
Christopher_Horoscope 2022

The only time in 2022 without planetary retrograde is from February 3 to May 9. This is your window of opportunity and you don't want to miss it. Whether the plan is semi-finished or immature, it must be put into action. You can always work on what's going on. This is the beauty of Jupiter from the last sign of the zodiac to the first sign. You have a wealth of knowledge and imagination as well as Aries' aggressiveness and drive. This is when you can do things you never thought you could, because people will be impressed by your bold vision. Even if you find that you may have gone too far — like when Jupiter reversed direction at the end of July — they'll be very happy to support you and support you through the rest of the way. Think of 2022 as a trust-from-exercise, an exercise of trust based on confidence in your own change.


From May 25th to July 5th, Mars and Jupiter are in your sign, and this period of time is a breakthrough time of the year for you. This is the perfect time to pitch, bid or launch a business. Mars is always fast — it's famous — but Mars doesn't last. However, Jupiter's dominance will give you lasting strength. That said, you have to be careful when Mars is retrograde in October. You will have at least two opponents to be wary of.


The eclipses of April 30 and December 4 herald a huge change. In fact, the path you embarked on in early spring is completely different from the path you found yourself on at the end of the year. Luckily, Uranus has been in your sign since 2018, which makes you resourceful and adaptable, so you can handle anything thrown at you. The question will echo in your head: Is this the life you really want? Interestingly, what is out of reach changes after a closer look.


Jupiter hovers at the top of your astrolabe until 2022, when you become more individualistic. It's the time you're fighting for, and you don't even remember that you're in the best position to reap all the benefits. If this is your "first" success, then be sure to thank everyone who has helped you. If this is your regression, be careful not to repeat past mistakes. The greatest resource in your life has always been your human resource. Treat them right, and when Mars is retrograde in Gemini in October, you have nothing to worry about.


Jupiter was in Pisces until May 10th, like a strong wind. You'll want to unfurle your sails so you can catch it. You will make extraordinary progress. No one knows how far you can go during this extraordinary time, which is why you need to be big-minded and less worried. For a period of time from the end of May to October, you can absorb everything that happens and find your way. Don't worry about the loss of momentum, as Jupiter's energy will recover again in November.


Career and family responsibilities are rarely so inconsistent. It feels like you have to choose one of them. At such times, it's best to remember that your dominant star is the sun. The planets revolve around you, not the other way around. In other words, being confident in yourself will cause the boss to rethink his strategy and get the spouse to make some concessions. At the beginning of the year, you may feel like you can't have everything, but when you're done, you'll find that you can have everything – and even more!


Be available throughout May. You might ask: Is there anything new? You're always helping, but there's more to do than show others how to add sound to your TikTok. In fact, it seems that loved ones and friends make the worst decision of their lives at the same time. When Neptune is in Pisces, there is always a delusional quality, but the increased presence of Jupiter exacerbates the problem. Luckily, the summer weather is clear and you can focus on your priorities. Hurry up, because when Jupiter retrogrades back to Pisces in late October, you'll go back and convince people to come down from the cliffs.


2022 didn't start well. This happens in the case of Venus retrograde. In addition, it shows in Capricorn that you are struggling to solve private problems throughout The Month of March. You are questioning the impartiality of your obligations and may find that you are unwilling to take on this responsibility stoically. Don't expect others to sympathize with you and change your mind. Others have benefited from your personal sacrifice, so they're not in a hurry to see you declare your independence. Jupiter in Aries from May to October shows you're stressed back into your corner, but don't. It is not selfish to restart a life that has been shelved for so long.


When Saturn and Uranus lift the quintile, it feels good to feel less stressed. You accept in many cruel twists and turns, and although these force you to force yourself, it is not always worth your anger. Thankfully, this year looks kinder. Jupiter in May is in Pisces, and in the fall you have made great progress in both career and love. You haven't gotten used to these things yet, but by the end of 2022, you'll find that you can get used to them completely.


It's your year. Not only will the guardian planet Jupiter spend most of 2022 in Pisces — Pisces is jupiter's guardian sign like you — but its excursions in Aries will also be accidental, as both Aries and Sagittarius are fire signs. You can expect to make more progress now than you have in the last few years. But you have to push hard. Sagittarius people have a strange habit of becoming timid when asking big questions, but make sure you get yourself over it. Not only will you find an audience that is willing to accept and support you, but people will even ask why did you spend so long?


While Pluto won't technically leave Capricorn until 2023, this is its final phase, which means you'll experience its transformative energy in 2022. Pluto moves slowly. A planet of tribulations and the resulting transformations, Pluto insists that you must first go through hell before you can evolve. Long decline (2009-2012) and long rise (2018-present). This year is a year of harvest. You may be surprised by recognition, praise, and opportunities, but enjoy. It took you thirteen years to get to this point, and you deserve it.


After months of training, Saturn is ready to go from being a harsh overseer to a benevolent mentor. Saturn's first year in a constellation is always the toughest because it has to identify and tear apart everything that has lost its utility in order to clear dead wood. Only then can Saturn start the real building. You may be less now than you were when 2021 began, but that will change as 2022 approaches. You'll be amazed at how quickly those wayward pieces of your life fit together to form a fuller, more authentic you.


Just because Jupiter is in your sign doesn't mean you can sit down and let the planet in charge of good luck and higher goals do all the work. That would be a huge waste. What you want to do is have a creative collaboration with your guardian star, and the first step is to keep track of any opportunities, invitations, or offers you encounter. Now it seems like this is just a drop in the ocean, but it is certain that by May, the bucket will be full. Weigh your options with this summer, and you'll know what to do when Jupiter re-enters Pisces in November.

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