
Cast a new brilliance 丨 Li Yuansheng: Every writer should devote himself to creation and let the work speak

On December 14, the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association opened in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech.

"Over the past hundred years, the party has led the literary and artistic front to continuously explore and practice, and has embarked on a path of literary and artistic development guided by Marxism, in line with China's national conditions and cultural traditions, and exalting the people's nature, which has pointed out the way forward for the prosperity and development of China's literature and art. Practice has fully proved that the cause of literature and art is an important cause of the party and the people, the literary and artistic front is an important front of the party and the people, and the vast number of literary and art workers are worthy of the expectations and demands of the party and the people. Representatives of literary and art workers from Chongqing sat in the Great Hall of the People and listened to the general secretary's important speech.

Recently, Upstream News interviewed six delegates from Chongqing. The general secretary's speech deeply touched their hearts, they recalled the achievements made by Chongqing's literary and art circles in the past five years, and when they returned to Chongqing, they hoped that in the future, they would be able to convey Chongqing's stories and the voice of literature and art more widely, establish a new image of literature and art in the new era, and strive to write a new chapter in the literature and art of Chongqing with Chinese characteristics. As the general secretary emphasized, "show the new atmosphere of Chinese literature and art, and create a new glory of Chinese culture."

Cast a new brilliance 丨 Li Yuansheng: Every writer should devote himself to creation and let the work speak

Li Yuansheng spoke at the group discussion of the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association

"After arriving in Beijing this time, I also wrote 3 poems..." As one of the delegates of Chongqing writers to the 11th National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of the China Writers Association, Li Yuansheng, vice chairman of the Chongqing Writers Association and a famous poet, has always been excited.

Create works with heart and effort

"To measure the literary and artistic achievements of an era, we must ultimately look at the works, and to measure the value of the lives of writers and artists, we must also look at the works." In the general secretary's important speech, Li Yuansheng was particularly impressed by this sentence. "Every writer should let the work speak and devote himself to the creation." Li Yuansheng said that this also confirms that his creative planning in the past ten years is reasonable.

Works, especially those created with his own heart and effort, Li Yuansheng has always had a lot of say. He told reporters that in his current creation, the same importance as poetry is ecological literature based on his own natural investigation, which has just completed the first stage. "The 'Beauty of Insects' and 'Notes on Naturalist Expeditions' series are basically complete. Next, the prose on the theme of nature I am thinking about, there may be a relatively large adjustment. ”

According to Li Yuansheng's current thinking, his next step will be to concentrate more on finding the intersection of the human spirit and natural inspiration, and find his new creative coordinates from it. In his view, the general secretary's repeated emphasis on "works" in his important speeches is actually a reminder to every writer that "we should spend more time accumulating ideological and emotional materials, rather than spending time on social activities." ”

Speaking of this, Li Yuansheng especially mentioned that the 3 poems he wrote at the beijing conference are still based on the theme of nature. Of course, this is also closely related to his continuous walking and exploration of nature over the past ten years.

Turning over Li Yuansheng's natural investigation book series of butterflies, photographing insects and fans of plants launched in the past few years, it is easy to find that he has left footprints from the Simian Mountains, Golden Buddha Mountain And Daba Mountain Range, which are familiar to Chongqing citizens, to Sansha City, the southernmost city in China, to the tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, Lingnan in Guangdong and other areas.

"Sometimes I go to PEN clubs and poetry clubs, and if there are mountains or protected areas around, I will go in alone as soon as the meetings and activities are over." It is better to have a national forest park. "Li Yuansheng told reporters that he usually stays in it for two or three days." I have lived in local farmers' homes and at patrol stations for the staff of the reserve. Like in Xishuangbanna, there were not many patrol stations in the reserve, and finally I was given a wire bed in the tool room, and I slept as well. ”

Li Yuansheng said that he has been making natural science books for nearly 20 years based on his own investigation. He has always hoped that this series of works that can be said to be his own feet will not only have the role of a tool book for young people to understand nature and species, but also have considerable appeal in cultivating interests, emotions and feelings. Next, he will continue to "walk" in this regard, while making good use of his own advantages and continuing to exert his strengths.

Enhance literary service capabilities

At the second plenary session of the Tenth National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association held on the morning of December 15, Zhang Hongsen, secretary of the party leading group and vice chairman of the China Writers Association, also made a report on behalf of the Ninth Plenary Committee that the Writers Association should continue to "expand the space for the work of the Writers Association and the literary cause, and enhance the ability of literature to serve the people and society." Li Yuansheng has also had some thoughts in this regard.

"This 'service' should not only serve everyone within the scope of the work of the Writers' Association, but we should also inspire more and better all sectors of society to serve literary creation." He said that after returning to Chongqing, he will continue to do a good job in the literary parlor of a few gardens, so that more good writers will bring literary "open classes" and creative talks to ordinary citizens and reading enthusiasts, "I will continue to explore and support more post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and even post-00s writers." ”

Upstream journalist Qiu Jinyi

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