
Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

In the minds of the vast majority of people, a cold is just an ordinary small disease, if the symptoms are not serious, you can heal yourself without taking medicine.

If the fever does not go away for a long time after the cold, and it is accompanied by cough, runny nose and other symptoms, it should arouse everyone's high vigilance, because this may not be as simple as the common cold, and if you do not grasp the treatment, it may be fatal.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

Why does the common cold kill?

As a very common disease, influenza is hot and cold when the season changes, which can easily lead to cold symptoms in the body. In general, the symptoms of a cold are mainly fever, cough, and accompanied by symptoms such as upper respiratory tract infections.

According to the rehabilitation law of this disease, under normal circumstances, the symptoms of the cold will slowly subside in about a week, and even after the severe cold is treated with drugs or infusions, it will be cured in a period of time.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

But if the cold has not improved since then, and the fever continues to recede, then it should be paid great attention to, because it may have a lot to do with other diseases.

The more common ones are infective endocarditis, heart failure, and bacteremia. These diseases not only pose a great threat to health, but even threaten life if not treated in time.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

Is infective endocarditis harmful?

Fever is a physiological response of the body's immune system to resist bacteria and viruses, and the main symptom after a cold is generally fever, but after treatment, the fever can be slowly reduced. If not only the symptoms of cough, runny nose, and dizziness are not alleviated after a cold, but the symptoms of fever persist, this time may have a lot to do with bacterial infection.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

It is clinically believed that infectious endocarditis is mainly due to infection with bacteria, and persistent fever occurs. For example, enterococcus, streptococci, staphylococcus in the oral and upper respiratory tract, and anaerobic gram-positive bacilli. If you do not seize the time to remove these bacteria from the body through drugs, it is easy to cause the body to have a toxic reaction.

Infective endocarditis is an acute condition caused by bacteria, after the onset of the disease patients have cough, repeated fever and other symptoms, if not treated in time, and even induce heart failure. So don't take the persistent fever during a cold as a trivial matter, otherwise once you hurt your heart, it may lead to death.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

How can I prevent infectious endocarditis after a cold?

The main manifestation of patients with infective endocarditis is persistent fever, and infectious bacteria should be eliminated with antibiotics first, so as to prevent infection.

For patients who cannot control fever or heart failure, they should also be treated by surgery in time, and they should pay more attention to personal hygiene in order to stay away from and prevent bacteria from sticking to the skin or invading the blood.

There is also a cold after do not go wrong, not to mention that only small diseases do not go to treatment, many diseases are from mild to serious, if you can correctly treat the cold after the continuous fever, and through drugs or infusions to actively treat, then there will be no serious consequences of heart failure.

Thought it was a common cold, but almost died? To recognize infective endocarditis

The above describes the harm of a cold with persistent fever, whether it is a common cold or a viral cold, it should be taken seriously by patients, rather than thinking that as long as it is strong, it will be good.

As everyone knows, most colds and fevers are not small problems, and if you can face the seriousness of colds and fevers, you will not lead to more serious harm.

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