
1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

In yesterday's Christmas war, the Lakers lost 115-122 to the Nets, suffered a five-game losing streak, in this game, Lakers star Russell Westbrook almost played the worst performance of the season, although he bombed a triple-double of 13 points, 12 rebounds and 11 assists, but the data of 4 of 20 shots in the whole game, plus-minus -23 can really only be described as bad.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

It is worth mentioning that, according to statistics, in this game, Westbrook shot 4 of 15 in the three-second zone, losing 11 times to tie the league's record for the most defenders in the past 10 seasons. Such a performance not only made Wei Shao rush to the Us hot search in the past two days, but also was wildly sprayed by his own fans, a Lakers blogger who came to the scene of the game tweeted for a trade with Wei Shao, he wrote: "If you think the Lakers should trade Westbrook, please forward." The blogger wrote. So far, the tweet has received more than 1,000 retweets.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

It can be seen from here that even many Lakers fans have begun to feel intolerable about Wei Shao's performance, in fact, now Wei Shao is not only unable to shoot under the basket, but also has no feel outside the three-point line, during the Lakers' 5 consecutive losses, Wei Shao's three-pointers totaled 10 shots, typical inside and outside are not OK, and it seems normal to be scolded. But in such a situation, James, who has recently worked hard for the Lakers and has to play the fifth position, has always supported Wei Shao.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

In yesterday's interview, speaking about the performance of teammate Russell Westbrook, James said: "I think he went through a night of poor shooting. He's conceded too many shots under the basket, and those are the balls he's so handy during his career and this season. I'm not too worried about that. I think he had good decision-making tonight, delivering 11 assists. He had 12 rebounds, five of which were offensive rebounds. We know we're not a team with good offensive rebounding. He brought us extra rounds and he just lost a lot of good chances under the basket. I know he can't stand that either. As for the level of effort, if a teammate tries hard to play and fight the field, I have no problem with that. This is a league that is invested in or lost. ”

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

You will find that no matter how bad Westbrook's performance is this season, James has never publicly criticized Westbrook, and it is not uncommon to know that in the NBA, it is not uncommon for team bosses to openly anger teammates for not being strong, including Kobe And Jordan, who have criticized teammates on the court or off the court, and they see this criticism as a kind of encouragement to teammates, but James rarely does this, he always seems to be very patient, or less willing to treat his teammates in this way.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

In fact, James's attitude is not surprising, this is what he has been doing, to know that in the first game of the 2018 Finals, JR Smith made such a fatal mistake at the end, replaced by other team bosses estimated that they were directly angry at the beginning, but James, although very angry, still did not lose control on the spot, and did not say that JR was not after the game, and even said that at any time, JR was his championship shooter.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

From this level, James does belong to a more alternative leader, and perhaps this is where many players are willing to be convinced of him, have a leader who will support themselves at any time, most players are willing to work harder to repay each other, after yesterday's game, Wei Shao did not attend the press conference, and today also blocked the blogger who called for a trade, which shows that Wei Shao is still willing to stay in the Lakers and continue to play with James, and now can only be expected that Wei Shao can be ashamed and brave, and complete the transformation in the next step.

1 of 5 three-pointers 10! Wei Shao is so iron Zhan Emperor can still endure? Look at how he understood JR

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