
In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

During the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang divided Sichuan among his descendants and gave him the title of King of Shu Domain, which lasted for 14 generations. Therefore, there are more than ten tombs of the King of Shu in the sichuan region today, the most well-preserved of which is the tomb of the fourth generation of the King of Shu, that is, the King of Shu, Zhu Youxi. Archaeologists excavated the tomb of the Shu King, not only unearthed national first-class cultural relics, but also found a pile of railings, and said that these rotten wooden planks are important treasures. What exactly is a rotten plank? If you are also curious to know, let the editor reveal it to you.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

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In June 1979, on the north bank of Qinglong Lake in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the construction team was preparing to build a school, and after more than half a month of hard work, they dug the foundation, but before they could start construction, they encountered a heavy rainstorm, and this time it was more than a week, and the water level of Qinglong Lake also rose sharply, almost drowning the original dug foundation. However, something strange happened, even the heavy rains and the rise in the water level of Qinglong Lake did not flood the foundation, and there was not much water in the foundation. The workers were also very puzzled, and as a result, this strange incident quickly reached the ears of the local cultural relics department experts. After the rain stopped, archaeologists also went to check it out with curiosity, and after preliminary research and investigation, and according to the historical records, speculated that there was an ancient tomb under the site, and there may be a Tomb of the Shu King in the Ming Dynasty.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

Sure enough, archaeologists continued to dig down more than 2 meters along the original foundation, and found a neatly arranged stone slab, and the water also flowed into the ground along the seam of the stone slab. In this way, experts discovered a dungeon and found the entrance to the dungeon in subsequent deep excavations. Experts entered the underground palace along the entrance and found that a large amount of water had not passed the knee, the entire underground palace was about 28 meters long and about 9 meters wide, and the overall layout and design were luxurious and exquisite, showing the royal emperor's style.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

After research, archaeologists determined that the owner of the tomb, Zhu Youxi, the fourth generation of Shu king, died of wind disease in the History of Ming, at the age of twenty-six. In further excavations, experts also cleared out more than 500 cultural relics, but most of them are pottery figurines, such as official figurines, terracotta warriors and dancing figurines, etc., because experts found robbery caves in the underground palace, according to historical records, it is speculated that Zhang Xianzhong, a rebel army at the end of the Ming Dynasty, so many gold and jade objects have also been stolen, leaving only an empty underground palace. It is worth mentioning that archaeologists also found a panlong stone wall in the underground palace.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

The outer and inner walls of this panlong stone are about 1.6 meters long and about 1.8 meters high, with a disc in the center and a diameter of about 1.56 meters. Usually, the panlong wall is a symmetrical structure left and right, but this panlong wall is symmetrical up and down, so it looks quite strange. Experts carefully observed, surprised to find that the dragon head on the Panlong Stone Wall actually resembled Zhu Yuanzhang's portrait, which had never appeared on the dragon wall found in the past, so experts speculated that this dragon wall was carved according to Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance, indicating that Zhu Yuanzhang was the embodiment of a real dragon and could protect future generations in the mausoleum. In addition, this also confirms a historical fact, that is, whether Zhu Yuanzhang is ugly or handsome.

The ground building of the tomb of the early Shu King has been destroyed, but later experts have restored it according to the ancient book, so now we visit the tomb of the King of Shu and can see a lot of buildings. However, the most essential part of the tomb of the King of Shu is the underground palace, and the experts have basically restored their original appearance after cleaning and repairing, but there are still some things that have not been fully restored. Some tourists said that there were still some rotten wood piled up in the underground palace, so people wondered what these woods were, and later explained by experts to understand.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

Experts say these planks are a rare treasure because they are the rafters on the outside of the Sarcophagus of the King of Shu. During the Ming Dynasty, the regulation for the burial of the king of the clan was also a double coffin, that is, the inner coffin and the outer coffin, as mentioned above, the tomb of the King of Shu was excavated by Zhang Xianzhong, and these broken rafters are the best evidence, because the knife marks on the top are still clearly visible. At that time, the experts found these rafters were also very distressed, how gorgeous they were, but now they have become tattered, although the experts spent years of research, but also tried to repair these rafters, but unfortunately has not been successful, because these rafters are seriously damaged, plus long-term blisters, the paint and paintings on them have long disappeared, so it is no different from rotten wood, so now it can only be piled in place, tourists with rich imagination, in the mind to reproduce its former beauty.

In the tomb of the Shu King, there is not only a national treasure dragon wall, but also a pile of broken wooden planks that cannot be lacked

In fact, these tattered lintels have another function, that is, they can warn people to protect cultural relics, otherwise they will bring great regrets, so these tattered slabs are a lesson for the past. Any cultural relics are a precious legacy left by the ancestors, they do not belong to anyone, but to the culture shared by all mankind, and should be properly protected.


"Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of the King of Shu" by Feng Hanji Publishing House: Cultural Relics Publishing House

Wenlan Hairun Studio Editor-in-Chief Wen Xiucai, this article is written by: Special History Writer: Liu Lijiang's

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