
Guangzhou 2 team will usher in great changes! 2 big local tycoons or Qi into the shares, 18 crown former owners prefer small investment

In 2021, the cold winter of the Chinese Super League is particularly cold, and many teams have the phenomenon of not being able to open the pot, and if they want to survive this cold winter, they can only continue to compress investment and complete the equity reform. The Football Association began to promote the clubs to carry out equity reform last year, guided by sustainable development, the establishment of a scientific equity structure, Shandong Taishan team took the lead in completing the big change, the implementation of the 433 equity ratio, the largest shareholder is Jinan Cultural Tourism, directly involved in the management of the club, Luneng Group and Shandong Electric Power retreated behind the scenes.

Guangzhou 2 team will usher in great changes! 2 big local tycoons or Qi into the shares, 18 crown former owners prefer small investment

This season in the Chinese Super League, many clubs also hope to complete the equity structure change in the case of financial troubles, but the operation is more difficult, because the league environment is at a low point, and the club team name has completed a neutral change. Recently, the Guangzhou 2 team, which is plagued by funds, has also begun to usher in major changes, and some local tycoons have intended to invest in Guangzhou football.

Guangzhou 2 team will usher in great changes! 2 big local tycoons or Qi into the shares, 18 crown former owners prefer small investment

According to the report from the well-known media "Beijing Youth Daily", guangzhou's two major local tycoon enterprises or qi into the Guangzhou team, respectively, GAC and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical, the media believes that GAC's intention team is Guangzhou team, hoping to become one of the shareholders of Guangzhou team; Guangzhou Pharmaceutical's intention team is Guangzhou City, hoping to become one of the shareholders of Guangzhou City.

Guangzhou team is already 18 champions, team history has won 18 championships in various competitions, including 2 AFC Champions League champions, 8 Chinese Super League champions, 2 FA Cup champions, 4 Super Cup champions, 2 Chinese League A champions, is the banner and ceiling of Chinese teams, the newly introduced shareholders will also be of better quality, because the value of shares is higher, and the investment will be more.

Guangzhou 2 team will usher in great changes! 2 big local tycoons or Qi into the shares, 18 crown former owners prefer small investment

GAC and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical are large enterprises, the financial strength is very strong, and have cooperated with the Guangzhou team, GAC has sponsored the Guangzhou team, is the sponsor of the Guangzhou team, directly into the Guangzhou team will not be surprising; Guangzhou Pharmaceutical injected capital into the Guangzhou team before Evergrande entered the ownership, is the former owner of the Guangzhou team, directly into the Guangzhou team will also be very reasonable, but their reasons for choosing Guangzhou City are also very sufficient, because Guangzhou Pharmaceutical prefers small investment, the Guangzhou team seems to have not met their investment scale.

Guangzhou 2 team will usher in great changes! 2 big local tycoons or Qi into the shares, 18 crown former owners prefer small investment

As we all know, the Guangzhou team during the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical period has not been a strong team in the Chinese Super League, most of the time in the middle and lower reaches of the Chinese Super League, there is no experience of top league champions, only won a Chinese First Division championship, and they are more pursuing to build a Guangzhou team with Guangzhou characteristics. From these historical operations, it can be seen that Guangzhou City is indeed more suitable for Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Investment, the funds invested in the shares will be much less, and the risk is naturally much smaller; the Guangzhou team has a lot of huge expenses, including youth training and team salary expenses, which are not small expenses. Not surprisingly, the big change in the equity structure of Guangzhou team and Guangzhou City will also be the matching model of 433, and the two teams will each usher in 2 new shareholders, which can ensure sustainable development in the future and do not rely on one company.

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