoring, so you need the help of dash cams.

In addition, in recent years, the phenomenon of "touching porcelain" has intensified, fortunately, our country has carried out timely control to reduce the number of these behaviors, but there are still people who choose to "touch porcelain" by chance, therefore, the dash cam is undoubtedly the best choice for our people.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?
The above information source: Zhejiang Traffic Police, June 09, 2017 - extraterritorial丨Many European countries prohibit the use of dash cams, the reason is ......
Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

How to choose and use it correctly

The importance of dash cams to mainlanders is self-evident, but there are still many novice drivers who don't know how to choose and use dash cams correctly.

The first choice is the choice of it, at least to have a wide angle of more than 120 degrees, while the angle is large, it can make the shooting more comprehensive, and can more truly reflect the situation at the time, but blindly choosing a large wide angle will be self-defeating, so when you choose, you must choose the moderate.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

The second is clarity, if you encounter an escaped vehicle, you can find the license plate number of the other party through clear video data, so as to facilitate the solution of the matter.

And the last point is particularly important, that is, his night vision effect, after all, our vehicles are not only driven during the day, night travel is essential, if you can't shoot effectively at night, it will still have an adverse impact on yourself.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

After choosing the dash cam, we installed it, and the correct position is in the center of the front windshield, because here not only can the image be excellent, but also do not affect the driver's vision, which is really a double win.

The same is inevitable for the maintenance of the dash cam, when you turn off the ignition, you must check whether the power of the dash cam is turned off to avoid causing some adverse effects.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

It is worth mentioning that if there are precious video materials, they must be downloaded and saved in time, because many of them are now almost in a state of loop recording, and the new video will replace the previous video, so as to achieve a loop.

Source of the above information: Wuhan Traffic Police, March 31, 2019 - Your dash cam may be in vain, useless and dangerous, 95% of drivers don't know!
Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Use a dash cam with ulterior motives

The convenience provided by the dash cam to our life is self-evident, but it is inevitable that some people with ulterior motives will use it and do some illegal things.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

In 2022, a friend in Fujian saw a dash cam on a web page, and the web page specifically claimed that he could use it to select rewards, so he bought it.

When this Fujian friend used it, he was surprised to find that the company's software will publish some tasks, and if you complete it, you can get the corresponding rewards, and the task is very simple, that is, the owner is required to drive to different places.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of his behavior that people from the mainland's security organs found him, and at this time he realized that the things he had done had inadvertently helped them steal the mainland's road information.

Fortunately, this friend from Fujian did not know the seriousness of the matter at first, and his original purpose was only to earn virtual currency, so in the end he only criticized and educated and confiscated his equipment.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

This incident is a wake-up call for all of us, warning us not to be greedy for small profits, lest we still know nothing when we are used by others.

Source of the above information: Luzhong Morning News, April 15, 2024 - the latest disclosure! Dash cam "illegally collects continental geographic information data
Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?


After all, each country's national conditions are different, and the control of the dash cam also has its own method, and there is no right or wrong, as long as you feel that the dash cam can help you, it is worth it.

Dash cams are standard in China, but why are they banned in European countries? What's behind it?

At the same time, when we buy a dash cam, we must also have a special idea, we must buy reasonable and compliant products, to avoid being used by people with ulterior motives, if you find an abnormal situation, you can report to the relevant departments in time.

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