
KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

Hello everyone, I am not a home for Jun paper.

The two battle order skins of the new season, presumably everyone already knows, are the level 80 battle order skin Huang Zhong Cannon Gentleman and the level 1 battle order skin Mi Yue Fantasy Night Dream, and in addition to the battle order skin, there is also another one in the battle order system that is also very concerned by players, that is, the Star Yuan Skin Kit.

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

The Star Element Kit launched in the Battle Order System is generally a complete set, including head, clothes and weapons, which players can directly collect in one breath. Moreover, as far as the star skin kit of the recent battle order system is concerned, the official will add an additional poster to it, which can be displayed in the loading interface of the game, and the quality is relatively high, but this time it may disappoint everyone.

One of the disappointment points, the color scheme. Angela's set of stars is called psychic shock, I believe it did impact a lot of people, this color matching is extremely strange, because this set of stars is based on the original skin psychic hacker, and the psychic hacker's color is colorful, and this set of stars is directly cut off the original seven-color effect, only retaining the yellow-green, resulting in a sense of visual impact is not so strong.

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

And the yellow-green that remains, it looks very strange, not in line with most people's aesthetics, in the game effect, Angela's skin hair will have a color change, the previous psychic hacker is very good-looking, and this yellow-green transformation is very general, calling it a hades color matching is not excessive, it feels completely like a semi-finished product.

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

The second point of disappointment, brightness. Perhaps because of the original psychic hacker, the overall color collocation is more obvious, although the body is colorful, but the main color of the clothes is black, so the visual sense is not so strong. And this star element accessory, it feels like a light pollution, especially when it comes to the animation, the brightness of yellow and green is too high, except for the white expanse, nothing can be seen.

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

Such a high brightness, seeing more will cause discomfort to the eyes, the overall effect can not be satisfactory, of course, the bureau is not much better. Therefore, the overall Battle Order Star Yuan, not as good as the original skin, can be listed with Arthur's Psychic Battle Police Star Yuan, Sun Shangxiang's lover of time Star Yuan, and the last three in all battle order Star Yuan.

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

Although it looks very general, but to some extent, and Arthur's Psychic X-Men Star Yuan is a very match, after all, the two original skins are the setting of the couple's skin, and this set of battle orders is to pull the two battle orders star yuan, but also perfectly pulled to the same running line, ugly very consistent, worthy of a family, I don't know if the official will plan to optimize it?

KING: Congratulations Angela! Fighting with Arthur and Sun Shangxiang made Xingyuan the ugliest top three!

The above, is the entire content of this issue of game information, if you think it is not bad, please like and comment on forwarding, the most important thing is to point a big attention! I am Jun Paper, a well-known non-professional non-senior game enthusiast, we will see you in the next issue.

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