
This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

This person is the founding general, 6 sons 3 generals 2 vice-chair 1 vice minister, tiger father no dog son!

The ancients often said: "Rich is not more than three generations", that is because it is "secular" wealth, if it is spiritual wealth, it is passed down from generation to generation, we often hear the red second generation, however, most of these red second generation people do not inherit property, however, they inherit the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs.

In ancient times, countless families joined the army and made great contributions to the country. There are now families who have joined the military generation after generation to contribute to the country. And today, the person I want to talk about is the founding father. He had six sons in his lifetime. But his six sons were not simple: three became army generals, two became vice presidents of politics, and one was deputy minister of technology. If we had to use one word to describe their revolutionary family, we can only say that the tiger father has no dogs.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

This man was Xiao Jinguang, who was a founding general. Doesn't the name sound very familiar? Once you only know that he has made great achievements for new China, that alone is not enough. His contribution to China was not only his great and outstanding deeds in the war, but he also laid a certain foundation for the construction of the Chinese Navy.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

At the beginning of the founding of the New China Navy, the construction of the Chinese Navy was almost blank, which meant that we had little control over our own waters. Since the Beginning of the Qing Dynasty, although the Qing Dynasty vigorously built the Beiyang Navy, they did not cultivate an army to defend the country, but an army that stole state power and squeezed the masses of the people. During the Western Affairs Movement, the Chinese Navy was dealt a heavy blow by Japan in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, declaring a complete failure of the Qing Dynasty's technological construction. Until the time of the Republic of China, we did not even hear about the great power of the Chinese Navy. With the exception of the Zhongshan and other naval forces, these navies have largely not participated in any actual combat.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

After the founding of New China, the Navy became an imminent branch of the armed forces. So what kind of person should be The First Commander of China's Navy? This was one of the most difficult issues considered by the central government at that time, and they did not hesitate to choose General Xiao Jinguang. He studied in Russia and studied military knowledge in the Russian language system. He was also more involved in industrial and naval technology. At that time, there were only a few people in New China, such as Xiao Jinguang, who was the one who participated in the war and led the army, so he was the most suitable candidate.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

The position of former commander of the Chinese Navy was not used as an official. The position was used to build a new Chinese navy. The people who worked in this position almost influenced the future and development of China's naval construction. The new Chinese navy technology and equipment and related knowledge are poor, and there is a need for naval construction beyond Britain to catch up with the United States. Well, the task was quite daunting, but he succeeded in the end.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

His glorious deeds influenced his sons. His son, after him, also made a significant contribution to the country, and his eldest son Xiao Yongding also went to the Soviet Union to study, he studied industrial technology, and after returning to China, he became the deputy minister of light industry. The third son, Xiao Zhuoneng, became the vice chairman of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the fourth son, Xiao Ceneng, became the vice chairman of the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After the second son Xiao Boxin joined the army, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and the remaining five sons Xiao Xinhua and six sons Xiao Jilong were awarded the rank of major general.

This person is the founding general, 6 sons, 3 generals, 2 vice-chairmen, 1 vice minister, and the father of the tiger has no dogs

Indeed, the whole family devoted their youth to the revolutionary construction of the great motherland. We should learn from them and salute them!

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