
Ma Xiaojie investigates and consolidates and expands the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in Kundong District zhou Wei accompanied the investigation

author:Pingliang release

On December 28, Ma Xiaojie, secretary of the Party Committee of Lanzhou University, and Wu Guosheng, executive deputy secretary of Lanzhou University, went to Kundong District to investigate and consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and held a promotion meeting. Zhou Wei, secretary of the municipal party committee, accompanied the investigation, and Wang Linxi, member of the standing committee of the municipal party committee and secretary of the Kuntong District PARTY Committee, accompanied the investigation and participated in the promotion meeting.

In the "Lan Kun Cuiying" ecological farm in Baijiashan Village, Xiamen Township, Ma Xiaojie inspected and learned about the project planning, functional area construction, agricultural product sales, etc., and pointed out that it is necessary to give full play to the advantages of school talents, intelligence, science and technology, fully tap the resources of local characteristic industries, folk culture, pastoral scenery and other resources, extend the development chain of agricultural industry, and better help the construction of beautiful villages. In Wangshan Village, Ma Xiaojie came to the homes of 2 families to help the family, and after cordially inquiring about the family's economic situation, children's schooling, industrial development, etc., encouraged them to strengthen their confidence, actively develop industries that enrich the people, and make life better and better.

At the meeting on the promotion of assistance, after listening to the report on the work of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization in Kundong District, and the responsible persons of Lanzhou University, the Provincial Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Gansu Branch of Life Insurance and Property Insurance, and the Municipal Finance Bureau on this year's assistance work and the next step of the work plan, Ma Xiaojie stressed that it is necessary to implement well the various decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial party committees and provincial governments on rural revitalization, sort out the work tasks one by one, optimize and adjust the assistance measures item by item, and provide strong support for promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. It is necessary to seize the three-year multiplication action of the province's modern Silk Road cold and dry agriculture advantageous characteristic industries, adjust the industrial structure, expand the scale of industry, and accelerate the formation of an advantageous and characteristic industrial system with market competitiveness. It is necessary to regard the warm and safe winter of the rural masses as an effective carrier for the practice of "I do practical things for the masses" in the study and education of party history, encourage and mobilize the extensive participation of private enterprises, social organizations, caring people, and other social forces, and make every effort to ensure the basic livelihood of the masses in difficulty. It is necessary to conscientiously implement the responsibilities of the support units and cadres at all levels, give full play to the role of the first secretary and the village-based help and support task force, promptly help solve the problems and difficulties reported by the masses, and earnestly ensure that the strength of help, the responsibility of help, the measures of help, and the results of help are real.

Attending the meeting were the heads of 17 provincial and municipal support units, including the Provincial Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, the Gansu Branch of Life Property and Casualty Insurance, the Municipal Party School, and the Letter and Petition, as well as relevant units in the district.

Ma Xiaojie investigates and consolidates and expands the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in Kundong District zhou Wei accompanied the investigation
Ma Xiaojie investigates and consolidates and expands the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in Kundong District zhou Wei accompanied the investigation

Source: Pingliang Daily Li Xiaogang Dong Fan

Producer: Cyberspace Administration of the Cpc Pingliang Municipal Committee

Review: Lei Yong, Zhang Tao, Lu Shan

Editor: Zhu Chenguang

Ma Xiaojie investigates and consolidates and expands the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in Kundong District zhou Wei accompanied the investigation

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