
Ferran Torres: I brought the all-rounder attribute and wanted to help the team with goals and assists

Ferran Torres: I brought the all-rounder attribute and wanted to help the team with goals and assists

After joining Barca for 55 million euros, Ferran Torres was interviewed by Barça TV, where he talked about his reasons for joining Barca, his goals and other topics.

About your goals

Whether as a player or as a regular person, I hope to continue to grow. I want to help Barca get back to where they should be, and Barca are among the best clubs in the world. I am very much looking forward to coming here.

About what it means to join Barca

In order to make more progress for myself, joining Barca was an important step in my career. And, here's a very desirable head coach. I'm excited about this club and I'm looking forward to being a part of the team.

About Harvey

Harvey has had an incredible career as a coach and is now just starting out as a manager. But he's a really good head coach who can help me grow and improve and I look forward to working with him.

About what you can bring

I can bring the all-rounder attribute because I can play 3 different positions on the front line. This can be very important in situations where the team has more injuries. I'm looking forward to helping the team with goals and assists and, of course, defensively.

(Two monsters)

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