
How does the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro build the new flagship of the Snapdragon 8? Set five major technological breakthroughs

December 27 news, Xiaomi will release the Xiaomi Mi 12 series tomorrow night. According to the official Weibo content of Xiaomi mobile phone, Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will bring five major technological breakthroughs to create a more excellent product force.

How does the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro build the new flagship of the Snapdragon 8? Set five major technological breakthroughs

They are performance, display, charging, sound quality, and image breakthroughs.

The first is performance, Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will use a new generation of Snapdragon 8 5G mobile platform, bringing stronger performance. At the same time, Xiaomi Mi 12 will also go further in terms of performance scheduling to create a better user experience.

In terms of display, the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will use the second generation of low-power 2K screens and support dynamic refresh rate technology. According to the breaking news content, it should use E5 panels and second-generation LTPO materials, which effectively improve battery life while high resolution and high brushing.

How does the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro build the new flagship of the Snapdragon 8? Set five major technological breakthroughs

In terms of imaging, the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will debut the Sony IM707 sensor, which supports the focus of everything and is equipped with a new technical architecture of xiaomi imaging brain.

Coupled with the 120W second charge under the support of the Xiaomi Surging P1 chip, and the four-unit speaker tuned by Harman Karton, the charging and sound quality of the Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro will also have further breakthroughs.

Collecting the above content, Xiaomi 12 Pro, as Xiaomi's annual flagship product, should have a lot of improvement in chip, material and function, which is worth looking forward to.

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