
Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

author:Looking at the history of the present and the present
Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?
Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

["Unauthorized transportation is prohibited, and offenders will be prosecuted"]

With the development of the times, the automobile has slowly entered the homes of ordinary people, and it has also become an important means of transportation in urban and rural areas.

In the past, rural roads were not easy to walk and were often blocked by mud, but now the transportation authorities have made the rural roads smooth and tidy, and there are spacious cement roads everywhere, which are very suitable for cars.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

When most people buy a new car, they will install a dash cam and a reversing camera, which seem to have become the standard equipment of every car.

They silently record the vehicle's every move and become the driver's "third eye", but when we turn our eyes to Europe, the situation is very different from that at home.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

For example, in Germany, Austria and other countries, the use of dash cams has been severely restricted, or even completely banned, what is the reason behind this?

Reversing camera and dash cam

Do you remember your experience when you got your driver's license? This may be an unforgettable memory for many people, with a variety of characters in it.

For some people, practicing for a driver's license is simple, and every test is a handful, but for others, taking a driver's license is a kind of torture, and it is said that some people take the test no less than dozens of times.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Many people are very happy when they get their driver's license, but they dare not drive on the road, let alone side parking and reversing into the garage, after all, there are skills in the test, but in real life there is no fixed pole, outside the track line, etc., which is a great test of the owner's skills.

However, with the rapid development of modern technology, is there anything that can help car owners improve their driving experience? Naturally, there is, and it is the "reversing image".

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

For novice car owners, the "reversing camera" is a very important electronic device, they only need to sit in the car and observe the screen on the right, they can judge the condition of the rear of the car very well, and then match the left and right rearview mirrors, blind spots become less and less.

Although it will have some deviations in practical application, as long as it is familiar with it for a period of time, it will be more friendly to car owners.

I don't know if you have noticed, but now many buses, buses and other vehicles in the city have also been installed with "reversing images", which is enough to prove its practicability.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Speaking of the dash cam, its role is even greater, and it can also be said to be an indispensable electronic device for many car owners.

This electronic device can record the picture and sound of the front of the vehicle at any time, and can collect some information.

It is important to know that the roads in mainland cities are usually congested, especially during peak commuting hours and holidays, and if you are not careful, you may collide with the vehicle in front.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

In the unfortunate event of another traffic accident, the dashcam can clearly record the situation and provide a strong video evidence.

We all know that commercial aircraft often have two "black boxes" installed at the tail, which can record various parameters of the aircraft during flight and various conversations with the pilot.

Although airplanes have the lowest accident rate in the world, once a major accident occurs, it will be devastating, and what the staff can do at that time is to find the black box and decipher the data inside, maybe they can find the cause of the plane accident and then take the next step.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

The "dash cam" installed on the car is actually somewhat similar to the "black box", which can provide first-hand evidence for the accident, and its importance can be imagined.

Of course, one or two decades ago, there were many times in the mainland to "touch porcelain and cheat insurance" phenomenon, the car was driving normally, did not hit the other party, but the other party had to stay in front of the car and not go, to ask for an explanation, which made many car owners very headache.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Since the advent of dash cams, there have been very few cases of porcelain vehicles being touched, after all, it can provide the most powerful evidence and leave porcelain touchers speechless.

In addition to "touching porcelain", there is another phenomenon worth noting, that is, accidentally scratching or bumping.

When we go out, we can't stay in the car all day, we should park in a specific parking area, but the next day we suddenly find that the vehicle has scratches or collision marks, without a dash cam, it is basically difficult for us to find the "murderer".

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Of course, a dashcam doesn't just record bad things, it can also be a silent witness to countless bizarre events, sometimes even heart-warming ones.

From meteor showers that light up the night sky to the occasional dramatic car chase, these can all be captured by dashcams, so owning a dashcam in China is not only about safety, it's also part of a cultural phenomenon.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

But in some European countries, the story of the dash cam has taken a different turn, and some countries have even banned it, what is going on?

Banned by many European countries

In the late 70s of the last century, the electromechanical analog driving recorder was already launched in Europe, and it is said that the inspiration for the inventor was the black box carried on the airplane.
Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

But what people didn't expect was that this instrument didn't get much attention at first, and many people questioned it: Is this a bit of a "big fuss"?

