
The establishment of the Oriental Writers Association and the first congress were held

author:Oriental Radio and Television

On the afternoon of December 25, the establishment of the Oriental Writers Association and the first member congress were held at the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee. The meeting summarized the work of oriental literary creation in recent years, and painted a more beautiful blueprint for literary creation for the construction of a central city in southwest Hainan.

The establishment of the Oriental Writers Association and the first congress were held

Mei Guoyun, chairman of the Hainan Writers Association and president of Tianya Magazine, and Wu Jianhui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

The meeting demanded that we should always adhere to the party's leadership over the literary cause, constantly strengthen the political consciousness of literary organizations, constantly strengthen their own construction, and strive to build a new type of literary worker contingent in the new era. It is necessary to strengthen conviction, inspire people with outstanding literary works, live up to the times, live up to the people, put people first, make every effort to serve, do a good job in the work of the association, carry forward the achievements already made, redouble our efforts, keep forging ahead, dedicate more and better outstanding works, cultivate more literary and artistic talents, and open up new horizons and write a new chapter for the development of oriental literature.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Literary Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association; read out the reply on the establishment of the Oriental Writers Association, deliberated and adopted the "Membership Charter of the Oriental Writers Association", and voted and elected the members of the first council and presidium of the Oriental Writers Association.

It is understood that the establishment of the Oriental Writers Association marks that the literary undertakings of Dongfang City will open a new page, providing a new platform for display, exchange, discussion and good development opportunities for the majority of writers, literary workers and enthusiasts in Dongfang City, and playing a positive role in promoting the development of the city's literary undertakings.

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