
In the new environment, where is the "old-fashioned" mooncake road? This seminar was held in Zhongshan

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Zhongshan Daily

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On the morning of September 20th, the 16th Mid-Autumn Festival Culture and Tsui XiangYuan "Time-honored" Inheritance and Development Seminar of Zhongshan City, sponsored by Zhongshan Food Society, was held in Tsui Xiang Yuan (Zhongshan) Health Food Co., Ltd. People from Zhongshan culture, enterprises and media circles contributed ideas and suggestions for the construction of "time-honored" brands in the new media environment.

Zhongshan gathers a number of Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake brand production enterprises such as Tsui Xiang Yuan, Emperor and Riwei, and is the main production agglomeration of Cantonese mooncakes. At the seminar, Zhang Yanjie, director, chief technology officer and chairman of Zhongshan Food Society of Tsui Xiangyuan Health Food (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd., introduced that this year's Zhongshan Mid-Autumn Mooncake presents these characteristics: the market is stable and the production and marketing growth is obvious; traditional varieties still dominate, lotus egg yolk, Wuren and bean paste are favored by consumers; the quality of mooncakes continues to improve; cultural products emerge in an endless stream; young people are enthusiastic about mooncakes; the market model is increasingly diversified; zhongshan continues to maintain the first place in the export of mooncakes in the country Nutritional and healthy mooncakes are gradually recognized and other characteristics.

In the new environment, where is the "old-fashioned" mooncake road? This seminar was held in Zhongshan

"As a long-established brand in Zhongshan, Tsui Xiang Yuan is expected to increase its mooncake sales by more than 5% this year." Zhang Yanjie introduced that after the relocation of Tsui Xiangyuan Company to the new factory located in torch district, it made full use of the modern production plant and increased innovation, and the company achieved rapid development. This year, the company is even more bright in terms of scientific and technological innovation, and has won the honors of national skill master studio, national skilled personnel training demonstration base, and the second prize of Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. In terms of high-end talent training, 6 postdoctoral students have left the station and 4 postdoctoral fellows have been stationed. The second phase of the Tsui Xiang Garden project has been successfully capped.

In the new environment, where is the "old-fashioned" mooncake road? This seminar was held in Zhongshan

On September 18, a message from the "Announcement on the Selection of an Administrator in the Bankruptcy liquidation Case of Zhongshan Tsui Xiangyuan Food Industry Group Company" circulated online, causing widespread concern. At the seminar, the relevant person in charge of the Liquidation Office of Xingzhong Group explained this. According to the person in charge, Tsui Xiang Garden is a cultural brand in Zhongshan, which has deep feelings for the citizens, and at present, the development of Tsui Xiang Garden is very good. The Zhongshan Tsui Xiang Yuan Food Industry Group Company and the current Tsui Xiang Yuan Company in the announcement have no relationship in law and equity, which can be ascertained by information and legal documents. The "Zhongshan Tsui Xiangyuan Food Industry Group Company" mentioned in the announcement belongs to the type of enterprise owned by the whole people, and the group company was revoked its business license by the Zhongshan Administration for Industry and Commerce on November 6, 2008; the current Zhongshan Tsui Xiang Yuan Food Co., Ltd. and Tsui Xiang Yuan Health Food (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd. have no relationship with Zhongshan Tsui Xiang Yuan Food Industry Group Company as early as 1999, this time is a normal work process based on policy reasons.

Zhongshan Tsui Xiangyuan was founded in 1918, since 2003 moved into the Torch District after the rapid development, has become a professional production of Zhongshan authentic specialty almond cake, Cantonese mooncake and other traditional characteristics of the food time-honored brand, is a collection of development and production, processing and sales, chain monopoly, sightseeing tourism, science education in one of the modern food manufacturing enterprises. "Through this incident, I felt the care and concern of the people of Zhongshan for the Tsui Xiang Garden from another side, which also made it more determined that we should do a good job in the Tsui Xiang Garden, and create valuable specialties for the people of Zhongshan, the enjoyment on the tip of the tongue of the Zhongshan people, and the memory on the tip of the tongue." Zhang Yanjie said.

◆ Zhongshan Daily Editorial And Distribution Center

◆ Text +, Figure +2 / Reporter Tan Huajian

◆ Editor: Wang Jia

◆ Second instance: Zhu Hui

◆ Third trial: Su Xiaohong

◆ Material source: Zhongshan Daily

This article is from [Zhongshan Daily] and only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.