As time went on, more and more families chose to buy cars, but while the number of cars increased dramatically, the accident rate also increased steadily, and at this time, people finally noticed the "black box" of cars, and sales gradually climbed.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

I thought that the dash cam could have a bright future in Europe, but I never thought that it would be restricted by many countries, and some countries banned its use, what is going on? There are two main words at stake, and that is "privacy".

In 2017, a young man in Germany was keen on dashcams, filmed about 50,000 violations in a few years, and then handed the video to the police, seemingly trying to track down the illegal vehicles through this evidence.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

However, something unexpected happened, the German police watched the video back and forth, and finally convicted the young man of the crime and took him to court.

The young man was very puzzled, the German police explained that he had violated the law on the protection of citizens' information, violated the privacy rights of others without their permission, and this young man finally could not escape the punishment of the local law - sent to reform, what do you think about this?

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

It can also be seen here that some European countries have strict regulations on the collection and storage of personal data, and dash cams, by their very nature, record everything around them, including people's faces and license plates, which raises serious questions about privacy violations.

You must know that many Europeans and Americans are highly sensitive to privacy, and if they are photographed by strangers, it is basically unbearable.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

The aforementioned Germany is better, although car owners are allowed to use dash cams, but these information cannot be made public, nor can it be used as a kind of evidence like China, otherwise it will be punished in accordance with the law, with a fine or a direct imprisonment in a small black room.

Austria, on the other hand, is a different country, they completely prohibit the electronic device "dash cam", and cannot install it in the car for any reason, otherwise they will face a high fine.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Switzerland and Luxembourg also have corresponding restrictions on dash cams, although they are not completely banned, but the use of this electronic device by local people is not so high.

Perhaps in the eyes of many Europeans, their country's urban construction is quite perfect, and many cameras will be installed on both sides of the road, but the video is kept by the relevant departments and not made public.

In this case, there is no need for car owners to install a dash cam, the main purpose is to prevent people from leaking other people's privacy at will.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

Of course, each country has different laws and regulations on dash cams, some countries allow the use, some countries prohibit it, and we should respect this difference.

Different attitudes towards dash cams

Each country's national conditions and culture are different, and we generally advocate "security first" and pay more attention to security needs, but the degree of attention to privacy is lower than that of European and American countries.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

In case of a dispute between the two parties after the accident, someone secretly manipulated the vehicle and deliberately made the accident bigger, and then made a judgment when the police arrived, the final result may be wrong, which will damage the interests of one of the parties.

The dashcam can record the collision of the vehicles on both sides at the first time, and the police can also make further judgments based on the videos provided by both sides.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

On the other hand, some European countries are not the same, he is different from our ideological concepts, attaches more importance to personal privacy, and is cautious about the use of dash cams, even the "face recognition" popularized in the mainland, most Europeans are cautious, and many people feel that it should be "completely blocked".

Behavior such as "porcelain touching" is quite bad in the eyes of Westerners, and once the police intervene to verify, then the information of the porcelain toucher will be officially recorded, and the credibility will be affected, and in serious cases, it may be difficult to find a job.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

So will some countries in Europe ban dashcams all the time? It's hard to say, after all, if there is no dash cam, how can the police intervene? The cameras on both sides of the road must have been blurry, which would affect the police's judgment.

However, with the advancement of technology, relevant personnel will also find ways to solve the privacy problem of dashcams, such as future electronic devices can use artificial intelligence to automatically blur faces and license plates in real time, and only record relevant and useful information.

Dash cams are standard in China, why are they banned in many European countries? What's behind it?

While dashcams are standard on the mainland, their future in Europe is uncertain, and privacy concerns and data protection laws have cast a shadow over their use.

It is believed that in the future, technology will go further, and many electronic devices will be able to provide some valuable evidence while respecting people's privacy.

Do you have anything to say about that?

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Zhejiang Traffic Police "Extraterritorial|Many European countries prohibit the use of tachographs, the reason is ......" 2017-06-09 12:03

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