
Sunda Biologics: In recent years, the company's main source of revenue is the production and sales of the main products biotin, folic acid, streptococcin lactate, natamycin


Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center on May 7, some investors asked 603079, the company's performance in the capital market is too disappointing for investors, there is no new business development in the business, keeping low-cost biotin raw materials, why not consider changing it?

The company replied, hello, thank you for your interest in the company! The fluctuation of stock prices in the secondary market is affected by macroeconomics, industry policies, market conditions and other factors. In recent years, the main source of the company's revenue is the production and sales of the main products biotin, folic acid, streptococcin lactate, natamycin, and the price fluctuations of the main products have a relatively large impact on the company's performance. In the future, the company will continue to focus on the field of food quality and feed addition based on vitamin series and biological preservatives, vertically strengthen the extension of the industrial chain, continuously expand the application field of products in the field of food addition, continue to carry out the application field expansion declaration work; carry out the registration of vitamin products at home and abroad, extend to the field of high value-added products; through the creation of industrial ecological green cycle mode, through proprietary technology, the traditional solid waste and waste liquid in biological fermentation will be fermented and extracted again, and the by-product reuse will be reused to achieve new profits. Horizontal enrichment of product structure, from biological preservation to food emulsifier products, antioxidant products new track extension, in the larger food quality assurance market to build products and services; in the field of vitamins to promote the marketization of B2, D3 products, the company will strengthen customer stickiness through rich products, to achieve market position and performance sustained growth. Thank you!

This article originated from the Flush Financial Research Center

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