
Dad participates in prenatal education, the baby will be smarter, is your father involved in prenatal education?

Wen/Ting Mom

Hello, everyone. I'm Tingma.

When I saw a sentence today, I just smiled at the time, and then I thought about it, it made a lot of sense, so I can't wait to share it with you.

This sentence is: "Dad's prenatal education is done well, and the child is smarter." "It means that parent-child education, especially prenatal education, fathers should also participate, which is of great significance to the growth of children."

Dad participates in prenatal education, the baby will be smarter, is your father involved in prenatal education?

Prenatal education mainly refers to the scientific method of expectant mothers to provide a good internal and external growth environment for the fetus by regulating their own physical and mental health for the healthy development of the fetus, and appropriately stimulating the fetus that grows to a certain period of time, thereby promoting the healthy development of the fetus and improving the quality of the fetus.

Dad participates in prenatal education, what to do?

We all know that after we are pregnant with a child, there will be great changes in physiology, psychology, physical strength and posture, which may lead to our depression and uneasiness during pregnancy, and the emotions of pregnant women will have a great impact on fetal development.

Some experts have pointed out that the birth of smart and healthy babies depends largely on the father. Therefore, dad's participation in prenatal education and being a responsible father is of great significance for raising a healthy and intelligent baby.

Dad in the prenatal education, can do the following aspects:

1. Be a good "Logistics Minister"

Dad participates in prenatal education, the baby will be smarter, is your father involved in prenatal education?

More than half of the material basis for the formation of the baby's intelligence is formed during the embryonic stage.

After the mother becomes pregnant, it will be very tiring for one person to bear the nutrition and life of two people. If you have a poor appetite, or have a serious morning sickness reaction, it may cause the mother to be nutritionally insufficient, not only making the mother physically weak, but also seriously affecting the baby's intellectual development.

Therefore, dads should do their best to be the "logistics minister" of moms and babies.

When Ting's mother was pregnant with Tingting, she had been working, although she was in the office, she felt very relaxed, but as her pregnant belly got bigger and bigger, she would feel more and more tired. Ting's father picked up and dropped off Ting's mother during the day and evening, and took the initiative to undertake housework, and also changed the method to make some dishes for Ting's mother to eat, which is also considered to have fulfilled the responsibility of a father-to-be.

2, do a good job of "emotion collector"

Mothers in pregnancy, because of the body's hormone secretion changes, many mothers in the first trimester will have a very serious pregnancy reaction, can not eat, mood bored, etc., especially need to talk.

Dad participates in prenatal education, the baby will be smarter, is your father involved in prenatal education?

At this time, the father should listen more, and can comfort and enlighten the mother with funny language and humorous jokes, so that the mother's emotions remain stable and conducive to the growth of the baby.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, moms are prone to depression. Ting's mother was also at that time, sometimes it was inexplicably annoying, and she didn't know why. So, it is especially important if there is one person enlightened.

3. Be a mother's "prenatal education assistant"

Dad's thoughtfulness and concern for mom, dad's touch and "conversation" of the fetus, are all vivid and effective emotional prenatal education.

When Ting's mother was in her third trimester, she would go to the hospital pregnant women's school every week, and Ting's father would also go with her. When we come back, we will practice the exercises taught by the teacher together. Ting's father also bought headphones and played music to Tingting regularly every day. Now Tingting's sense of music is good, which may be the result of prenatal education at that time.

Dad participates in prenatal education, the baby will be smarter, is your father involved in prenatal education?

In short, dad should pay more attention to the nutritional problems and emotional problems of mom during pregnancy. In addition, there is time to accompany the mother to exercise appropriately, such as going to the park, woods or fields in the morning to walk, do morning exercises, and bask in the sun during the day. In this way, the mother will also feel the warm consideration of the father, and the mood is comfortable and comfortable. And these are the embodiment of Dad's participation in prenatal education.

When you were pregnant, did your father participate in prenatal education?

I am @ Ting Ma Alan, a 10-year-old female bao mom, a national certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to pay attention to me, and accompany the growth of children together.

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