
In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

In the 1950s and 1960s, Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated. In order to contain China, the Soviet Union vigorously supported Vietnam. In February 1979, our army divided into two routes and launched a fierce attack on Vietnam. In just 16 days, our army successfully occupied a number of strategic points.

With Deng Xiaoping's order, our troops, which had withdrawn from the country, were stationed in a disputed position on the Sino-Vietnamese border, in order to drag down Vietnam and indirectly consume the Soviet Union, the driving force behind him. This makes the passive Vietnamese army like a dumb eater of Huang Lian - there is no way to say!

In this intractable ten-year offensive and defensive war, the officers and men of our army have fought against the same enemy. But in the process, there are also warriors who die here. Today, we walk into the 17-year-old martyr , Gu Kelu.

In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

Join the army and aim high

In 1968, Gu Kelu was born in a small village in Zoucheng, Shandong Province.

Gu Kelu's father, Gu Tianjin, was a member of the People's Liberation Army to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Perhaps influenced by his father's ears, Gu Kelu as a child aspired to become a People's Liberation Army when he grew up, killing the enemy on the battlefield and serving the country.

When he was 16 years old, Gu Kelu saw the recruitment information, which spoiled Gu Kelu, without the slightest hesitation, he resolutely filled in his own information and signed up.

In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

Because Gu Kelu's age was really a little young, the head of the conscription politely rejected him. But Gu Kelu did not give up, he insisted on "lai" for two days. The person in charge saw that he was so stubborn, so he had to let him enlist in the army.

After Gu Kelu joined the army for two months, his team was given the task of fighting on Laoshan Mountain.

In this way, the 16-year-old Gu Kelu went to the battlefield as he wished.

He was elected to fight and died heroically

Initially, remembering that Gu Kelu was too young and had no rich combat experience, his unit deliberately wanted to protect this lovely brother and wanted him to stay in the local area. Hearing that his task was to stay behind, the enthusiastic Gu Kelu was no longer dry, and he stubbornly found the leader of the company. Under the soft grinding and hard bubble, the leader had to agree to his request.

In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

Gu Kelu, who followed the troops to Laoshan, was active and conscientious and diligent in the training before the battle. After hard training, I finally met the requirements for going to the battlefield. Because of his outstanding performance on the battlefield, the organization was very important, and in 1985, Gu Kelu became the youngest member of the Communist Party of China in the company.

One day in December 1985, the fog was thick and there was a white expanse everywhere. At this time, the customer road was lurking in the grass, and he had been holding a gun to the heights for two days and two nights.

"Up!" With the commander's waving arm, Gu Kelu immediately got up from the grass and galloped towards the high ground as fast as possible.

Unfortunately, the enemy forces on the high ground soon became aware of our presence. They bombed furiously, and bullets came at a sudden speed. In the process, Gu kelu was hit by shrapnel. But ignoring the pain, he shook his body and continued to run towards the heights. To his surprise, the cunning enemy fired a string of bullets, some of which happened to hit Guklu in the thigh. Gu Kelu, who had been running, fell down instantly.

In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

Gu Kelu, who fell down, did not give up. He crawled toward the enemy's cave. The enemy saw the creeping customer road, and inevitably injured themselves, and gave the customer road a string of bullets. Gu Kelu, with lightning speed, lay on the ground and made a death pretense to confuse the enemy army. Seeing that the enemy army had relaxed his vigilance against himself, Gu Kelu continued to crawl to the mouth of the cave, and when he was about to arrive, he threw a grenade with all his strength, and the enemy was immediately blown up in the sky.

Gu Kelu, who could have saved his life, did not return to our army, because he did not want to give up the opportunity to destroy the enemy. So Gu Kelu braced himself, crawled to the mouth of the cave, and used his little remaining strength to throw a bomb at the enemy.

In the end, the 17-year-old, crippled warrior, stained the battlefield red with his own blood and left us.

In the war against Vietnam, the 17-year-old Gu Kelu died heroically, and was posthumously honored with first-class merit

A first-class warrior, the soul lives on forever

After that battle, when the comrades found Gu Kelu's body, they were stunned by the scene in front of them: Gu Kelu's whole body was stained with blood, and the soil, ash and blood in his mouth were stuck together. The already breathless customer was still clutching his submachine gun with both hands, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the enemy's high ground.

In this way, Gu Kelu, who is only 17 years old, bids farewell to us forever in such a tragic way. But his sacrifice was heavier than Tarzan's. Later, the youngest martyr in the war against Vietnam was posthumously honored as a first-class meritorious soldier.

Living in an era of peace and love may not require us to throw our heads and spill our blood. But this heroic and tenacious spirit of Gu Kelu is still worth inheriting and carrying forward!

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